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Thread: Thanks Guys

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Aug 1999
    I worked for Section 31 and all I got was this stupid T-shirt!

    Thumbs up Thanks Guys

    With the recent adjustment to the boards, I just want to send a word of thanks out to Don and the moderators.

    Thanks for a site that I have visited for...well...a while now, and while I don't contribute to much, I hit the "Today's Active Thread", probably once a day.

    For all the bandwidth Don has paid for that involve Starfleet Marines. Thanks again for Don for providing this base for all this Trek RPG goodness. I take it for granted, but when the 404 appears...yipes.

    All the people that I have made acquantance with while lurking on these boards.

    All the inspiration and "Damn, I wish I had done that!" moments.

    Long Live TrekRPGNet!!!

    Whatever system you use, just keep on gaming!

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jan 2002
    Soviet Canuckistan
    I whole heartedly endorse the sentiment. Thanks for everything

    This place continues to rock

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jun 2002
    Germantown, Maryland
    I agree, Don you are doing a great job! Thanks for making this place possible!

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Aug 1999
    Salt Lake City
    You are certainly welcome and I hope you continue to find the discourse here useful for as long as we’re around!

    My e-mail is available to anyone with suggestions as to how to make the site better. I value your feedback, good or bad.
    Mass Effect Fate RPG | "Mass Effect meets Fate meets awesome = FREE"
    Contributor, Gnome Stew
    "In every revolution, there's one man with a pizza."
    Star Trek (TOS) "Pizza, Pizza" (Second season), story by D.S.McBride

  5. #5
    Join Date
    May 2003
    Toronto, Ontario, Canada
    My congratulations to Brian K: a thread like this has been overdue for a good long while.

    I don't drink, I don't smoke, my last experiment with illicit substances (my third) was almost fifteen years ago, and I limit myself to two coffees a day. Yet I can understand the jonesing big-time; if I don't get to click into this site at least once a day, I start to wonder: What's going on in the community? Any new revelations about Decipher? What's the latest witty thread? Have any of the old crew dropped by to say hello? Any developments - Trek-related or not - that I need to know about? Even if the proposed relaunch is never enacted, I think I'd be pretty happy just coming by here and cruising the forums; sure, it'd be nice to get neat stuff, but the conversation alone is worth the price of admission.

    Oh. That's right. There is no price. It's provided out of a sense of generosity and a belief in the value of community. And if there is a price to come with the relaunch, it'll be worth every nickel. Thanks again, Don.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Oct 2001
    Alexandria, VA
    Yay, a happy thread! Ditto all the above. Keep up the great work, and I hope we can continue to see around for a while.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Sep 2001
    Dundee, Scotland, UK
    Indeed, a hearty thank you to the TrekRPG Net team.

    "You can't take a picture of this; it's already gone." -Nate Fisher, Six Feet Under.

  8. #8
    But most especially to Don. I dont say it often, but Thanks, in a typically British self-depreciating way.

    I always enjoy my time here, even when moderating.

    And the hassle you go through for no recompense is worthy of saint-hood at times. Most especially recently.

    Round of applause all around I think.
    DanG/Darth Gurden
    The Voice of Reason and Sith Lord

    “Putting the FUNK! back into Dysfunctional!”

    Coming soon. The USS Ganymede NCC-80107
    "Ad astrae per scientia" (To the stars through knowledge)

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Apr 2000
    Albertson, NY, USA
    Here Here, thanks Don

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Oct 2000
    Springfield, MO
    I agree with everyone here. Even though I don't post that often anymore (I don't get to catch Enterprise, and I haven't played Trek in what seems like forever), I still look every few days (at least) to see what's happening here.

    I still remember when I got my first computer, and stopped using my roommate's computer...this was the first website I bookmarked, and still one of my favorites to visit.

    Don, I'm glad you've kept it around for us...we're the crew, you're the Captain, and Trek RPG is still our flagship!


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