This liveplay of the Star Trek Adventures RPG on Geek and Sundry's Twitch channel ( has become a mainstay of my week. New episode tonight at 7 PM Pacific time (10 PM Eastern). They are the...
Type: Posts; User: AllenS; Keyword(s):
This liveplay of the Star Trek Adventures RPG on Geek and Sundry's Twitch channel ( has become a mainstay of my week. New episode tonight at 7 PM Pacific time (10 PM Eastern). They are the...
I have had the book for some time now and ran 12 episodes between various crews :) Really enjoying this system.
I changed my order for precisely that reason.
I don't think you're going to see Centaurans as a specific species. The position of canon since First Contact seems to be that the Centaurans are just humans fromn a colony world.
Got my book, the Collector's Edition :) So nice to have a real book after working with a floppy two-section printout for so long :)
Does anyone know what Lt. Korudos of the USS Discovery's full Andorian name is?
I think at the time, it made sense to make something d20-like for CODA, given the realities of the RPG market. Those days are behind us now. CODA use of a 2d6 bell-curve instead of the flat nature of...
AMBASSADOR class Entered Service: 2322
Comms: 9
Computers: 8
Engines: 8
Sensors: 9
Structure: 10
Nathan divulges the secrets of spaceframes in this thread:
Basically, the Constitution Class is...
[QUOTE=Sea Tyger;187896]I have the Core Rulebook pdf at my greedy fingertips.
The first thing I did was look over the starship creation rules. A few thoughts:
This is outstanding. Now all we...
As of today, the PDF of the Core Rulebook is available on for a shade over $15. I have had my PDF for a little over a week (got it via the preorder) and have actually run the game...
We played this tonight and we had a great time. My favorite part was when my friend Deana scolded the Klingon Captain for using bad language :)
This was great but we definitley want to play the...
Does anyone have the Bellerophon and Thunderchild adventures and could I get them?
they have been obtained
I haven't run it yet but I have read it and it looks very solid to me.
not sure suggesting conversion to a different game system is helpful when playtesting THIS one...
Pleased to see so many names I recognize among the writers. This speaks well for the game. I got the playtest pack today and I am raring to go!
Got the playtest docs today!
Most excellent. Amazing that there will be a new RPG again.
What would you say is the best adventure that LUG published?
Hello FugaziGrrl :)
The One Ring is really good. My copy is currently on extended loan but I gave it a read (as well as being a playtester on it in the early stages)and it turned out great.
Don't have the CODA books, a certain FugaziGrrl got all of mine (lol).
I plan someday to get them again but a couple of them are rather expensive...
Apparently a number of FASA RPG related sites have been receiving cease and desist letters from CBS. Anyone know what's up with that? will this eventually affect this site as well as other CODA or...
great stuff. Love the Excalibur handouts!
Technically correct, but if you figure out how many "points" were spent on the Species templates and overlays, that is what I was asking about :) But it's all good, got the answer I needed.
Thank you, Owen. Exactly what I was looking for.