Join the crew of the USS Nogura, the first Starfleet vessel constructed in the Gamma Quadrant, as it continues the proud traditions and reputations of previous vessels to bear her name. A brand-new...
Type: Posts; User: David; Keyword(s):
Join the crew of the USS Nogura, the first Starfleet vessel constructed in the Gamma Quadrant, as it continues the proud traditions and reputations of previous vessels to bear her name. A brand-new...
USS Valiant
Join the crew of the Defiant Class Escort USS Valiant as it patrols the Federation/Tholian border in 2395! The Valiant is a small ship who capabilities are being stretched beyond what...
Beta Quadrant, 2409
We live in a dark time. The Federation is at war with a Klingon Empire the likes of which no one has ever seen before. A Klingon Empire that has added the Orion Syndicate, the...