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  1. Well, I for one don't think the thread should be...

    Well, I for one don't think the thread should be closed just because there has been some "misunderstandings" going on. I mean if you wanted some kind of intellectual debate I would think that closing...
  2. Well I for one think this entire argument is...

    Well I for one think this entire argument is completely worthless. If you hate Enterprise and think it's not very much like the Star Trek you like, for one you're right and secondly you are entitled...
  3. Replies

    If you think about it, Bert is the perfect spy....

    If you think about it, Bert is the perfect spy. No one would ever expect a puppet to be capable of gathering sophisticated intelligence on America's lax policies towards air travel safety. I mean...
  4. Replies

    Yeah, that might work to have two characters but...

    Yeah, that might work to have two characters but the only problem is my group would be a bit jaded to it. See before we played Star Trek, we played Rifts and two of the players (neither of them me)...
  5. Replies

    Yeah, I had completely forgotten about the clone...

    Yeah, I had completely forgotten about the clone of Khaliss (sp?). Did a specific house create the clone or was it the work of an outside orginization? I can't remember.

    See the way I was looking...
  6. Replies

    Klingon idea

    I've been bouncing around an idea for a Klingon character that I don't know if I'll ever play, but here goes. The idea was to use a house like the house ja'rod that has been very powerful yet...
  7. Ok well, that's all the information that I...

    Ok well, that's all the information that I needed. Like I said, I had never even heard of the con before so I will see if anyone is interested in making a trip of it and will go down there if they...
  8. I live in Knoxville, TN and might be interested...

    I live in Knoxville, TN and might be interested in coming over and playing but I know nothing about the Con (such as registration fees, location, etc.). What all do you know about the con? Do they...
  9. Replies

    Poll: I gotta agree on "Night" and "Tuvix", both are...

    I gotta agree on "Night" and "Tuvix", both are excellent episodes of the show that I really cherish as just great Trek episodes and not just "Good, for a Voyager episode". Now I know someone will...
  10. Replies

    Poll: Oh dear, it seems that none of the ones listed...

    Oh dear, it seems that none of the ones listed were my favorites either.. But then again nobody else has mentioned them either..

    My personal favorite episodes of the show (which is a hard thing to...
  11. Replies

    Yeah I can see it now.. The collective running in...

    Yeah I can see it now.. The collective running in terror from a newly re-trained federation security task force armed to the teeth with super soakers!

    I'm just having difficulty with this concept,...
  12. Actually, from some website I saw it said that if...

    Actually, from some website I saw it said that if one gram of matter traveling at a speed of .25c hit a starship traveling at a speed of 0, it would inflict roughly three terajoules of kinetic energy...
  13. Replies

    Well, I watched the premiere on a very new UPN...

    Well, I watched the premiere on a very new UPN affiliate (so new that they weren't even sure if the station would be up by then but they made it just in time and it was very buggy) and I enjoyed it....
  14. Voyager crew changing a light bulb: (A CG pan...

    Voyager crew changing a light bulb:
    (A CG pan shot of Voyager flying through empty space. The shot is then transitioned (after a brief Captain's Log by Janeway regarding the graveness of the blown...
  15. Replies

    Well, I for one would never use a replicator to...

    Well, I for one would never use a replicator to make anything important unless you don't value your life. The truth about it is that replication is a relatively new and somewhat quirky technology,...
  16. Replies

    A guy in our group is playing a Tellarite...

    A guy in our group is playing a Tellarite engineer in our Maquis game. I bet he'll be very interested in seeing this website as it has far information on his race than the LUG books do.

  17. Replies

    But then again Borg are not without courage. The...

    But then again Borg are not without courage. The Borg seek absolute perfection and will assimilate any species who will add anything to that lofty goal.. Even if it isn't particularly smart (Example:...
  18. Replies

    I thought the whole reason that replicators can't...

    I thought the whole reason that replicators can't create life, toxins, or a good cup of joe was because the gel just can't do it. Isn't bio-memetic gel capable of replicting anything though? I mean I...
  19. Replies

    We had an interesting revelation about the Borg...

    We had an interesting revelation about the Borg in one of our pre-game sessions this week and I thought it sounded wacky but sweet. Because the Borg are one united collective, completely locked in...
  20. Just moving this back up the list. If no one...

    Just moving this back up the list. If no one cares, I understand.

    -"I'm hickory smoked!"
  21. There are some very interesting points being...

    There are some very interesting points being raised here. If it does in fact create a temporary singularity (some thing that extensive testing in a holodeck would prove) there would definitely be a...
  22. Good to see you on the boards, Null! As you can...

    Good to see you on the boards, Null! As you can see the topic has been a hot point of debate ever since I started it up and there are no clear answers to some of the questions raised and either...
  23. Replies

    The armor issue is a big thing though. Borg...

    The armor issue is a big thing though. Borg dermal armor is pretty impressive and it seems that at least in the future it just gets worse and worse. By the last episode of Voyager is looked like the...
  24. If it works effectively there will be hell to...

    If it works effectively there will be hell to pay, if it works too effectively were dead, and if it doesn't work or malfunctions we're either all dead or I'll have hell to pay. What an interesting...
  25. I know it's a powerfully sensitive device and...

    I know it's a powerfully sensitive device and that even the smallest mis-alignment issue could have horrible reprecussions but that's the risk of trying anything new. It's still an idea that is quite...
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