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Thread: I Hate Star Trek

  1. #1

    I Hate Star Trek

    Hey All!

    I have a confession.

    I hate Star Trek.

    No before you flame me, hear me out.

    I have never liked the series.
    I found the plots weak and stories watered down.
    I hate Deanna Troi (both the actor and the character).

    About 4 weeks ago, my RPG players came to me and asked me to run a Star Trek RPG.
    My response was...well you can figure that one out.
    Anyway, I do care about my players so I ran the Coda rule system.

    When I'm wrong I say I'm wrong.

    Well...I was wrong.
    I love Star Trek.
    The rules work really well.
    I have recently purchased several DVD sets and am in the process of watching them.
    And I am even beginging to watch the new series, Enterprise.

    I am posting this because I would be upset to see the Coda System die.
    I have been in gaming for 20 years (Yeah im old.).
    This system flows well and it is very condusive to story telling.
    I am finding that they are the best rule systems that I have used in a long time.
    So far the response to this board has been awesome!
    I wanted to thank all those who answered my posts so far.

    I hope as a community we get together and support this product.
    I know Decipher is having problems right now.
    That aside, I hope we as a community support and continue the Coda system.

    I think its worth saving.

    Well thats all I wanted to say.

    I have found a great system.

    I hope we can stay together and perpetuate it.

    Catch ya later.

    If Matt Damon is going to be Captain Kirk, does that mean Ben Affleck is gonna be Mr. Spock?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Aug 1999
    Kaunakakai, Molokai, Hawaii, USA


    There is already a community support for FASA's Star Trek.

    There is already a community support for LUG's ICON Star Trek.

    And whether or not Decipher will continue the RPG venture, there is already a community support for CODA Star Trek.

    I have been involved in the RPG hobby for nearly 20 years. I learned one thing. Companies come and go, but the games are here to stay forever.
    Anyhoo, just some random thoughts...

    "My philosophy is 'you don't need me to tell you how to play -- I'll just provide some rules and ideas to use and get out of your way.'"
    -- Monte Cook

    "Min/Maxing and munchkinism aren't problems with the game: they're problems with the players."
    -- excerpt from Guardians of Order's Role-Playing Game Manifesto


    DISCLAIMER: I Am Not A Lawyer

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Nov 1999
    Austin TX, USA
    Glad you could join the party!
    - Daniel "A revolution without dancing is a revolution not worth having."

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jan 2004
    Ah, it does me soul good when one more lost sheep comes into the fold.

    I've been rpging since 1983 with AD&D. BUT, I've been a Star Trek fan since 1973. So when FASA published STRPG, I jumped on board then. Still prefer that old system due to its simplicity. However, I'll admit that I've added some things from LUG, PD, and CODA to form my own house rules.

    The problem with most companies is that they target a certain group to give them a boost then they over-extend themselves to produce for other target groups as well. Decipher is doing that. LUG's problem was that its production costs overran it, thus its costs were passed on to the consumer. PD's problem is that it seems to be hanging around without scenarios and the like.

    Again, welcome aboard.

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