Delivery room scene, no. But acknowledgement of how they ended up hiding on Tattoie and Alderain would be nice. Also what becomes of Amadala, is she killed, hiding some place else, standing by Vader's side as the Republic falls around her. Knowing my luck none of this will be addressed in the movie.
Sidious/Palpatine = Master (all that secret ID stuff)
Vader/Anikin = Apprentice
And then there's Count Dooku, I'm Uncertian where he falls in to the grand order of the Sith, ally, lacky, compensated endorser . I don't remember him having a Darth >insert name< title in the last movie, but I could be wrong.
Also does the thought of hundreds of 'upset' Wookies frighten anyone else here?
"I'm not saying there should be capital punishment for stupidity,
but maybe we should just remove all the safety lables and let nature take it's course"
"A Place For Everything & Nothing In It's Place"