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Thread: Enterprise Earth History (an except)

  1. #16
    Join Date
    Mar 2003
    Somewhere behind a sand dune

    The Info-Socialist Party

    History: The history of the party can be traced to the collapse of the former Union of Soviet Socialist Republics and the Peoples Republic of China, which lead to the rise of Li Qwan Chu, the ‘New Mao Ze Dong’ and Vladamir Popov, two Eugenics experiments from the same creche as Khan Singh. Both Eugenics warriors were considered brutal and cold, even by Eugenic standards. They were also avid Socialists, although the flavor they implemented more resembled Stalin’s totalitarian implementation of Socialism.

    The overthrow of the genetic warlords in Russia and China was long and bloody, and left a bad taste for socialist theory with most of the locals. Still, however there were some adherents who were loath to completely give up some of the ideals of Socialism, but realized that belief in socialism was a nearly dead concept after the various abuses that had happened during the later half of the twentieth century and during the early twenty-first century.

    One particular intellectual, named Li Loo Bang, a fan of capitalism himself, but disgusted by the occasional excesses of it, tried coming up with a middle ground that was palatable to fence sitters and more realistic Socialists who had given up on the previous model as unworkable.

    After a bit of thought over several long days, and reading over Marx’s & Engels original works. he came across an entry in Marx’s original notes about Capitalism eventually collapsing in on itself from it’s own internal contradictions from the re-apportionment of wealth and misery it would generate. A general look in any direction blew this theory out of the water as lasse-faire capitalism tended to create large amounts of wealth that did trickle down to the working class. A brief look at the United States in the previous century was a sterling of the perks and flaws of Capitalism. However, something new had been entered into the mix with the arrival of the Vulcans that would make a new brand of Socialism more viable. The Materials Synthesizer.

    Seeing the potential of the device, particularly if it was refined over time, Li wrote of Capitalism eventually permutating into a new form of Socialism as material needs would be able to be met with the new device. But he accepted that there would be psychological blocks to accepting this idea. He understood human nature and the desire for wealth and prosperity, the need for competition and achievement, and the fact that some people became lazy slugs if they didn’t have to work for anything.

    After some time, he suggested a gradual form of Socialism that would be more pragmatic than previous versions, but would capture public reguard far more easily. Working in some allusions to how Socialism was more environmentally friendly (attracting the Green party and more environmentally aware Jacksonians), and targeting medical research and GM food patents intially, he arrive at the following idea.

    Information was the true property of the workers or thinkers. Intellectual property should remain the property of the person who made it, unless it could serve the State/Community/Nation better if it was state property, such as medical cures, GM food templates, weapons, etc. Realizing that a lot of people would balk at the prospect of state seizure of intellectual property, he suggested that people be allowed to compete for contracts, much like in normal capitalist systems, the difference being at the end, the State would compensate the researchers in R&D costs, pay a large fee for the patent rights, and subcontract with the researcher to create the item in question, but retain ownership of said item.

    The idea took off like a rocket in many areas as it seemed to combine traditional Socialism and Capitalism into a package which could work. The theories are still being refined, but Info-Socialism looks like it’s here to stay

    Tenants are to follow
    A brave little theory, and actually quite coherent for a system of five or seven dimensions -- if only we lived in one.

    Academician Prokhor Zakharov, "Now We Are Alone"

  2. #17
    UUUUUGGGGGG you guys arer killing me here

    I have to say that in my history I choose to leave the Egenics wars alone save for a brief mention at the start (hence my choice to start it in 2020) until the Powers that be decide how to reconcile this I think it best to leave it alone.

    As to the big "villians" I chose to adopt a very historical attitude that perhaps those who have been portrayed as bad were in fact what we call enlighten despots and have been subjected to the moral ethical standards of the 24th century instead of there own, Li Kuan a case in point.

    He was a Chinese general who rose to power when central control in China collapsed unde Japanese/Korean Nuclear attack. In 25 years he managed to build a new chinese state based on socialist principles but he was in essence a warlord and liked the title of generalismo. He died in the 2090's having built a new state through hard nose means but is revered by many including his Vulcan observer. Somehow in the mid -23rd century he started to be looked at as a bloody and brutal dictator, which he was, becuase he no longer fit in with the way humanity wanted to view itelf never mind the fact he was responsible for unifying China so that it would be in position to join a united Earth.

    neverthless Bouncy keep writting because your stuff is good, I like it, and with some tinkering I can fit it into this setting quite well.
    Its me Eric R.

  3. #18
    Join Date
    Mar 2003
    Somewhere behind a sand dune

    IS- Tenets

    Info Socialism Tenets

    INFORMATION SHOULD BE FREE: this tenant evolved from the old hackerism of the twentieth century that patents and Intellectual Property Rights caused more damage than they prevented, so patents and IP rights, except those owned by the state or individual are contrary to the public good. Therefore, the state should own Patent/IP rights.

    COMPENSATION: As a caveat to the above, the State should subsidize research and creative thinking to problems. This means functionally, the state will reimburse said research group for costs, pay a ‘patent’ fee when the research is accepted and achieved by the state, and the original contractor would either produce said item, or retain a percentage of the profit made by sale of said item

    GOVERNMENT IS YOUR FRIEND: unlike the Jacksonians, Info-Socialism believes in government oversite, subsidy, and employment of citizens in many aspects of life such as infrastructure, food production, entertainment, etc. The level of this varies from country to country, but by in large, citizens following info-socialist thought tend to trust governmental oversite as opposed to free market oversite, which can lead to significant corruption.

    POWER TO THE PEOPLE: Inspired by previous bad governments and perhaps Jacksonian utter lack of a sense of humor regarding tyrants, Info-Socialists demand accountability from their governments. This has resulted in large scale strikes in some countries, work stoppages, or new elections of governments, with one revolution for a particularly unresponsive government. Most Info-Socialist countries have entered a provision for special elections if they feel government is unresponsive to the people’s needs.

    RESPONSIBILITY TO THE PEOPLE: Arising out of the ash of Chinese culture and socialist theory, this tenant asks people to work because it’s the right thing to do and one must earn ones keep in society. It also has developed a keen distaste for material waste and corruption (an outgrowth of Chinese disgust with traditional Chinese governmental graft practices). This extends to anywhere in the political sphere and more than one party or organization has found itself on the receiving end of the peoples ire if they put there agenda before the peoples.

    THE TEN AMENDMENTS: Meant as a tongue in cheek reference to the Neo-U.N. and American Constitutions, this tenet gives the right for a citizen to say as they will, free association and participate in the political process without fear of prosecution. This tenet tends to be rigidly enforced and is considered sacred in many of the I-S societies.

    DIVERSITY IS GOOD….TO A POINT: Info-Socialist societies covers many cultures and languages, thus diversity in understanding and tolerance is encouraged in all I-S countries. However, tolerance stops where infringing on another’s rights (as ascribed under the Neo-U.N. Charter) starts. While diplomacy is attempted first, usually with Vulcan mediators giving logical reasoned arguments on the benefits of diversity and joining the larger community, the patience factor is far less than it used to be. Initial negotiations fail, harsh sanctions are usually applied. If the nation fails to respond, military action is used, and once things are stabilized, local elections are held.

    UNIFICATION VIA REASONED ARGUMENT: The planet is a mess and the only way to make sure Man survives is that the world must unify. Preferably under one world-spanning government. This being said, Info-Socialists realize they have a very hard sell in front of them. The concept of planetary unification was what brought about the WWIII as the previous U.N. and several national blocks were bitterly divided on the issue and when push came to shove, as the U.N. aligned nations imposed embargos, the national block pushed back hard, with nuclear warheads.
    Given this and the current relatively fragile state of the planet, diplomats from leading I-S countries are being very cautious when dealing with states that are noticeably hostile to the concept. They do agree that the previous U.N. was arrogant and downright bellicose in it’s pronouncements and are working with countries that are at least listening for some formula of rights that would be palatable to all. Some compromises may have to be made. But Unification is necessary. Man has no way out.

    HUMBLE DIPLOMACY: Earth is still unstable, in spite of Vulcan assistance, and flashpoints still arise on occasion. These situations call for a lighter touch, particularly with the more prickly national blocks, and as such, the I-S party has called for quiet, but resolute diplomacy in the face of adversity. This mindset has spread into the general populace and less bombastic speech and more respectful treatment of opponents is encouraged.
    A brave little theory, and actually quite coherent for a system of five or seven dimensions -- if only we lived in one.

    Academician Prokhor Zakharov, "Now We Are Alone"

  4. #19
    Join Date
    Mar 2003
    Somewhere behind a sand dune

    SOCIO-CAPITALISTS: Mostly based in United Europe and parts of northern United Africa, this particular mix of Socialism and Capitalism would be recognizable to residents of the 20th Century, with perhaps a more strict and ruthless General Accounting office making sure resources are apportioned properly and corruption is prosecuted swiftly. By in large, this particular faction regards I-S tenants with a cautious view, since individual property rights a considered a high priority by most member countries.

    However, when dealing with distribution of alien technology, this faction is open to the tenants of Info-Socialism, if anything to prevent any one company or country from getting the patent and screwing over everyone else.

    Many proponents of this brand of Socialism consider themselves the Socialists Marx was speaking of when he was speaking of the eventual switching over from Capitalism to Socialism. Namely, pragmatists. The fact that planetary prosperity is higher than it every has been under the current major socio-economic models makes most of them shrug while still hopeful Man will transcend his materialistic greed. None of them really hold out for this that much, which brings them in to conflict with:

    NEO-MARXISTS: this particular brand of Socialist is held in utter contempt by Jacksonians. Most other Socialist factions on Earth consider them to be that embarrassing little brother they'd wish would go away and play in the sand box.

    Decidedly fond of grand schemes with very little planning, pomposity, and don't seem to be very grounded in reality when trying to implement their rather idealistic worldview, the Neo-Marxists tend to become rather bellicose and abusive when not paid attention to, or their ideas are refuted.

    In short, this particular wing of Socialists tend to gravitate towards the not very well-grounded and the NAC wing of the Info-Socialist party, The North American Unity Party, often refer to this faction as the 'Granola Party', because 'they's chock fulla fruits, nuts and flakes'. Unfortunately, this particular branch also occasionally spawns violent 'revolutionaries'. As such, they tend to be carefully watched by national and planetary security forces.

    NATIONALISTS: Much like their counterparts in the jacksonian faction, this faction tends to heavily lean towards Info-Socialism and Socio-Capitalism and national sovereignty before planetary unity.

    UNIFICATIONISTS: This particular faction is pushing very hard for planetary unification and is usually working very hard with the Vulcans to entice nations into joining the planetary government. Even after unification, this faction will be kept very busy making sure members abide by rules under the Neo-UN. They are hopeful, as the major Jacksonian countries are entertaining the idea of joining, but are very touchy on the rights of their members. But the fact that they are at least willing to listen and have made overtures gives them much hope. Unfortunately, their problems are exacerbated by:

    INTERNATIONALISTS: The dark reflection of the Unificationists, and a common irritant to Jacksonians, to the point where it causes breakdowns in negotiations. Whereas Unificationists understand that Unification and acceptance will take some time, Internationalists think that nations are a concept that is dead and gone and proclaim themselves citizens of the world. And often have the bad habit of going to other national blocks without proper authorization. Which tends to irk many of the more nationalist blocks. Unificationists for there part, help prosecute the Internationalists, as they don’t need the additional aggravation from these renegades antics hampering otherwise rational discussions.


    THE GREEN PARTY: A party that is popular in many countries around the world, particularly in ones hit hard by WWIII (most of them). By in large, this party is run by rationalist scientists who are helping put the planet back together, although the occasional nature worshipping fanatic shows up and gives pronouncements of doom, the Greens sigh and look over the new technologies they’ve gotten to restore the environment from the Vulcans.

    TRANSHUMANISTS: Not so much a party but a loose collection of Eugenics soldiers, civilians, family, and other ‘genies’ who managed to destroy records associated with them and their allies and have sunk into the background of Terran life. Fearing discovery, they try not to attract attention to themselves.

    (finally got around to posting this out on this site)
    A brave little theory, and actually quite coherent for a system of five or seven dimensions -- if only we lived in one.

    Academician Prokhor Zakharov, "Now We Are Alone"

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