OK. Point taken.Quote:
Originally Posted by Phoenix
But should / could we call it any other word than 'defend'?
I mean, it's nothing to be eshamed of if you can't or simply don't post all that often is it? Like someone said a lot of good questions are already answered within this data base, so just browsing through it and posting on occasion would be fine by me. Better this than starting a rush and producing a lot more traffic and a lot less valid threads along the way. I like this board the way it is very much.
I have been to a board of my favorite soccer team and there people aren't that friendly with one another although they are part of the same club!!! In every second thread someone shouts at the threadopener and demands a closure of the topic by a moderator a thing that I highly dislike and which I have seldom to ever noticed among us. I'd love to keep things that way.
Oh and I give in to Sarge's point though, that it isn't good to register a nickname that a contributing member would like to put to more use than the actual holder does. On the one hand we all know that those things are bound to happen.
But on the other doesn't 'Old Sarge' have a nice ring to it as well :p