We did this a couple of years ago. Check out the following link:
I wrote the bulk of it with input from the other local denizens. Hope...
Type: Posts; User: ghosty; Keyword(s):
We did this a couple of years ago. Check out the following link:
I wrote the bulk of it with input from the other local denizens. Hope...
Making New Year resolutions just don't work for me. I keep 'em up for about a month, then the usual habits kick in and I just wasted five minutes of my life thinking up a resolution which I won't...
Hmm...something interesting I can do with this. Part of my new campaign will deal with the final fate of the Elves. As the campaign progresses the elves learn about their final fate. Perhaps this was...
Ultimately I decided to compromise. If you use a one handed weapon 2 handed you get a -2 penalty to defense but gain +4 to damage. Now its silly to believe that the elves would a sword which would...
I'm trying to figure out the best time period for my game. Originally I intended to set it about a decade after the end of the War of the Ring. But due to the bits and pieces in the ROTK novel, the...
If a character picks Favored Weapon as Order ability at character creation, would that allow him to breach the +6 maximum skill level rule? If so, a character would effectively have +12 in his...
Not so keen on the former henchman idea...prefer to use a threat the PCs haven't read about or seen in the movies. A outside villain with new troops, dark elves if I can manage it.
Another idea,...
I like the discorpreal vampiress, maybe I can combine the two. One of the fallen wizards, a sorceress in an attempt to gain more power in the East stumbled on a ritual which allows her to...
I'm not completely up on my Middle Earth lore. Its been a few years and I don't have the time to look every little detail up.
Can someone give me a short lowdown on the Dark Elves of Middle Earth?...
Starting a new campaign and I need it up and running by next Sunday so I'll need ideas quick and fast. First up, the new Enemy.
The campaign is going to be set about a decade after the War of the...
Probably been asnwers before but pls humour me. What are the stats for the 2 handed elf sword used in the films? I'm starting a campaign and have to deal with a PC who doesn't agree that it has the...
One point, there is no "crime" in disobeying orders which are illegal. The crime may be in obeying an illegal order.
The most poignant example was of course the Nazi war crime trials which...
During the Replicator Invasion, the only Federation ally who tried to help was the Klingon Empire, against the wishes of the High Council, the Chancellor led the KDF into battle alongside Starfleet...
We went through character generation last night and come up with the characters who'll feature in my next campaign. Although its still in the works, I thought I'd get the PCs done first...
Thanks for the input fellas.
Now I just have to go work out the stats for the weapons. I'm thinking that damage can be controlled (ie. limited) by "reducing" the power of the gauss coils, thus...
Thinking about weaponry for the Terran Union "Starfleet". Given that they keep a special place in their hearts for Replicators, I was thinking that they would have moved away from energy based...
The likely thing that would happen is Starfleet will conduct a Board of Inquiry using officers from another command or even a JAG investigation. Given the "time travel" aspect of the scenario, the...
The main purpose of this campaign is to throw the PCs off centre will a wildly different world than what they're use to. I want to strip away all the pre-conceived notions about any of the races they...
How about making 'em Section 31 agents...hey how about that I get to rape, pillage and slaughter all in the name of "protecting the Federation". Cool :D
The idea is that the Ferengi were softened by Rom's reforms making them less predatory although still capitalistic. He just made them more "socially conscious" about making money. Successive Grand...
I've never been a major fan of time travel stories...just too much to get mucked up. Unfortunately, the Replicator Invasion is one of those things that can't be changed, mainly because of who created...
I've worked out a bit of background for the Orion/Ferengi Alliance.
After the Replicator Invasion, the AQ/BQ was devastated. Many key industrial worlds had not only fallen but were destroyed....
In a sense the galaxy has balkanized, all the old alliances have fallen away, some new ones have emerged but there is an air of hostility towards outsiders. They interact when forced to by...
Gotta be the women.
7 of 9, the two Daxs...hot...:)
On the Vulcans, I've not fully worked out how to use them yet or the Romulans. So I may just leave them out of the equation for now. Perhaps the Vulcans and Romulans have reunified and the Vulcans...