Ok cool thanks.
I'm probably going to stick with odd jobs more than actual trading. If I do trading I'll base it more on the captain's negotiation skills, if he does well he buys something for a...
Type: Posts; User: Raevis; Keyword(s):
Ok cool thanks.
I'm probably going to stick with odd jobs more than actual trading. If I do trading I'll base it more on the captain's negotiation skills, if he does well he buys something for a...
Ok cool thanks. So focus more on how they do it rather than how much they do it for? Seeing as they are a crew thoguh the captain will need to pay them.
I'm thinking the results on the Captain's...
I have been playing this since the Beta as well and I have to say I am enjoying it. I am not into MMOs really and I thought an ST one would be pure fail. However I figured it wouldn't hurt to take...
Greetings all!
First off I have to say I am new to the CODA Star Trek game after buying the Players Guide recently I quickly snapped up the other available books and have now got a small group...