That is fantastic Owen...Thank you.
Type: Posts; User: Setvenharis; Keyword(s):
That is fantastic Owen...Thank you.
There's no pleasing some people......... :rolleyes:
Manny Coto is a top quality writer, and I think he has saved Enterprise.
Why don't you submit some stories to Paramount if you can do better.
I seem to have missed the pics......Anyone have them?
This is the look of one pissed off cat!
:D :D
I must be the only person in the world that hates Firefly.
I just can't get away with the concept of "Wild West in Space".
Well........I'm pleased I didn't waste money on Decipher's Trek books. As far as I'm concerned, they can all rot in Hell.
Actually, I hope Decipher goes bust for their atrocities towards RPG's. ...
I wonder if it'll be d20 like their other games (If they have the license)?
Just a small post to wish you all a .....
I'd rather they did show a reason for the lack of bumpy foreheads in Star Trek TOS than Worf saying "It's something we don't discuss with outsiders."
I mean....that was a major cop-out!
Merry Christmas!
*except to those assholes who ruin other peoples websites.
I really despise these (are expletives allowed here?) XXXXXXXX! :mad: :mad:
I don't like this new layout. I much preferred the old layout.
I think the Star Trek RPG license is cursed!
Either that, or the company (Decipher) is just plain inept.
I have read that Marvel is sueing the makers of that game....
Two years ago? Man! Where can I find a TARDIS? :p
Correct...............your turn.
What is the name of the gas that is mined/processed at Bespin?
He was a humanist specializing in classical language and literature (philologist).
We will remember them.
General Grievous isn't a Sith lord.....he's just a cyborg warrior who takes lightsabres as trophies of the Jedi he has slain.
It was Darth Vader's intention to kill Palpatine and become Emperor...
Well done! The ball is now in Owen's court.
From the Millennium episode Somehow, Satan Got Behind Me , what were the names of the four demons that met together for a coffee and chat?
They were the two little dudes from Battle Beyond The Stars. They were so called because they can emit varying degrees of heat.
As shown here.......