ICON Character Generation Support.
As prompted by this thread;
I am opening up a thread to house any Packages that support the established ICON Character Generation packages. So feel free to post anything here;
To make it easier, best to ensure that all these packages are clearly labelled;
Early Life (5DP Packages)
Character (Career) Overlays (36 DP for Civilian and 54DP for Starfleet/Military*)
Advanced Training (9DP for Civilians)
Academy Training (8DP for Military types)
Professional Packages (10DP for Civilians)
Tours of Duty (10 and 5 DP varients)
Specialist Training Packages (ie; As seen in the TNG Players Guide, as an alternate to Tours. DP varies)
*At least I think its a ratio of 36 and 54, its been a while since I built one... Correct me if I am wrong.
Re: ICON Character Generation Support.
Originally posted by Dan Gurden
*At least I think its a ratio of 36 and 54, its been a while since I built one... Correct me if I am wrong.
Your correct, however you forgot the 'enlisted' overlay cost of 36 also.
Have a nice day,
The few, the proud, the hold out LUGgers!!!! :) :) :) :eek: