Just a little conversion of the Aegisclass heavy cruisers from the Battletech universe. The idea was to take an old, 24th Century ship, and have it "misjump" into a parallel universe - the Trekverse. Stranger things have happened - in the late 28th Century, another Aegis[ class ship will misjump 300 years into the future. Note this is a rough conversion, as things don't match terribly well, but I think it worked out pretty well without being too overpowering.
Captain Ariana McMillan scanned the bridge, and was less than enthused about what she saw. Her ship, the Terran Hegemony heavy cruiser THS Bunker Hill, had run into some serious trouble when she activated her Kearny-Fuchida Drive to "jump" through hyperspace from the Sol system's zenith point to the nadir point of the Tau Ceti system, known as "New Earth". Her cruiser was to pick up a scientific team there, for an extended survey mission out on the Periphery of settled space.
As soon as she gave the order to activate the Bunker Hill's KF drive, all hell broke loose, as the 745,000 ton ship shuddered violently. The Bunker Hill had only been built a mere four years before, in 2372 - that her KF drive could malfunction this early in her lifetime was...inconceivable. Terran Hegemony jumpships, including warships like her own, were slated for active duty lives measured in centuries!
"Nav, status report, please."
"Captain, nav board looks green. We're right where we should be - star charts match, and the planets all appear to be where they should be."
Ensign Nogura, the Bunker Hill's comm officer, took this moment to chime in. "Ma'am, I'm unable to raise the recharge station on any frequency."
Captain McMillan took a quick glance at the holotank. Based on their jump profile, they should have arrived 1500 kilometers from the recharge station. Only problem was, there was absolutely no sign of the station.
"Begin full sensor scan. Look for anything indicating what happened to the station. See if you can pick up a transmission from New Earth." She had a bad feeling about this....
"Captain, I'm detecting a ship, bearing 120 mark 45, around 10 light-seconds out. Current velocity is .25c. Factoring in relativistic concerns, I'd say she's around 470 meters long, mass of...roughly 2 megatons, ma'am."
The silence on the bridge only lasted a moment, but betrayed the shock of all present. While travelling a quarter the speed of light wasn't beyond the capabilities of an Aegis class, getting there quickly was - her maximum acceleration was a mere 1.5G on her fusion torch drives. She was also notably more bulky and less dense than this newcomer, with her armored hull containing large, empty armor baffles, meant to throw off enemy fire.
On the other hand, while this ship was 260 meters shorter in length than the Bunker Hill, she was far, far more massive than any ship humanity had ever built. She was starting to suspect she was about to make contact with an alien civilization for the first time in human history. Unfortunately, she was also starting to suspect it wasn't going to go well. That they'd gotten so close to Earth, when humanity had settled worlds for hundreds of light-years away from their birth world, was disturbing.
At this point, though, the newcomer was nearly on top of them, and stunned the bridge crew again, by coming to an almost instantaneous stop relative to the Bunker Hill. To be able to decelerate that fast? There was no way they were human. "Ensign Nogura, please broadcast the following message on all frequencies: This is the Terran Hegemony Ship Bunker Hill. We are on a peaceful mission of exploration, and mean you no harm."
A few seconds passed, before they received a reply. "Bunker Hill, this is the Federation starship Valley Forge. I'm not sure how you got here, but we're fellow humans. Well, most of us, at any rate. I think things just got weird."
Little did either of them know....
Battletech Overview
The Aegis class cruiser, when introduced in 2372, was one of the most advanced vessels of its time. Designed to fill rolls ranging from combat, to exploration, to personnel and cargo transport, the Aegis was the do-all backbone of the Terran Hegemony fleet. Nobody is certain how many of the Aegis class were manufactured - some records from the Terran Hegemony period indicate that 106 were built, while other records show this number was massively expanded upon, with perhaps as many as 400-500 being built. What is known is that the class proved to have incredible staying power, being refit several times over the centuries, but with dozens of representatives of the class continuing to serve as the backbones of many fleets as late as the 31st Century, well into their seventh century of service. It is simply further mute testament to how much the Aegis was meant to last.
Over the years, three members of the class have had unexplained disappearances. In 2375, the THS Bunker Hill disappeared while en route from Terra to New Earth, to begin a mission of exploration. Roughly four centuries later, the SLS Manassas, serving as a rearguard for the Star League Defense Force's Exodus Fleet, disappeared without a trace, though there are rumors the ship misjumped three centuries into the future. Lastly, in the mid-29th Century, the LCS Invincible misjumped while returning to Tharkad, her home port.
Despite this, the class has given a good accounting of itself, both in combat and during peacetime. It is highly likely that the Aegis will continue to serve for centuries to come.
Production Data
Origin: Terran Hegemony (manufacturer), United Federation of Planets (refit)
Class & Type: Aegis class Heavy Cruiser
Year Launched: 2372, refit in 2375
Hull Data
Structure: 45(50)
Size/Decks: 7/72 decks
Length/Beam/Height: 725/367/264 meters
Complement: 320
Operational Data
Transporters: none
Cargo Units: 70
Shuttlebay: 1 aft-ventral,
Shuttlecraft: 7 size worth
Grapplers: 1AV
Separation System: No
Sensor System: Class 2(+2/C)
Operations System: Class 2R (CC)
Life Support: Class 1R (BB)
Propulsion Data
Impulse System: Equiv to 6 x SBA (in three 2-unit clusters (.25c) (C)
Warp System: K-F Drive (special) (C)
---Note: similar to quantum slipstream. Rather than 300 LY/hr, ship "jumps" up to 30 LY instantaneously, to and from Lagrange points, or farther than 10 AU from star. Usually a star system's zenith or nadir points are used. Ship can jump once/week.
Tactical Data
Beam Weapons: Four 45-cm lasers, twelve 55-cm lasers (AA)
-- roughly equiv to 2 Type II and 6 Type III phaser banks
Penetration: 4/4/4/0/0
Missile Weapons: 24 NAC/20, 18 NAC/35, 4 Barracuda missile tubes, 8 White Shark missile tubes (AA)
-- rough equivs: 12 Mk 1 IF, 4 Mk 2 IF, 4 FST MkII, 2 FST MkIII
Penetration (FST missiles): 3/3/3/0/0
Penetration (NAC/photon): 6/6/6/6/0
Polarization Grid: HPG Mk. 3 (C)
Protection/Threshold: 11/1
Hull Plating: Type III
Protection: 9
Miscellaneous Data
Maneuvering: +1C -3H +3T
Obsolete (Helm - maneuver mods adjusted)
Ablative Armor
United Federation of Planets Refit:
-- Reduce structure to 40(45)
-- Add PFF 3 deflector shields (14/3)(B)
-- Change beam weapons to 8 actual Type III phaser banks (4/4/4/0/0)(D)
-- Replace all missile weapons with 35 Mk 12 IDF launchers (9/9/9/9/9)(D)