Yes indeed. I also found this. I think it had been posted before, but this is a small segment of background that would have come into the Trill sourcebook.

Early Life Packages. (5 Points)
Trill symbiont Commission Initiate
By D. Gurden
Most Trill wish to obtain the honour of hosting a symbiont, however the competition is tough, the symbiont Commission only chooses the best and the Brightest to enter the Initiate Program, designed to cull unsuitable hosts from the ranks of the potential hosts.
Candidates are normally received into the program during their 20's thus giving the individual a chance to grow and mature as an individual. the better to allow integration of personalities when joined. The Initiate program lasts 3 years.
Athletics 1 (2)
Any 2 Sciences 1 (2) and (2)
Cultural Flexibility +1
Code of Honour (Protect the symbiont) -2
Rival -1

Jonas, do we have any of the other stuff still about? We may as well post what we had here (or setup a web page)? The unfinished histories, various rules, templates, skills, or simply the ideas for what would become rules, templates & skills. And of course BrianK's Trill starships?

What do you reckon, we did some work, we should share it.