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Yesterday, 08:36 PM
Biology- Same as Centaurans.
Description- The Alderaanians reside on a world 268 lys from Earth near Cardassian space. They have...
205 replies | 203800 view(s)
Yesterday, 08:31 PM
STR- 60+3d10
END- 60+3d10
INT- 45+3d10
DEX- 15+3d10
CHR- 15+3d10
LUC- 1d100
PSI- 1d10
205 replies | 203800 view(s)
Yesterday, 08:25 PM
STR- 55+3d10
END- 50+3d10
INT- 40+3d10
DEX- 50+3d10
CHR- 40+3d10
LUC- 1d100-10
PSI- 1d100-25
205 replies | 203800 view(s)
Yesterday, 08:16 PM
STR- 50+3d10
END- 60+3d10
INT- 40+5d10
DEX- 40+5d10
CHR- 40+2d10
LUC- 1d100-25
PSI- 1d100-5
205 replies | 203800 view(s)