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Thread: Do we even need Decipher anymore?

  1. #151
    Join Date
    Aug 2001
    Orange, CA. USA
    Originally posted by TFVanguard
    You're treading thin. I said explicitly what happened, that some individuals that I talked to, who don't usually steer me wrong, repeated something they had heard at the office. Period. I had no reason not to believe them.

    You mistake my meaning. I'm not accusing you of believing otherwise trustworthy people. I'm accusing you of making all of this up. I don't think you've ever talked to anyone about it. I'm accusing you of being a liar.

    Prove me wrong. Give me the names of the people you talked to, who they work for, what they do.
    Game On!

  2. #152
    I don't believe I have to give you any personal details about myself or those I talk to. It's none of your God Damn business, frankly, and this goading is juvenile. I don't have to prove jack over shit to the likes of you.

    Accuse me all you want. I don't care. It's meaningless. I admitted that the info was wrong and I shouldn't have carried it through without knowing more. I'll even apologize for it.

    But you, sir, have crossed a line in your professional handling of this. Decipher, et all, should be ashamed that they ever had you on their payroll. You're a disgrace to professionalism.

  3. #153
    Originally posted by TFVanguard
    I don't believe I have to give you any personal details about myself or those I talk to. It's none of your God Damn business, frankly, and this goading is juvenile. I don't have to prove jack over shit to the likes of you.

    Accuse me all you want. I don't care. It's meaningless. I admitted that the info was wrong and I shouldn't have carried it through without knowing more. I'll even apologize for it.

    But you, sir, have crossed a line in your professional handling of this. Decipher, et all, should be ashamed that they ever had you on their payroll. You're a disgrace to professionalism.
    Star Trek Character Builder

    Plasma Bolt!! Plasma Bolt!!

  4. #154
    Fine, guys. Whatever.

    I came here to enjoy discussion on Star Trek and RPGs, and not deal with a group of assholes. I'll be leaving, as there's obviously little reason to continue trying to be here.

    And, don't worry, anyone else that asks about Trek RPGs, I'll be sure to let them know that newcomers aren't welcome and should expect to be treated like total crap and shit on at every early opportunity.

  5. #155
    Originally posted by TFVanguard
    Fine, guys. Whatever.

    I came here to enjoy discussion on Star Trek and RPGs, and not deal with a group of assholes. I'll be leaving, as there's obviously little reason to continue trying to be here.

    And, don't worry, anyone else that asks about Trek RPGs, I'll be sure to let them know that newcomers aren't welcome and should expect to be treated like total crap and shit on at every early opportunity.
    Star Trek Character Builder

    Plasma Bolt!! Plasma Bolt!!

  6. #156
    Join Date
    Nov 1999
    Springfield, MO, USA



    Is it safe to continue discussing the future of Coda Trek now?



  7. #157
    Join Date
    May 2003
    Toronto, Ontario, Canada
    Gods above willing, yes.

    I was over at an acquaintence's place and was browsing through the Net when I saw the escalation in the latest episode of Flame Wars. I was going to put through an alert to the moderators when I got home, but obviously that necessity has been eliminated with the departure of one of the participants.

    For whatever it's worth: both Space_Cadet and I have left messages for Decipher's Little Green Men types on that site's Trek RPG message board in the last few days, asking if there's any update information due to be coming through the pipeline. While you might be able to look up the worth of this enterprise (pun not intended) in the dictionary under "exercise in futility", they've at least been notified that there are people out there who refuse to let this issue die and want to get some definitive answers. Yes or no, at this point I - and, I would warrant, many others - don't particularly care. We just want to get an idea as to where we stand and if we've got the all-clear to start hammering out our own works.

    Can we do it? KillerWhale et al's superb ESO incontravertibly shows that it can be done, and with thoroughly professional style and taste. Let our people go, Decipher; one way or the other.

  8. #158
    The one thing i'm worried about is if the Trek liscence does go to another company and if that company decides to create new a new system I might be inclined not to purchase another Star Trek RPG (wow four versions!!). I already have the FASA version and the Coda version but hestitated with LUG. Honestly, there's a part of me that believes that another company probably can't match the quality that Decipher put out, unless its WOTC. I would like wholeheartly for the system to remain Coda and maybe remain in Decipher's hands. *fingers crossed*
    Star Trek Character Builder

    Plasma Bolt!! Plasma Bolt!!

  9. #159
    Join Date
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    Worcester, MA USA
    Originally posted by Space_Cadet
    The one thing i'm worried about is if the Trek liscence does go to another company and if that company decides to create new a new system I might be inclined not to purchase another Star Trek RPG (wow four versions!!). I already have the FASA version and the Coda version but hestitated with LUG. Honestly, there's a part of me that believes that another company probably can't match the quality that Decipher put out, unless its WOTC. I would like wholeheartly for the system to remain Coda and maybe remain in Decipher's hands. *fingers crossed*
    I know what you mean about being leary of buying another TREK RPG. When a line is selling and stops at 6 books you have to be concerned.

    As for another company doing as good a job a Decipher, I think "sure they could!". With all due respect to the folks who wrote CODA, you never know what the next guy down the road might do. After all, LUG was a little company that did a good TREK game.

    Most of my favorite RPGs didn'T come from WotC.

    Who knows?

  10. #160
    Join Date
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    Worcester, MA USA

    An even scarier thought...

    If Decipher does decide to publish more CODA stuff...

    ..who is going to write it?

    Hasn't all the LUG staff left Decipher? Decipher might not be able to put out materal of the same quality as the stuff already written.

  11. #161
    Join Date
    Aug 1999
    Kaunakakai, Molokai, Hawaii, USA


    Originally posted by TFVanguard

    I admitted that the info was wrong and I shouldn't have carried it through without knowing more. I'll even apologize for it.
    Apology accepted.

    [size=0.1]P.S. I guess he won't be buying EDEN products anymore, huh?[/size]
    Anyhoo, just some random thoughts...

    "My philosophy is 'you don't need me to tell you how to play -- I'll just provide some rules and ideas to use and get out of your way.'"
    -- Monte Cook

    "Min/Maxing and munchkinism aren't problems with the game: they're problems with the players."
    -- excerpt from Guardians of Order's Role-Playing Game Manifesto


    DISCLAIMER: I Am Not A Lawyer

  12. #162
    Join Date
    Aug 2001
    Baltimore, MD
    If another company takes over Trek, and publishes to their own system, I will probably stay with Coda unless I am significantly impressed with the new system, or its one I already know, or, down the road, the company begins publishing *really cool* material.

    If I were to abandon Coda, it would probably be in favor of HERO, at this point. Maybe GURPS, but I'm unlikely to start new GURPS campaigns until I see if Fourth edition fixes some broken stuff, doesn't break any new stuff, and is well supported.

  13. #163
    Join Date
    May 2003
    Toronto, Ontario, Canada
    Originally posted by tonyg
    If Decipher does decide to publish more CODA stuff...

    ..who is going to write it?

    Hasn't all the LUG staff left Decipher? Decipher might not be able to put out materal of the same quality as the stuff already written.
    As Don has stated, the LA studio - which employed the ex-LUG group - was liquidated in its entirety back in January. There is no one left to write DecipherTrek material; what they've got in their PC or Mac files right now - Worlds, Blood and Honor, Glass Darkly, etc. - is all Decipher has left to publish, and all it will ever have.

    Also, as Don's mentioned on previous threads (and here), Decipher wants out of the RPG publishing game; yes, they made money, but obviously not enough to warrant their actually taking the time and effort to manage the division like they actually cared about it. In a Best of All Possible Worlds scenario, the absolute most we can hope for at this point is that a third-party publisher, whom Decipher has/is/will approach, will see fit to take on the risk of releasing these works under their banner.

    As Ineti has indicated from his vantage point as a playtester, the chances of the above situation playing out are perilously slim to begin with, and growing more distant with every day that passes. As I - and many others - on this thread/site have stated, we better resign ourselves to the fact that what Decipher's put out so far is all they're ever going to put out. Right now, essentially, we're just waiting for the heroic-measure life support efforts to putter out before officially pulling the sheet over the corpse and starting our work again...

  14. #164
    Join Date
    Aug 1999
    Worcester, MA USA
    So with Decipher shopping the liscesne around to a third party game company for an RPG line with something like ayear left to go.

    Not good.

    Even if somone wants to write TREK products for a year, there aren't many RPG companies around anymore who might be able to pick it up.

    Steve Jackson might be interested in doing GURPS: STAR TREK, but not CODA.

    Steve Long might do it since he cowrote CODA. I doubt if HERO GAMES has that kind of money.

    WoTC has the cash, but no inclination to print non-D20 RPG stuff anymore.

    The rest of the field just doesn't have much of a chance of having the kind of cash that a Vaicom/Paramount liscene would require. Not for a year, and not for someone elses game rules.

    Wonder how the TREK RPG is doing in the Mirror universe?

  15. #165
    If it doesn't get picked up, chances are there won't be another Trek RPG for quite awhile, IMHO. Though, I wouldn't mind if this is the last Trek RPG.
    Star Trek Character Builder

    Plasma Bolt!! Plasma Bolt!!

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