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Thread: Shield Recharge

  1. #1

    Shield Recharge

    I have a question about shields that doesn't seem to be covered under the TNG core book.

    If my shields have taken damage how do I get them back to full strength? (I don't mean pump more power to them). How do I fix the shields. Is it an engineering task? What's the difficulty of the class?


  2. #2
    I think you are right. It will be an engineering task. Under Tactical Systems.

    Difficulty is optional and up to you.

    As a rule of thumb, I would say that under optimal conditions, with full crew and diagnostic kits, the repair of most systems will be an Moderate task on an extended and or combined test.

    The more crew assigned to the job will either reduce the repair time or the difficulty.

    Of course under less than optimal conditions, and in a hurry the task become more difficult.

    In Combat Conditions.
    Missing some Tools.
    High Stress Environment.
    Hostile Environment.
    Reduced time requirements.

    All of these should increase the difficulty of the task, and under my rule of thumb, each extra condition would raise the difficulty.

    Thus; If you and Chief McCallum are trying to get the shields up, the starship is in combat, and the enemy turning to fire, you have 30 seconds to get the task done or everyone aboard is dead.

    You have High Stress, Combat and reduced Time constraints. +3 levels of difficulty. Which makes this a Nearly Impossible task, as a team effort.

    But if double the personel could be assigned, you could then drop this down a level of difficulty, to a Difficult success?

    As a rough instance to show an off-the-cuff decision, hows that sound?
    Last edited by Dan Gurden; 10-06-2004 at 04:55 PM.
    DanG/Darth Gurden
    The Voice of Reason and Sith Lord

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