I am just reaching the end of running a two year long fantasy (non-lotr, my players just aren't into Middle Earth) CODA campaign and I have become very disillusioned with the game system. It seems...
Type: Posts; User: Soulclaw; Keyword(s):
I am just reaching the end of running a two year long fantasy (non-lotr, my players just aren't into Middle Earth) CODA campaign and I have become very disillusioned with the game system. It seems...
Nice story, well written mix of the tale and the game.
When I was in my 20s and we had all Saturday to sit around and play RPGs we liked complex systems, now that I am older and we only have 3 hours to play one evening a week, we prefer simple,...
From remarks concerning Elrond, I got the impression that half-elves who embraced their elven heritage were essentially elves. They did not seem to be treated as any sort of hybrid.
Oh yeah, I know all about different types of arrows, I have a friend who is a fletcher and archer (he gets his bodkin and broadhead points from a guy in England). I'm a weapon collector and medieval...
Just for the record, full helms have been removed, a helm of any type now adds +1 armour.
The only problem with the realism argument is that in the source materials bows were very lethal. In the movies, which this game is taken from, Legolas killed every target in one shot with the...
I was able to buy copies of the books on ebay and amazon at reasonable prices a few years ago.
My group has some, one for smart phones* and one for computers, I will track them down.
* yes, I have a player who shows up with nothing other than a smart phone.
I added penalties to the weariness TN for wearing armour when casting:
Armour type TN penalty
Reinforced leather +1
Armour shirt +2
Armour hauberk +3
Any shield +parry bonus
I have all my assembled rule notes, new rules, and new content (along with campaign notes and the progress of the campaign so far) on a forum for perusal and download if anyone is interested.
I haven't seen any GM screens for sale, do you have a link to one of the fan made ones?
Defeated by the forum formatting.
From my campaign background and house rules.
Heartstone: a smooth, reddish stone (faintly warm to the touch) that adds +1 bonus or more to any reaction or other defensive rolls vs. any form of...
Yeah, I did the whole time and training thing back in RQ1, 2, and 3 back in the day and at the end I decided that all that training time broke the flow of the story and was not really contributing...
My group dispensed with handing out experience long ago, now the GM just tells everyone they levelled up when the GM feels enough time has passed or a goal has been reached. I am planning to run...
I finally decided to add a specialty to Sea Craft called Navigation, and use Survival for land navigation. I like the suggested order ability too.
Is there a skill already in the game that people use for Navigation rolls, either by map or stars at sea or on land?
I was writing this for a LotR campaign when one of our regular players, an avid fan of the works of JRRT, passed away earlier this year. The rest of my players have opinions of his work ranging from...
Thanks, I will knock out some starting gear lists and post them when I have my house rules done.
I am finally about to start my fantasy CODA campaign and am working up house rules and such. One thing I cannot find is what gear and or coin a new character starts with. I can simply come up with...
I like the look of those changes, I will have to dig into Paths of the Wise, thanks.
As I get my campaign ready I have been digging into the magic rules and was left wondering if every spell caster created for this game took Tireless. It seems like a no-brainer unless I am reading...
I'd like to read that, would you happen to know the issue number?
There is still a lot of useful stuff there, thanks taking the time to create, edit, and or collect it.