I like the game so much, I ordered a Borg Cube...
Type: Posts; User: RaconteurX; Keyword(s):
I like the game so much, I ordered a Borg Cube...
Couldn't say, lost my copy to basement flooding a decade ago. There's a fair amount of information over at Memory Beta, much of which references FASA Trek...
Never said he did, just that the first mention in print of a non-human Centauran species occurred in the Technical Manual.
You can blame the Star Fleet Technical Manual, that is where the notion first appeared. Its publication predates First Contact by more than two decades.
Nothing other than the examples given with the major adversary races (Cardassian, Ferengi, Klingon, and Romulan). In terms of mechanics, the formula is basically 'choose three attributes to receive a...
Someone over on the Modiphius forums already converted a selection of additional races. Here they are compiled into a single file...
[EDIT: File updated with several additional races.]
Sea Tyger has something going on RPOL...
Teamwork works well in the game. Those wishing to assist describe how they are doing so and roll a single d20 against an appropriate Attribute + Discipline. Any successes they generate add to the...
There are also a couple actual play reports from the alpha playtest on YouTube as well, although I have to imagine those will be less informative since the rules design was still in flux.
Anything in particular you're having trouble comprehending? I fear it's too new for anyone other than playtesters to have played it extensively. Have you seen the actual play reports on YouTube?
The Collector's Edition is absolutely gorgeous, and full-color illustrations accompany all the starship stats.
An image of the Star Trek Adventures contents, to give you an idea of how much of STA is devoted to what...
They're now taking pre-orders for the physical product (your choice of standard issue or collector's edition), which net you immediate access to the PDF. Nice looking book...
I liked Star Trek: Into Darkness, personally.
Both, for comparison purposes?
Owen, can you do a set where the white and colors are swapped?
A new Original Series game just began over on RPOL using the MicroLite20-based rules set Where No Man Has Gone Before. Currently in need of another Gold Shirt character to round out our crew of...
There are some lovely parallels between TOS and military adventure stories set in the Napoleonic Era. Read lots of C.S. Forester (the Horatio Hornblower series), Patrick O'Brian (the Aubrey-Maturin...
The Modern and Microlite versions of Where No Man Has Gone Before already fill that niche. :)
Congrats, Sarge!
:cool: :cool: :cool: :cool: :cool:
The Caitian is a lie (they're called Regulans, damn it)!
Therefore, I am once again...
:eek: :eek: :eek:
Weak argument, therefore I am...
:p :p :p
The bacon and everything within six degrees of it is a lie.
Therefore, I am...
The bacon is a lie. Therefore, I am...
:D :D :D
Original Yellow Wiggle returns!!!