Very attractive, Owen.
You should put all of your deck plans into a netbook for Memory Icon.
Type: Posts; User: Anomaly; Keyword(s):
Very attractive, Owen.
You should put all of your deck plans into a netbook for Memory Icon.
It's Reliant's Character Builder, which was taken over by Larry Widing, and was hosted here before TrekRPG changed hands. The amusing thing is that Aslan used to host the program on his Trek...
I've got a program from 1999/2000 called 'Star Trek The Next Generation Role Playing Game Character Creator (RPG Character Creator)', version 1.4, by Larry Widing. It doesn't work on my...
Was just watching DS9, and Painted Ladies is missing one:
Net Girl
Basically, networked virtual prostitution. The women have dataports, and men pay them to have virtual sex. (DS9: A Simple...
Sweet, Owen. Thanks for releasing that, it's some good, fun information. :D
Sounds great. :cool:
Wow, you're doing them all by hand, Owen?
I tend to rely on tools for this type of job, like TableSmith or (for Trek) the Trek Character Generator program.
An example of Anomaly's play, during a busy night in Sickbay.
At the biobed, T'Vanhi says to S'Vonek, "I will be happy to speak for you as a doctor, first. Your vital signs are stable, although...
Yeah, but that typo has been in there for a long time, now, and has many eyes upon it. Oh well. I'll fix it if I also get other needed fixes.
As per your earlier post, yeah, the crew coming back...
This is the sound that a forehead makes when it hits a desk. Thanks for spotting that.
Thanks Owen! :D
All fixed up, Phoenix. Again, my apologies.
And thanks, Brian K!
What you guys proofed was just the crunchy bits, the overlays and ship stats and such. And it was five years ago. :D
Doh, I'm sorry I messed up on your credit. I'll fix that.
The Dulcais Sector Sourcebook is a sourcebook for the Star Trek ICON System RPG. Dulcais is a sector that is coming of age, but it is still a frontier in many ways.
The Dulcais Sector is the...
Thanks for the nice words, Kevin.
Sponnek! Now there's a blast from the past. I remember a scene between him and Balin where Sponnek was talking about golf on the moon. That was quite funny.
Anomaly TrekMUX is an online text-based roleplaying game set on a single space station at the Federation/Klingon/Romulan borders. A problem in the preferred timeline has thrown the galaxy back into...
I need someone who is an expert at the LUG system to proofread the game mechanics portions for a LUG Icon PDF sourcebook I'm working on. Please email me if you'd like to volunteer. Note that I'll be...
Ok, I have this 'friend' who wants the ban lifted...
Seriously, though:
This is precisely why political discourse should be allowed.
Trek has always couched its political and philosophical...
Very nicely said, Tobian.
However, your argument falls apart in one place:
Politics is the only subject that is a banned topic here. That is no matter how politely discussed, no matter how...
In a text medium, tone is inferred by the reader.
I can't help what you infer from my post.
I neither attacked you nor did I even mention your name. The post stayed wholly within...
According to the
Funny, it doesn't mention anything about censorship solely being a governmental act.
Anyone can practice censorship. The next time you tell someone to...
I for one would not participate in any political forum, but I think having a separate forum for open political discussions would be good for the community and debate. Put an 'enter at your own risk'...
With the closing of imminent, I figured I would update everyone now on the S419 Map and the Trek Symbol Catalogs.
The S419 Map will be released in about a week or two.
The Trek...
No news yet, but you guys will be the first to know when I'm able to release the goodies.
That was me, but I can't realease it just yet. The first version is finished and ready for release, though. As soon as I can release it, I will. And post the news here, of course.