Unless my eyes deceive me, there is exactly ONE Star Trek RPG session happening at Origins this year, Assignment: Romulus and it's a FASA game!
Any chance the GM is a forum member?
Type: Posts; User: K.G. Carlson; Keyword(s):
Unless my eyes deceive me, there is exactly ONE Star Trek RPG session happening at Origins this year, Assignment: Romulus and it's a FASA game!
Any chance the GM is a forum member?
Sorry, it's been a LONG time since I've been active on the forum, so hopefully you haven't wandered off...
I LOVE the Decipher Star Trek RPG!
Character generation can be a bit cumbersome,...
Is part of the problem timing re: the license? When the FASA Trek license expire? Maybe Next Gen, which came out in 1987, was close to the end of print and FASA rushed to get something out.
Hey, this takes me back! Looking for a place to share my FASA to Coda starship conversions is what lead me to these forums many seasons ago.
As others have pointed out, FASA is a little dated...
Yes, the glaring lack of continuity-awareness from those producing this show is not promising.
And I wouldn't consider one change that just took a really long time to explain as "frequently"...
Am I the only one feeling depressed that this show looks to be more faithful to Trekdom than Star Trek Discovery? :(
I've often likened the Coda system to an illegitimate love child of the d20 system and the old West End Star Wars d6 system. As I like both of those, this little Reeses' Peanut Butter Cup of an RPG...
Excellent work, Huckleberry!
I have long wanted to set a campaign during the Earth/Romulus War, and this will be my go-to thread for certain!
I have to say, after several years of not running...
I'm running TWO campaigns in this era, so clearly I'm having a good time!
Mine's a little closer to the end of this era; Kirk and Spock are junior officers working their way up the ranks, Pike...
Many thanks! Good to see another issue on the "shelves"
Yes, thank you Patrick. I check your site regularly when I'm running (which is soon) and often when I'm not (which is now).
I enjoyed many of her Trek novels. A sad day.
My condolences, Owen.
The front page was not loading for me for a couple of weeks, but that has happened before. You should bookmark the forums directly just in case it happens again.
Hey thanks Patrick. Its good to know you still make time for the Trek site even with your busy schedule. Keep the dream alive, my friend.
Well, I'll second Patrick's suggestion of Nimbus III. Star Trek V mentions that the "Great Experiment" began 20 years earlier.
As disappointed as I was in V as a Star Trek movie, I've always felt...
Aslan, your love of FASA Trek, TOS-movie Trek and the "monster maroons" tell me that there was another survivor of Krypton's explosion is out there somewhere.
Although I do like some of your...
If you post links to your blog updates, that should still be a conversation starter without your having to double post.
I look forward to seeing your updates.
I've been tossing this Shakespeare quote JJ's way since 2009. Glad to see I'm not the only one feeling that way. :D
I'm there already.
In fact, I'm ready at this point to swear off seeing the next Star Wars movie because you-know-who is in the director's chair.
If this is legit, then somehow Orci and Kurtzman mind-probed me to find out the worst possible Star Trek story that I can imagine and then scripted it. If this is true, I may have to go Jay and...
Very nice designs! I just wish I'd waited to run my Star Trek: Golden Age campaign this year. The war and season 3 just wrapped last month. Of course, there's no reason they can't surface in season...
I am generally interested in any 23rd century action, and particularly in the "Lost Years" between Founding and TOS. Please, share.
I don't mind sharing, but for ease of others locating your stories without sifting through my ramblings it should have its on threads.
And if I ever reach the point where I am posting logs of my...
That sounds AWESOME! Please do. I love reading tales of adventure here; its a big inspiration for my games.
I have been meaning to getting back to updating the logs, but 2013 has been busy so far....