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Thread: New Flaws

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Aug 1999
    Waynesburg, PA

    New Flaws

    Working on Civilian Characters and needed some new flaws afterall there is only so much you can do with Arrogant and Infamy!

    You are very hard and cold toward others and their feelings, usually you hide this by saying “you only tell it like it is” but really care less what others think of you and your actions.

    Effect: You suffer a -5 penalty to all presence related skill tests by you or others against you.

    You cheated to win a game or sport by doing something illegal by the games rules.

    Effect: You can exchange 1 point of Renown for the remainder of the game to win a physical skill test automatically. You must tell the narrator how you did it so that the narrator might create a later problem; for example how you did not notice the gardener when you made a short cut through the park during a marathon.

    You make unwanted advances to those you are attracted too as soon as you meet them even if it is a bit of bad timing, such as during a Klingon attack on your station. This flaw is the opposite of flirty which is a playful and sometimes desired attempt to gain someone’s attention. When a female holds this flaw it is called being a Vamp.
    Effect: When meeting a person the narrator judges you might be attracted to for the first time or after having already made a failed advance on some one you know, you must make a willpower reaction test if you fail you must make a pass using what ever appropriate presence skill test is required and must suffer the consequences of it working or not.

    You tend to not like social settings but you have enough will power to force yourself to go to the next party even if you only go and stay a few minutes in the nearest corner and don’t attempt to talk to anybody.

    Effect: You can spend only 1 courage point per round on all social tests.

    You tend to not like social settings find company rather annoying and stay out of the way keeping to yourself even; to the point of taking the lone quarters in the nacelle just to be away from everybody else.

    Effect: You can not spend any courage points on Social Tests.

    You tend to cut corners where you can and do things that are not quite on the up and up. Even though you seem to get things done it can come at a coast.

    Effect: You can exchange one point of Renown per game in order to automatically win one social or academic skill test. You must tell the narrator how you did it so that the narrator might create a later problem; for example installing poor circuits in a computer might later fail during a crucial moment.

    You are not a coward, but tend to stay safe in dangerous situations, you feel totally comfortable giving your away team cover fire but would never volunteer to take the lead in moving out from a position.

    Effect: You can spend only 3 courage points per round instead of the usual 4.

    Opinions, suggestions to make them better.
    Draftsmen in Training

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Aug 1999
    Waynesburg, PA
    Some more

    You have a very negative view of you abilities and feel that you are always doomed to lose, of course feeling that way often means you make if a self fuelling prophecy.

    Effect: You suffer a -1 penalty to all opposed tests.

    You work but do not put any real effort into it and try to avoid work if at all possible. Even though you may occasionally put forth a great effort usually you just lean against the wall out of the bosses sight and do very little.

    Effect: You suffer a -5 penalty to all repair, craft or systems operations skill tests

    You have very little confidence in your self and tend to suffer for it in social situations.

    Effect: You can spend only 2 courage points on a social test rather then the standard 4.

    You have little interest in exploring things and making a study of them to you it is boring and well uninteresting even though you might posses all the right skills and talents.

    Effect: You can spend only 2 courage points on a academic test rather the standard 4.
    Draftsmen in Training

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jul 2003
    Newcastle, England
    Oh dear god! Yes I think allot of them shouldn't be allowed for Starfleet officers or it'd be like the powergames vilage of the damned

    i can see a few of those being applied to maquis type characters - such as Suder (though he should have a psychopath one too LOL) - or Barklay - such as shy or loner (or both!) - I guess you can pick these things up as you go.

    Maybe someone could invent a tour of duty package where you worked allot on remote platforms (such as in aquiel) or one or two man locations - coming away with a personality flaw, which makes it hard for him to interact with others.
    Ta Muchly

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