Roll20 was built for more D&D type of TTRPGs. However, I have been a part of several nice Forum based rps on Roll20 as well using their in game forums that used the tabletop specifically for...
Type: Posts; User: ASelfSealingSte; Keyword(s):
Roll20 was built for more D&D type of TTRPGs. However, I have been a part of several nice Forum based rps on Roll20 as well using their in game forums that used the tabletop specifically for...
Hi. My name was suppose to be A Self Sealing Stembolt. I'm new to Modiphius' Star Trek Adventures, and i'm looking to run a learning campaign starting in 2364 . As i'm going to be learning how to GM...
I'm interested in joining up on a campaign, and was going to try to GM a campaign on there myself to learn the system. I do have a couple of questions about the Campaign. 1: Which era...
Hi. My name was suppose to be A Self Sealing Stembolt. I'm new to Modiphius' Star Trek Adventures, and i'm looking to find others with experience to help me with figuring out the Star Trek Adventures...