I purchased it a couple of weeks ago, finally.
I'm playing a Lt Cmdr 7 Science Office, Mark Johnson.
Commanding the USS Emerald, a nova class battleship ;)
I'm really enjoying it. Steam...
Type: Posts; User: Lt Cmdr Matt; Keyword(s):
I purchased it a couple of weeks ago, finally.
I'm playing a Lt Cmdr 7 Science Office, Mark Johnson.
Commanding the USS Emerald, a nova class battleship ;)
I'm really enjoying it. Steam...
Hi all,
I know I haven't been around here in eons, but I'm curious. Is anyone interested in getting a Play-by-email/play-by-bulletin board game going with CODA rules.
I have the major urge,...
Thanks guys. I still visit every once in a while. All is fine but quiet in my life. I hope everything is just as good for everyone else.
Thanks guys so much. I'm busy reading up on all of these great novels. :) Nice to see people still discussing things around here though.
I have been on an Arthur C Clarke streak with a few other hard scifi novels thrown in. I've read:
2001: A Space Odyssey
2010: Odyssey 2
2061: Odyssey 3
3001: The Final Odyssey...
THis is really sad news. I must admit hes been my favorite author....RIP Sir.
Everything is fine really. I'm majoring in Business/Info Systems and am trying to transfer to one of the more competitive Business schools in the country. That zaps most of my time. With what little...
I'm sorry to hear about all of this Owen, but I am glad that you are recovering. Stay strong man! :)
Thank you very much!
Periodically I do come back and hangout for a while. I wish I had more time really.
I've been a member since my freshman year in high school and now I'm almost a junior in...
Hey guys,
Looks like I will be joining the crew aswell. :)
My grandfather died in Feb, my grandmother died in March, and my mom died in May. This year has been just awful.
Wow guys, life has really socked it to me lately. Computers havve been non-existant in my life, glad to be back though.
How are y'all doing?
Ah, I'm back for the 400th or so time. Pulling 62 hour work/school weeks is crazy, but I do have the weekends off. How is everyone doing?
Sovereign, Prometheus, Galaxy, or Intrepid are the canon ones that spring to mind. You might also want to look at a Norway or Nebula.
This depends.
During the regular work/school day.
Cell Phone
Laptop(yes in my backpack all day long for classes)
I will look into the problem. It has worked fine for me the few times I have used the template(rarely) since the upgrade. I guess I should have checked the boards sooner.
Try being a Nat's fan right now. Angelios(sp?) has the air time controlled so that they cannot air Nat's games Mon-Thurs I believe. Now, that is just a greedy owner right there. I have to admit the...
Everything is done! 10 minutes early even. You all can now attach files to your posts.
With school quickly coming to a close I feel that I must make a few anouncements.
Firstly, I want to thank Don and Magnus for making the transfer of the Trek RPG net forums smooth and quick. I...
Thanks guys!
I had kept everything on the computer in a large file folder. All crosslinked and hypernlinked to eachother. Made fro a neat little quasi-database. But somehow the folders were deleted. STill have...
S'all good dude. They are looking good. That's all that matters. :p
But you have them listed backwards. :) Not in the pictures, but in the text beside them.
Voila, everything should be back to normal now. If it isn't, please report any errors. :)
I'm having issues rebuilding the database from the backups. So until that there will only be that test forum ;)