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Thread: Crossing Jordan Question

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Sep 1999
    MetroWest, MA USA

    Question Crossing Jordan Question

    I know there's a few people here who watch Crossing Jordan... My wife is trying to identify a song that was played at the end of an episode from this season (season 3). All she remembers for certain is the word "They" was repeated a lot and it was from the episode where Jordan was "acting boss". Anyone know the details of the song or the name of the episode?
    AKA Breschau of Livonia (mainly rpg forums)
    Gaming blog 19thlevel

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Aug 1999
    Ottawa, Ontario, Canada
    Your description of the episode is too sketchy to determine the episode - I don't recall an episode this season where Jordan was in charge.

    On the other tentacle, here's the official episode guide, so you may recognise the episode from the descriptions:

  3. #3
    Join Date
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    Ottawa, Ontario, Canada
    Trivia note: The reason the show came back mid-season was Jill Hennesey's pregnancy. Given her normal wardrobe of tight leather pants and skimpy lace blouses, they felt that doing a Scully/Crusher/Torres-like "put a coat on her and have her stand behind things" wouldn't work. The first few episodes of this season were actually filmed last summer and she was absent for one episode.

  4. #4
    Join Date
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    MetroWest, MA USA
    A little more detail... I just remember the subplot from this episode, not the actual investigations.... Dr. Macy was away for most of the episode and had left Jordan in charge. At the start she was "Miss Sweet Boss" but by halfway through the episode she was in "grrr-boss" mode.

    Not sure if that adds any details of use - that subplot doesn't seem to be mentioned in the episode guide.
    AKA Breschau of Livonia (mainly rpg forums)
    Gaming blog 19thlevel

  5. #5
    Join Date
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    Baltimore, MD
    I looked over at TVTome, and had no luck, sorry.

    I've seen perhaps 10 minutes of this show, but I've wondered if it's worth watching. With the departure of a few shows this season, and nothing that looks worth adding next (so far, anyway), I'm wondering if this show is worth adding.

    Anyone who cares to offer their opinion is invited to do so. In the interest of keeping this thread for its intended purpose, please do so by PM. Thanks.

  6. #6
    Join Date
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    Kaunakakai, Molokai, Hawaii, USA


    Was it repeated last night? If so, sorry I missed it.

    If not, then I'll keep my eyes out for it. Maybe record the show.

    As for the show itself, it's cool, especially the first season. I like it when she tries to question authority figures, especially when she makes the DA -- which BTW played by the same actress who portrayed LaForge's object of desire, Dr. Brahm -- go crazy.
    Last edited by REG; 07-05-2004 at 07:45 PM.
    Anyhoo, just some random thoughts...

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  7. #7
    Join Date
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    Ottawa, Ontario, Canada
    which BTW played by the same actress who portrayed LaForge's object of desire, Dr. Brahm

    Susan Gibney (Leah Brahms/Capt. Benteen) isn't the only Trek alumnus on the show. Miguel Ferrer (Dr. Macy) played the XO of the USS Excelsior in STIII:TSFS.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Dec 2002
    Dover, OH
    If I may suggest -- you might want to get the Crossing Jordan soundtrack.

    It features the music used in the serries, so you might be able to find the tune you're looking for.
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  9. #9
    Join Date
    Sep 1999
    MetroWest, MA USA
    I know everyone must have been worried about this but we finally found it. The artist in question is Jem and the song is "They", from the album "Finally Woken". Just downloaded it from iTunes. Not bad, though not quite my style of music.

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