This one is a cut above most fan sourcebooks. Color me impressed.
Thanks, OEO.
Type: Posts; User: Sarge; Keyword(s):
This one is a cut above most fan sourcebooks. Color me impressed.
Thanks, OEO.
Thanks, WM. Excuse me a minute while I throw this computer out the window...
I'm trying to get the Cardi sourcebook from Memory Icon, but it's not working for me. Is the link broken, or is it just my glitchy computer being ornery again?
In the TOS episode Amok Time, Bones said Kirk would need a shot of "triox" IIRC to compensate for the thin air and lack of oxygen in Vulcan's atmosphere.
Kinda corny, but in the same way as the originals. I liked it better than Renegades.
but IIRC the only onscreen use of metaphasic shields was to allow ships to fly into the coronae of stars. So in my headcanon, metaphasic shields are optimised to protect against a broad spectrum of...
In my campaign, we used improvisational magic. Our magician, played by a talented poet, would make up and recite a spell, roll the dice for her magic skill, and I would describe the results, after...
Before Cortex came out, I adapted the Serenity system for a D&D style fantasy campaign. It worked great. No trouble at all building a crazy variety of player characters: humans, magicians, elves,...
That reminds me of an NPC in my old campaign, a Tellarite counselor. If you went to him with a problem, he'd argue with you until you decided you could just deal with the problem on your own.
Just wondering why you list the crew as 500. Connies operated with about 420 back in their glory days, and I'd expect modern tech to reduce crew requirements, not increase them.
That reminds me of a specialization I came up with for Intimidation.
Staredown. You can cow your opponents by looking at them. Whether you glare with intense hatred or simply gaze with icy...
IIRC, the code of the Coast Guard rescue swimmer is, "That Others May Live." Has anyone made up an EVA rescue specialist?
I voted the same as Capt Lundgren, and for exactly the same reasons. My mind to your mind, my thoughts to your thoughts...
run a ship designed for a crew of hundreds? What could possibly go wrong?
"M-5. This unit must survive."
One of the things I like most about Trek is that it is an escape from the dark and gritty real world.
Every crew needs a little shake up now and then to keep them on their toes, and Jellico was just the right hardass for the job. Riker responded to that like a spoiled brat, and the rest of the crew...
Thanks, Tricky.
Still slower than infinite improbability drive.
Got a link?
Both these ideas seem limiting to me. By which I mean, those kinds of plots have happened plenty of times in the previous series, and I don't see the advantage of a new show that focuses on one or...
...and I don't say that about just any movie.
Sheer visual gut-wrenching impact, and some great character moments too. I've heard some complaints that Clooney was playing Buzz Lightyear, but I liked him. As for Sandra Bullock, she's the only...
Who hauled this old thread out of mothballs?
Thanks, guys!