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Thread: Troy

  1. #16
    Join Date
    Mar 2004
    London, England
    I'd just like to say that I hated Brian Cox as Agamemmnon. I mean, was the Big A supposed to have an Irish accent? LOL

    Aside from that, I liked the film. Sure, it was not historically accurate, but then, few films based on historical events/accounts seldom are. To make a film watchable, it has to be 'Hollywood-ised'. That is, change what doesn't work, and make it work on screen. All adaptions of books tend to go that way. Just look at peter Jackson's take on LOTR and all it's changes from the source material.

    Anyway, back to Troy:

    Good points: Eric Bana as Hector, Brad Pitt as Achilles, Sean Bean as Oddyseus. Epic fight scenes. The depiction of The Trojan Horse and how it is made and why it is accepted by the Trojans into their city.

    Bad Points: The Big A's accent! Lack of Gods (although the use of that lack was good, I like the fantastical side to the story, sue me!), Paris being such a wimpy wuss and blubbering to his bro' when getting his ass whupped ( )

    All IMHO!


    I'm NOT stupid, I'm NOT expendable and I'm NOT going!

  2. #17
    Join Date
    Feb 2001
    Brockville, Ontario, Canada
    Originally posted by Tas II

    Bad Points: The Big A's accent! Lack of Gods (although the use of that lack was good, I like the fantastical side to the story, sue me!), Paris being such a wimpy wuss and blubbering to his bro' when getting his ass whupped ( )

    Well, that is pretty much the way he is supposed to be depicted. He is the type of guy whose mouth writes cheques, his body can't cash...And ol' Hector has to come along and clean up the mess. The man is pretty much a coward, Homer shows this by having him use a bow, a cowards weapon for someone of his station.

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