i back. ready to play with everyone how want
now, i have one half admiral and 2 lt commander
Type: Posts; User: kalamaro; Keyword(s):
i back. ready to play with everyone how want
now, i have one half admiral and 2 lt commander
well well, i just post to see if someone still play..i'm very suprised but, infortunately, i go on holiday tomorrow for 3 weeks and i back the 22 august....
but if you a alway interresting to...
i'm played too, maybe it's the time to make a forum fleet ?
i just playing the demo but i'm not sure to buy this game. I found the demo fun but not very attractive.
very good
another very good ships!!!!
now i can lauch a serie in enterprise aera
thank your again Meteo
wahou a 1 year reply!!! :p
that a cool wawerider
well,well now i want :
from star trek legacy
i found the picture of the niagara class in the book price of freedom fit very well to the sequoia class.
the picture is wrong for the niagara class but is very close from SMR 1 description
je suis encore vivant.... si si mais a part C5 que je croise regulierement, je ne connais pas d'autre joueur français...... :(
c'est bien dommage....
mais je suis toujour là!!
"The high concil send you to Deep Space 9 to smell cardassian's blood.
Make as much alliances possible, especially with bajoran factions and maquis.
Your federation allies must not know your...
Nuq'Duj dont have cloaking device.... :p
another one please : nova's waverider
kalamaro, le poulpe
another time it is great BUT you just forgot the cloaking device ;)
that give me the time to think to the next one :D
kalamaro, le poulpe du net
another time you works more quickly than I reflect :D
that great , very great, i have a big collection of starship now :)
another one : romulan shrike class from armada
kalamaro, le...
i sorry i see it this morning a 2h40 Am but i'm not anwser :(
like all your product , it is great :)
the next one: the nuq'duj class from armada ;)
thank you again
this time a hard one!!
i need stat for the Elkins class (a ds9 kitbashes) for icon
thank you ;)
kalamaro, le poulpe du net
argos is a type 12 ? :confused:
for me
type 12 is the shuttle from voyager
type 9 is the cargo shuttle from next gen (never see on screen)
but i'm not here to discuss that
like mactavish wow
the next one : shuttlecraft argos class + his weelhed vehicle
kalamaro, le poulpe du net
you work at very fast rate.......... are you a song type android?:p
i need enterprise from nemesis
i always found price of freedom's enterprise too weak
kalamaro, the web's octopuss
just one question : type 11 shuttlecraft doesn't have microtorpedoes launchers ?
kalamaro, shuttlecraft pilot
thank you again Meteo :)
you are very rapid and very impressing :)
I just tinking, i need starships from star trek armada 1 & 2 and star trek legacy :D
kalamaro, le poulpe tres...
thank you very much
this is a rapid delivery
thank you again
kalamaro, le poulpe
i need for icon:
- shuttlecraft type 8 to 12
- shuttlepod type 18
- workbee
- achilles class (from dominion wars game)
- valkyrie class (from invasion game)
- typhoon class (from invasion...
i'm not a super poster but every day i look this forum.
now i looking for the kvort cha class ship from dominon wars game.
maybe i make it if i found nothing.!!!!
and post it ;)
You scored as Enterprise D (Star Trek).
You have high ideals and know in your heart that humanity will continue to evolve in a better people. No matter what may happen, you have faith in human...
joyeux annivairsaire KW
kalamaro, le poulpe qui aime le gateau
tank you for your concerne
i m lived far from Paris, nothing to report here!!
Kalamaro, le poulpe de l'espace qui va dejeuner