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  1. Thread: Help me

    by Owen E Oulton

    OFF-TOPICThis thread has been reviewed by the...

    OFF-TOPICThis thread has been reviewed by the Moderation staff and determined to be Commercial SPAM totally unconnected to the Modiphius 2D20 Star Trek RPG and thus The thread is now closed....
  2. Replies

    OFF-TOPIC This thread has been reviewed by the...

    OFF-TOPIC This thread has been reviewed by the Moderation staff and determined to be Commercial SPAM totally unconnected to the Modiphius 2D20 Star Trek RPG and thus The thread is now closed....
  3. Replies

    Closing the thread

    OFF-TOPICThis thread has been reviewed by the Moderation staff and determined to be Commercial SPAM totally unconnected to the Modiphius 2D20 Star Trek RPG and thus The thread is now closed....
  4. Replies

    To what end? You've added nothing new, nor...

    To what end?

    You've added nothing new, nor have you provided any context.

    You provide a simple stat block and a single sentence stereotype. You don't even identify where the species come from...
  5. Replies

    I'm into 1/35 scale model making. I built my...

    I'm into 1/35 scale model making. I built my first model with my Dad 55 years ago. It can be an expensive hobby but need not be. There are models available for every interest and in every price...
  6. Um, Have you ever seen the film When Worlds...

    Um, Have you ever seen the film When Worlds Collide, a 1951 American science fiction disaster film, produced by George Pal, directed by Rudolph Maté, and starring Richard Derr, Barbara Rush, Peter...
  7. As the command crew of the Odyssey are meeting...

    As the command crew of the Odyssey are meeting the Council of Captains in the Museum at the End of Time a series of reality-shattering discontinuities affect the Museum and the bubble universe in...
  8. During the events in Lord Dhark's Chateau...

    During the events in Lord Dhark's Chateau d'Amber, Cdr Harris of Bridgetown Station's Orion security officer, Lt Boluri, was killed and restored to life by Lord Dhark's wife the Ladye Masque; and...
  9. Well, I just completed a couple of... well, I...

    Well, I just completed a couple of... well, I guess you could call them episodes... which started out exploring Bridgetown, the Hole and the Bridge. As basically indicated in the unpublished...
  10. Replies


    I agree with C5 that there should be no problem with private businesses on Federation starbases. Unfortunately, Sisko's Kitchen was not a really relevant example, as it was based on Earth in a city....
  11. Replies

    I rather think that approach would conflict with...

    I rather think that approach would conflict with the whole post-scarcity economy concept operative in the fictional Federation. The Federation credit, at least as I see it, is an advanced...
  12. Replies

    Moderatorial Admonition Um, guys? You're...

    Moderatorial Admonition

    Um, guys? You're replying (and I use that term in its loosest sense) to a 17 year old thread and you're both off topic! While this forum is called General Chat, it is on a...
  13. Anyway, I'm always updating thing as I go along...

    Anyway, I'm always updating thing as I go along and I decided that my modified image of Ceres as Bridgetown was lacking. Specifically, it was lacking the Bloodfield Nebula, so I eliminated the...
  14. ANYway... The game proceeds apace. I've located...

    ANYway... The game proceeds apace. I've located the Kellinan Reach just to Zenith of the border between the Federation and FASA's Triangle. The Odyssey has been pursuing the afore mentioned...
  15. 2020 league? Not certain what you mean. I'm not a...

    2020 league? Not certain what you mean. I'm not a member of any league - this is just my personal campaign under Last Unicorn Games' ICON Star Trek rules. Sorry it took over a month to respond, but...
  16. Replies

    Bridgetown - My Take...

    The references in various LUG writings about Bridgetown, notably by Steve Kenson in his unpublished materials, Star Trek: The Lost Episodes...
  17. Sorry, this forum is for discussion of a...

    Sorry, this forum is for discussion of a role-playing game set hundreds of years in the future, in the Star Trek fictional universe. It is NOT under any circumstances to be used to buy or sell...
  18. Updates to the Star Trek, a Space Odyssey web...

    Updates to the Star Trek, a Space Odyssey web site, including the Triangle, the Imperial Klingon States, the Kellinan Reach, Bridgetown and Starfleet Marines. Loads of 23rd century goodness at:...
  19. Marines in Star Trek - my take.

    The following is an opinion piece describing the place of Marines in the Star Trek, a Space Odyssey campaign. It does not prescribe anything for any other campaign just a rationale for what may...
  20. Well, I've been putting more work into developing...

    Well, I've been putting more work into developing the patrol area for the USS Odyssey. It involves the sector nearest to part of the border between the Triangle (FASA), the area of the Triangle...
  21. Replies

    Sticky: Memory:ICON is back up!

    I finally got around to uploading Memory: ICON to the new host! the URL is:

    The problem with the Spacedock .ZIP files is cleared up -- no more .ZIP files...
  22. One thing I've done with Star Trek, a Space...

    One thing I've done with Star Trek, a Space Odyssey is incorporate a ginormous amount of FASA background material. While I go by Paramount's official canon timeline (JJTrek and Disco are alternate...
  23. Replies

    Interesting. Though I'm along-time ICON GM, I...

    Interesting. Though I'm along-time ICON GM, I never really cottoned to the Taurhai. I was always more interested in the Kinshaya, though not the silly version psuedo-gryphons portrayed in the novels....
  24. Replies

    Nifty. I'll be converting some of these to ICON,...

    Nifty. I'll be converting some of these to ICON, since my campaign is now set in the late 22nd century. I'm mining a lot of old FASA materials for it. Good thing I wrote conversion tables a long time...
  25. Well, with the global CoViD 19 pandemic causing a...

    Well, with the global CoViD 19 pandemic causing a lot of real-world problems, my gaming group and I have decided that, for the duration, we're going online. This is especially important for me as,...
Results 1 to 25 of 500
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