
Type: Posts; User: LonePaladin; Keyword(s):

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  1. Replies

    Expanding on the Drama Die

    I'm in the process of setting up a forum-based LUGTrek game, and one of the things I've done is expand a bit on the results you can get from the Drama Die. This is partly based on the version used in...
  2. Heh. I really don't know how much personal combat...

    Heh. I really don't know how much personal combat is going to come up in the game yet — that's going to depend on what the players want to do, and whether or not they buy into my initial concept. If...
  3. I hadn't spotted that before (even though the...

    I hadn't spotted that before (even though the core TNG book does mention the trait, it doesn't spell out its mechanical benefits). The table, however, is identical in the TNG book, the DS9 book, and...
  4. I had a feeling. I'd rather make the mechanics...

    I had a feeling. I'd rather make the mechanics match the Notes column, than just ignore it altogether. I've found that if a game with lots of rules has "fluff" that happens to work the same way, it...
  5. It's not that the entire thing "offends" me, it's...

    It's not that the entire thing "offends" me, it's the errors and inconsistencies -- I think they can be fixed to make the numbers scale up better. The problem with the all-or-nothing approach is that...
  6. Okay, here's the table; I'll point out the issues...

    Okay, here's the table; I'll point out the issues afterward.

    1 Light Stun(2+2d6)1Stun a Human for 5 minutes
    2 Medium Stun(4+2d6)2Stun a Human for 15 minutes, or a Klingon...
  7. Phaser Settings Table (and What's Wrong With It)

    After an exhaustive search of Memory Icon, the internet in general, and this forum, I must admit to being amazed that no one else has brought this up, given the age of the Icon Trek rules. I find...
Results 1 to 7 of 7