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Thread: Nx-era Nations: The North American Compact

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Mar 2003
    Somewhere behind a sand dune

    Lightbulb Nx-era Nations: The North American Compact

    The history of the N.A.C. is short, but turbulent, as the newly formed political union has managed to pull the entire continent out of the post-atomic horror, and brought order to the chaos of three collapsed nations. North Americans, as a result, tend to be optimistic about the future, and have faith things will work out for the better, in spite of, or more likely, to spite their recent past.


    Few could have imagined that genetics technology normally used in medical research would have lead to the eventual rise of a class of charismatic, genetically superior, and in many cases, sociopathic warlords. Those that had were otherwise occupied with the race to decode the Human Genome were too interested in the potential medical and monetary benefits to consider the potential moral and social implications.

    The development of the American superman came out of Biotechnics-Avatar AG, a combined Canadian-American-German biotechnology corporation most noted for it’s developments in agricultural and tailored human genetics cures for various diseases. The corporation had initially been interested in creating a modified Genome Project where in genetic diseases would be voluntarily eliminated from the gene pool by subjects initially, then volunteers as the benefits of the genetics treatment spread.

    The gene treatments proved to be wildly successful and were a large cash crop for B.A., which allowed them to branch into other areas of development. Some social objections from genetic ‘have-nots’ (people who could not afford the treatments), and various religious and social groups who objected to modifying the human template for any reason. Several acts of eco-terrorism drew the publics ire and various social protests fell upon deaf ears as the obvious benefits to society began showing as people were generally healthier and certain genetic maladies were eliminated out right.

    Several Pro-Eugenics senators in the Armed Services Intelligence Committee had become concerned with reports coming out of India and several other nations of various nations working on genetic “super soldier” programs to make up for the difference in technological and material parity with the US. Senior officers on various branches who believed that the weapon was only as good as the solider using it, were always looking for a better solider. Others were skeptical of the idea, especially older officers who fought during World War II, who couldn’t help but draw the parallels between Nazi Germany’s Eugenics program and the proposed super soldier program.

    After much debate, the U.S. formed the Military Eugenics Committee, separate from the United States Genetic Regulatory Commission, to monitor each step of the eugenics process as well as plan for training and indoctrination of the Eugenics children (dubbed ‘Genies’ by the Canadian Press) into loyalty to the U.S. and it’s principles. There were protests over the concept of producing people as weapons of war (The ethical debate in the Armed Forces was bitterly divided), and when it looked like a good portion of the military would balk, the President signed the “Transhuman Rights Act” which would treat any Eugenics enhanced individual as a American citizen, but would regulate how they were schooled and educated. This turned out to be the wiser course in the long run and made the concept much easier for the American people to swallow.
    A brave little theory, and actually quite coherent for a system of five or seven dimensions -- if only we lived in one.

    Academician Prokhor Zakharov, "Now We Are Alone"

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Mar 2003
    Somewhere behind a sand dune
    I've started on this again. As before, comments are welcome
    A brave little theory, and actually quite coherent for a system of five or seven dimensions -- if only we lived in one.

    Academician Prokhor Zakharov, "Now We Are Alone"

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jul 2003
    Newcastle, England
    Intreaguing, I'm reminded of some of the plotlines from Dark Angel !

    I would have thought that there would have been more duality.. One the public arm there'd be the cures for genetic ailments and diseases.. on the military arm there'd be the super soldier project..

    I would have suspected that paranoia would ultimatelly have been the downfall here.. The rumours of the Supersoldiers were just that.. yes the Indians and others were working on Supersoldiers, but they were still at the 'Dolly the sheep' stage.. of course they don't go advertising that facts, so paranoia creeps in! Then the American corporation starts to make miracles happen.. and then that's when the arms race hits the fans.. The Americans' being more accountable (though likelly having some secret / rogue wings too) took the ethical approach, but the other governments didn't - prompting an arms race.. Add to that a little industrial espionage to make it all gell (India has many fine hackers, smart people!) and suddenly they have a major Kahn like problem on their hands!
    Ta Muchly

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Mar 2003
    Somewhere behind a sand dune
    The history of the N.A.C. is short, but turbulent, as the newly formed political union has managed to pull the entire continent out of the post-atomic horror, and brought order to the chaos of three collapsed nations. North Americans, as a result, tend to be optimistic about the future, and have faith things will work out for the better, in spite of, or more likely, to spite their recent past.


    Few could have imagined that genetics technology normally used in medical research would have lead to the eventual rise of a class of charismatic, genetically superior, and in many cases, sociopathic warlords. Those that had were otherwise occupied with the race to decode the Human Genome were too interested in the potential medical and monetary benefits to consider the potential moral and social implications.

    The development of the American superman came out of Biotechnics-Avatar AG, a combined Canadian-American-German biotechnology corporation most noted for it’s developments in agricultural and tailored human genetics cures for various diseases. The corporation had initially been interested in creating a modified Genome Project where in genetic diseases would be voluntarily eliminated from the gene pool by subjects initially, then volunteers as the benefits of the genetics treatment spread.

    The gene treatments proved to be wildly successful and were a large cash crop for B.A., which allowed them to branch into other areas of development. Some social objections from genetic ‘have-nots’ (people who could not afford the treatments), and various religious and social groups who objected to modifying the human template for any reason. Several acts of eco-terrorism drew the publics ire and various social protests fell upon deaf ears as the obvious benefits to society began showing as people were generally healthier and certain genetic maladies were eliminated out right.

    Several Pro-Eugenics senators in the Armed Services Intelligence Committee had become concerned with reports coming out of India and several other nations of various nations working on genetic “super soldier” programs to make up for the difference in technological and material parity with the US. Senior officers on various branches who believed that the weapon was only as good as the solider using it, were always looking for a better solider. Others were skeptical of the idea, especially older officers who fought during World War II, who couldn’t help but draw the parallels between Nazi Germany’s Eugenics program and the proposed super soldier program.

    After much debate, the U.S. formed the Military Eugenics Committee, separate from the United States Genetic Regulatory Commission, to monitor each step of the eugenics process as well as plan for training and indoctrination of the Eugenics children (dubbed ‘Genies’ by the Canadian Press) into loyalty to the U.S. and it’s principles. There were protests over the concept of producing people as weapons of war (The ethical debate in the Armed Forces was bitterly divided), and when it looked like a good portion of the military would balk, the President signed the “Transhuman Rights Act” which would treat any Eugenics enhanced individual as a American citizen, but would regulate how they were schooled and educated. This turned out to be the wiser course in the long run and made the concept much easier for the American people to swallow.

    Conscious of the potential problems that could arise (after consulting various scientists and science fiction authors), the GRC and the MEC laid the ground work for the creation, education and raising of Americas ‘Genies’ under Project ‘Pantheon’. Some rights advocates objected to the stratified training and upbringing of the children as the came of age, but security concerns trumped any ‘human rights’ objections. In reality, the MEC was very careful in raising the children with access to modern media, judiciously filtered and explained to them so they would be able to understand what they were viewing.

    Allowing them to mix with other more normal children on various bases proved problematical initially as many children, particularly during teenage years, are noted for their cruelty. The Genies, noted for their relative emotional detachment, seemed unaffected by the initial jibes of the other children, and mentally seemed about five years in advance of those surrounding them. Minor skirmishes tended to be on sided as the children’s enhanced strength, speed, endurance, and other traits allowed them to dispatch problems in relatively short order. After several broken limbs and hospitalizations, incidents died to a trickle as the reputation of the genies spread. Disciplinary action was relatively minimal against the children, other than instruction on how to minimize damage when defending themselves. While some ‘human purity’ organizations attempted to target them, general public opinion, now used to the benefits of eugenics engineering too and exceedingly dim view of such behavior and emotional support from across all sectors made the children darlings of the media.


    While some American Genies opted for non-military pursuits (almost all medical vocations), the majority joined the military simply out of habit and quickly out-performed other trainees. The various eugenics soldiers proved to be charismatic, natural leaders that could motivate the troops and boost morale, which proved invaluable during the first conflict they entered into

    The Gulf War came as a surprise to the world as the forces of Iraq under the dictator Tariq Hussein , an opportunistic cousin of the assassinated (by him) Saddam Hussein, rolled across the Kuwaiti and Saudi Arabian borders to seize the Kuwaiti and Arabian oilfields for Iraq. Using modern Soviet armor and attack helicopters, the seizure of the oil fields proved relatively easy and the fields and refineries were used as staging grounds for Iraq’s assault into Saudi Arabia proper.

    As oil prices spun into the stratosphere, The U.S., under the Untied Nations umbrella, formed a Coalition of nations from around the world to take back the occupied lands. Tariq, anticipating the World’s response, pipelined weapons and armor from the ailing Soviet Union in return for cheaper oil prices, as well as mercenary ‘military advisors’ from various countries around the world. None of this proved to be of any used as the combined arms operations of the Coalition forces made short work of Iraqi armed forces using stand off anti-armor & anti-air technology.

    American Special Operations squads composed of eugenics soldiers penetrated deep into Iraqi territory, using small and fast recon Light Recon Vehicles to engaging in hit and fade attacks against Iraqi Command and Control structures, IRBM missile sites, as well as targeting various field commanders and transports carrying reports back to the Iraqi High Command. As luck would have it, one particular deep range raid yielded the location of Tariq and the surviving High Command officers.

    The field officer in charge, one Major Alonzo Domitzoli, was politic enough to realize that capturing the High Command would not be very popular in certain quarters (it wasn’t in the U.N. Mandate for Coalition Operations), but would save a lot of headaches down the road if the Coalition just brought him and his cabinet in. It would also make him and the rest of his Eugenics soldiers look very good in the eyes on the American people and many of their Allies who wished Tariq would just disappear. And so, after a bit of judicious speaking to several officers higher up the command ladder, Domitzioli assembled a small strike group composed of Genies and enthusiastic regular troops for a commando raid to the city of Al Kut.

    Resistance was tougher than initially expected, but under the leadership of Domitzoli with his enhanced intellect, the soldiers superior physiognomy, training and tactics, the enemy was made short work of and the strike force managed to grab Tariq and the defense cabinet and escape before Iraqi forces could counterattack. With the loss of the Iraqi command structure, the Iraqi forces became isolated and were made to surrender after several command units were made examples of. Word of (with liberal exaggeration) of the genies abilities had leaked out into the Iraqi army and most units surrendered at the threat of the ‘iffrits’ being called into deal with them. Sometimes whole units would surrender to ward off the wrath of the ‘iffrits’.

    International reaction to the capture of Tariq and the Iraqi government was mixed at best. Many at the U.N. (and indeed in the U.S.) said that the U.S. had overstepped their mandates bounds in capturing Tariq, now noting the various ethnic groups jockeying for position inside Iraq. The U.S. military issued a formal ‘reprimand’ for the commanding officer who authorized the capture (in reality, the officer was going to be promoted into an administrative position before the capture. The capture merely fast tracked the reassignment) while showering awards and medals to the troops who had taken part in the operation, as well as giving Domitzioli a promotion to Lt. Colonel and a choice of assignments as reward. Realizing that Iraq would be somewhat unstable for the next few years, he requested assignment to Iraq as a counter terrorism instructor and aid to the new government being formed with the removal of Tariq and his followers.

    Over the next few months, Coalition forces and various terrorist organizations played a deadly game of cat and mouse, with the Coalition gaining the upper hand quickly as more eugenics troops from the U.S. were poured into the theatre. With the ability to quickly learn languages, spot patterns of trouble, and gather intelligence, the various resistance forces were crushed by the Coalition forces with very little mercy as the eugenics soldiers dispatched the enemy with a cold, ruthless efficiency. While some would complain of ‘imperialism’, the operation overall was considered a resounding success.

    It was the first sign of what was to come.
    A brave little theory, and actually quite coherent for a system of five or seven dimensions -- if only we lived in one.

    Academician Prokhor Zakharov, "Now We Are Alone"

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jul 2003
    Newcastle, England
    Just on clarification, is this set in a slightly alternate timeline, more in keeping with the original Eugenics war in the 90's ? I.e. this is the first Iraqi war, but with a twist.. or did I misread it and it's a later Iraq?
    Ta Muchly

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Mar 2003
    Somewhere behind a sand dune
    Iraq War in the 1990's with a twist
    A brave little theory, and actually quite coherent for a system of five or seven dimensions -- if only we lived in one.

    Academician Prokhor Zakharov, "Now We Are Alone"

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Mar 2003
    Somewhere behind a sand dune

    The first sign of the conflicts to come was the terrorist attacks against India’s methyl isocyanate production plants. U.S. and Coalition forces went on alert in Iraq as the situation unfolded in India and evidence began pointing at India’s longtime enemy, Pakistan. The disaster caused the downfall of the Ghandi family elected dynasty and the rise of an authoritarian Sikh warlord by the Name of Khan Noonian Singh and his Six Moons Party, riding the outrage and grief of the Indian people.

    Coalition forces, expecting various ‘resistance forces’ to target civilians in response, proactively began sweeping districts where troublemakers were known to frequent. Due to Eugenics enhanced intelligence and questionable interrogation techniques (these would come to light later), the U.S. lead forces were able to quash what few forces made themselves known, capturing most of them alive and taken back for interrogation to root out. All the while, U.S. and British forces monitored movements inside of India and Pakistan as the situation deteriorated.

    74 hours into the crisis NOAA, USSPACECOM, ESA, and Soviet observation satellites detected multiple double-flash signatures (a signature indicating the use of hydrogen bombs in the multi-megaton range) inside Pakistan in locations which matched it’s major population centers as well as many smaller explosions, estimated to be tactical nuclear explosions.

    Confusion reigned as Coalition forces attempted to determine what had exactly happened, only to be further compounded as panicked radio chatter from across the border in Iran indicated that the Indians had begun a night time assault into Iran. The Coalition forces adopted a wait and see attitude as more rational commanders had units dig in and await the flood of refugees across the border, as well as various irregular forces who would try to take advantage of the situation.

    The U.S. forces, now making up the bulk of the forces in Iraq, began sending up air patrols and madea show of the flag along the border as it became evident that the Indian Army (far larger than anyone had expected) had begun a ruthless campaign to kill any and all government and religious figures that had called for ‘Death to India’ as well as their supporters. In areas that were predominantly government supported and run, liberal use of tactical neutron warheads removed any real resistance, and all other areas the Indians were ruthless in the removal of potential troublemakers.

    As the world protested, the U.S., realizing that the Indians wouldn’t be satisfied with just Iran, Afghanistan, and the charred remains of Pakistan, quietly prepared for a nuclear strike against India if they attempted to invade Iraq. Colonel Domitzioli advised careful negotiation with the Indian dictator. He had calculated that Khan was in no position to pick a fight with the planet’s premier Superpower and some flexibility on the U.S.’s part might avoid conflict between the two forces.

    [Auth note: ideas are still jelling here]
    A brave little theory, and actually quite coherent for a system of five or seven dimensions -- if only we lived in one.

    Academician Prokhor Zakharov, "Now We Are Alone"

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Jul 2003
    Newcastle, England
    Ahh that sounds more like the Khan we know and love

    Weather or not India could take on America is not as easy a question as with a country like Iraq.. It depends on how many warheads they had.. anti-misile warheads are not 100% flawless, and it would only take a single warhead of a multiwarhead missile to cause untold devastation!

    America would face the same problem with India that it faces with China and Russia.. Size! not as big but India has a HUGE polulation density. Neutron bombs do more in the short term than they would in the long, plus they have a limited effective range and there are a huge number of population centres to take out in the indian sub continent! Equally a land war in India would be horrible!... America would have a big fight on their hands, it's not called a sub-continent for nothing!
    Ta Muchly

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Mar 2003
    Somewhere behind a sand dune



    The first sign of the conflicts to come was the terrorist attacks against India’s methyl isocyanate production plants. U.S. and Coalition forces went on alert in Iraq as the situation unfolded in India and evidence began pointing at India’s longtime enemy, Pakistan. The disaster caused the downfall of the Ghandi family elected dynasty and the rise of an authoritarian Sikh warlord by the Name of Khan Noonian Singh and his Six Moons Party, riding the outrage and grief of the Indian people.

    Coalition forces, expecting various ‘resistance forces’ to target civilians in response, proactively began sweeping districts where troublemakers were known to frequent. Due to Eugenics enhanced intelligence and questionable interrogation techniques (these would come to light later), the U.S. lead forces were able to quash what few forces made themselves known, capturing most of them alive and taken back for interrogation to root out. All the while, U.S. and British forces monitored movements inside of India and Pakistan as the situation deteriorated.

    74 hours into the crisis NOAA, USSPACECOM, ESA, and Soviet observation satellites detected multiple double-flash signatures (a explosion signature indicating the use of hydrogen bombs in the multi-megaton range) inside Pakistan in locations which matched it’s major population centers as well as many smaller explosions, estimated to be tactical nuclear explosions.

    Confusion reigned as Coalition forces attempted to determine what had exactly happened, only to be further compounded as panicked radio chatter from across the border in Iran indicated that the Indians had begun a night time assault into Iran. The Coalition forces adopted a wait and see attitude as more rational commanders had units dig in and await the flood of refugees across the border, as well as various irregular forces who would try to take advantage of the situation.

    The U.S. forces, now making up the bulk of the forces in Iraq, began sending up air patrols and made a show of the flag along the border as it became evident that the Indian Army (far larger than anyone had expected) had begun a ruthless campaign to kill any and all government and religious figures that had called for ‘Death to India’ as well as their supporters. In areas that were predominantly government supported and run, liberal use of tactical neutron warheads removed any real resistance, and all other areas the Indians were ruthless in the removal of potential troublemakers.

    As the world protested, the U.S., realizing that the Indians wouldn’t be satisfied with just Iran, Afghanistan, and the charred remains of Pakistan, quietly prepared for a nuclear strike against India if they attempted to invade Iraq. Colonel Domitzioli advised careful negotiation with the Indian dictator. He had calculated that Khan was in no position to pick a fight with the planet’s premier Superpower and some flexibility on the U.S.’s part might avoid conflict between the two forces.

    Khan, however was not in the mood for resistance, his bloodlust and rage only beginning to be fed by the crushing of Pakistan and Iran. He was rational enough to realize that angering the Americans for no good reason was only asking for a saturation nuclear strike, particularly after his usage of field nuclear weapons. Particularly when they threatened nuclear release if he tried invading Iraq. Attempting to divide the Iraqis after the fall of Tariq was pointless, as the Americans had proven honorable in helping rebuild and driving the extremists out of Iraq, occasionally moving into a town and sweeping it for resistance of various stripes.

    A minor lull ensured as the American and Indian forces consolidated their positions and communiqués between Washington and New Delhi flew fast and furious. As the situation deteriorated elsewhere in the world (particularly in Europe), Washington was looking for a way to withdraw honorably from the region, but leave the Iraqis in good standing, particularly after seeing Khan’s ruthlessly efficient Special Judicial Squads root out and terminate troublemakers. Khan, being no fool, and realizing that having a sympathetic population to his cause wouldn’t hurt his position, offered to the Coalition and Iraqis to help with ‘terrorist sweeps’ while letting the Iraqi’s retain local sovereignty.

    Field commanders in the Coalition were skeptical, particularly most of the eugenics soldiery who knew a shark when they saw one. Khan for his part, made a now famous quote, “The Peoples of the Middle East have nothing to fear from myself or the People of India, in so long as they reject violence against my people. If they are judicious in removing those parties who spout hatred and plan or commit violence against my people, then we will be friends. If they fail in this, or if they forment violence, then they will know my wrath.”

    Colonel Domitzioli brought his concerns to General Norman Schwarzkopf, who’d listened to his eugenically enhanced advisors during the war. Domitzioli laid out that while he knew Khan might eventually renege on his word to treat the Iraqi’s humanely, he couldn’t afford to alienate the United States, particularly with the resurgent Soviet Union to the north of now Occupied Afghanistan moving forces southward into a potential front and China to the east. It did not sit well with the Coalition commander, particularly after what he had heard from Iranian refugees that Indian troops were exacting revenge on ‘suspected terrorists’. After speaking with Washington and the rest of the Coalition, the order from the U.N. was to withdraw, as infrastructure and services had been restored, and the Iraqi government had been made relatively stable via Coalition training.

    As Coalition forces set up for withdraw from Iraq and Indian forces moved in, friction between both sides occasionally erupted into fistfights and armed violence. A particularly bad incident occoured between the 7th Indian Armored “Shiva” Division and the 1st British Armored Division near Umm’Qasar as British troops were loading vehicles onto transports for home. History is still sketchy on exactly what precipitated the exchange, but it grew into a running tank and infantry battle between British and Indian forces in the streets of Umm’Qasar.

    American, British and French forces went on full alert and came to the defense of the beleaguered British. Coalition air forces faced off verses Indian MiG-29’s, that had been modernized in India with Chinese radar and ECM packages. The fighting turned vicious as the Miramar trained Indian pilots and Coalition pilots worked in teams to dominate the skys.

    As the U.N. protested to New Delhi, the 1st American Armored Division, replete with their new ‘Paladin’ M2 Main Battle Tanks armed with the perfected R-1 Railgun (a form of mass driver), began making short work of the Indian armor. Khan’s response was reserved, decrying the assault as the actions of a rogue commander, and had the fighter support recalled from the field. Without air support, the Indian forces were cut to ribbons, giving a black eye to Khan’s reputation and resulting in a purge inside the Indian armed forces. Under a cloud, the Coalition forces withdrew, with the U.S. forces and Indian forces staring with unfriendly eyes at each other as they left.
    A brave little theory, and actually quite coherent for a system of five or seven dimensions -- if only we lived in one.

    Academician Prokhor Zakharov, "Now We Are Alone"

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Jul 2003
    Newcastle, England
    This is not going to end well... Ok we'll have the odd highlight ala First contact, but then it turns into Enterprise

    I can see trouble a brewing ! Why is it the British always get stuck in the middle of things! If only we'd not relinquished our empire all of this would never have happened!
    Ta Muchly

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Mar 2003
    Somewhere behind a sand dune

    The pullout from The Middle East went smoother than expected as U.S. Forces watched the last of the Coalition allies leave, while training local security forces to hunt down and eliminate various irregular forces and remnants of the Ba’athist regime. Given the profound hatred the Iraqi people and the Indian forces had for such individuals, this was far less of an issue than originally thought. Khan was more than willing to have enthusiastic locals assist in rooting out various resistors to his rule. The Iraqis were happy to have a (relatively speaking) benevolent leader in charge as they stabilized Iraq.

    The Americans, along with a Coalition negotiation team, worked hard to ensure that the Iraqis retained local sovereignty as the Indian forces moved in and sought assurances that the Indian forces would treat the Iraqi people with respect. Khan, ever the sharp political operator, knew a public relations windfall when he saw one. The requests being made were a relative pittance upon his part, the locals were cooperative in hunting down radicals and former regime members, as well as relatively friendly (a major bonus), had access to large fuel stocks they were willing to share in exchange for driving out the radicals. Given that it could only make his regime look good, he acquiesced to the Coalition’s demands.
    Many of the Eugenics soldiers grumbled, and Colonel Domitzioli lodged a formal protest, saying it would end badly for the Iraqis, as the American forces began to withdraw from Iraq. The Joint Chiefs made note of the protest, as many of them were dubious of Khans intentions. In spite of the warnings, the Coalition withdrew from Iraq as the situation in Europe deteriorated.

    While on transport to Europe, The American Joint Chiefs had reorganized the various Eugenics cadres under one unified command, The Special Operations and Security Task Force, with the newly promoted Brigadier General Domitzioli tasked with analyzing reports from Europe and giving the Joint Chiefs advice on deployment of forces as tensions mounted. The Neo-Soviets were not moving using traditional Warsaw Pact tactics, and electronic interception was problematical as the Russians displayed new and highly sophisticated encryption on their communications.

    Deployment of armed forces across Europe followed traditional doctrine with small modifications to adapt for the Neo-Soviets movements. EU and American forces were bolstered by the field deployment of the M-2A ‘Paladin’ and the E-1A ‘Jager’ Heavy Main Battle Tanks, both equipped literally two weeks earlier with the new Isreali Military Industries ‘Chaziyz’ Electro-Static Shield ( a primitive form of defense shield that would cause incoming shell fuses to detonate well away from the hull of a tank, as well as deflect incoming fragments). Domitzioli deployed his SOSTF cadres among the regular forces to act as force multipliers as he and General Schwarzkopf expected a general assault across a broad front from the Soviets.

    The wait was not long in coming as the 261st and 173rd Red Guards divisions blitzed across into the Baltics, crushing all resistance handily with their new T-90M Heavy Main Battle Tanks, backed by air support from the Soviet Air Force. The Soviets showed a previously unknown flexibility on the battlefield and many field commanders realized they were facing a whole new opponent. Fortunately, American and EU training had taken many possibilities into account and compensated for this somewhat. The MBT’s Electro-Static shields also saved more than one crew while the vastly outnumbered forces of the EU/US fought a desperate holding action as the Soviet war machine threw itself into grinding Europe under it’s boot.

    Relief came in the form of supply problems for the Soviets as American and EU fighter-bomber groups, as well as sub-launched cruise missiles, and the Eugenics cadres made precision strikes against Soviet refineries and supply depots, cutting off desperately needed fuel, medicine and ammunition for the Soviet Army. Several daring raids by the SOSTF into Soviet territory, destroyed several bridges that air raids could not reach and armored columns could not reach. There were also rumors of atrocities by SOSTF forces against Soviet military personnel and civilians as the Eugenics troopers began showing the first signs of ‘shell shock’ (actually, an early manifestation of cold blooded sociopathy), but these were discounted as Soviet propoganda.
    A brave little theory, and actually quite coherent for a system of five or seven dimensions -- if only we lived in one.

    Academician Prokhor Zakharov, "Now We Are Alone"

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Mar 2003
    Somewhere behind a sand dune

    On July 23rd, 2003 NOAA satellites, ESA, and Soviet observation satellites recorded twin double-flash detonations (a form of detonation signature that would identify a nuclear explosion) in the cities of Ottawa, Canada and Mexico City, Mexico at precisely 1103HRS Zulu time. Loss of communications with Ottawa led to confusion as a majority of the East North American power-grid collapsed as attacks on PowerCorp’s power generation centers in Quebec occurred at roughly the same time. Refugees streaming out of Ottawa and into, Toronto, Montreal and south into the U.S., who offered military and social assistance to help quell looting and track down the people who bombed Canada’s power infrastructure.

    The offer was rebuffed by the government in Toronto, much to the surprise of the Americans, stating that Canada could stand on it’s own, in spite of the anarchy in the streets across Canada. But The American government, as well as many Provincial Premiers were skeptical. The RCMP was overwhelmed with crowd control and attempting to help distribute aid to affected areas. The Canadian military had been reduced to a ghost of it’s former self through previous governmental spending policies in the late 20th century and was unable to cope with riots throughout Quebec, Ontario, Newfoundland, and New Brunswick, causing massive damage to the infrastructure of the provinces.

    Things came to a head as the Party Bloc Quebcos seized power in Montreal with the assistance of sympathetic elements in the Canadian military, who had become disgusted with rule from Ottawa and the sad state the military had been reduced to, declaring Quebec a free nation, independent from the rest of Canada. When the Canadian military did not respond to calls from Toronto to bring Quebec back under Ontario’s rule, a wave of successionist fever swept through the western provinces. Alberta was the first to request inclusion into the United States, simply through long standing bitterness from ‘equalization payments’ and arguable discrimination from Ottawa. Saskatchewan , The Yukon, Northwestern Territories, Nova Scotia, Newfoundland, New Brunswick, Prince Edward Island and British Columbia followed suit as it became evident that the Toronto government was unable to cope with the crisis.

    While many in the US were keen on adding more states peacefully to the union, many more were skeptical about adding the various provinces. Many remember that Loyalist factions from the original American War for Independence were what had founded Canada in the first place and inclusion to the Union wasn’t something taken lightly. They also were more than a bit annoyed at some of the demands (continuation of equalization payments, social benefits at pre-Fall levels, etc.) that some of the various provincial premiers were making while asking for inclusion into the Union. While aid and National Guard troops flowed across the border to help, The U.S. asked each Province to hold a referendum on whether the citizens of each Province wanted to join, helpfully giving copies of the Constitution and a list of rights for States and Territories for people to read over.

    There was also the problem of Europe itself. With the destruction of the Neo-Soviet Union’s Command and control infrastructure, fighting was still brutal within the Eurotheatre, but somewhat less intense as the combined European and American armies were able to isolate and destroy most of the Soviet armed forces. The Americans were loathe to leave the Europeans in the lurch during a time when the battle could go either way (numerical superiority still gave the Soviets a fighting chance), but the fall of Canada and Mexico gave the very little choice. While The Europeans could understand and sympathize with the situation, many Euro Force soldiers voiced bitter resentment as the Americans loaded their transports and headed for home to assist in relief efforts and border control.

    As more relief rolled into Canada (over the objections of Toronto, who’s general level of incompetence was clearly evident to all but the most ardent nationalist), many of the provinces voted favorably for inclusion into the Union, with strong dissenting opinions, mostly over concern about social programs and the ‘social safety net’. The Americans for their part, welcomed Alberta (affectionately called Texas North), Nova Scotia, Newfoundland, PEI, and New Brunswick (The Maritimes), Yukon, Saskatchewan, and The Northwest Territories (The Northwest Sector) into the Union with as much fanfare as could be reasonably provided.

    When British Columbia declined, there was a polite nod across the border as the people of BC had made their decision. Nunavut, Ontario, and Free Quebec had also declined to join, Nunavut because many of the native population were ambivalent about U.S. rule, Ontario refused as it saw the U.S. as an ideological enemy that had destroyed Canada to absorb it. Free Quebec declined politely as it had seen itself just getting out from under the ‘Anglo-Saxon’ boot and the population declined to join. America shrugged it’s collective shoulders and proceeded to normalize relations with sovereign B.C., Quebec and Nunavut. It did however, pointedly ignore Ontario and kept the minimal diplomatic staff it needed to prevent open conflict as it added the provinces as new states, having run out of patience with Ontario’s posturing.
    A brave little theory, and actually quite coherent for a system of five or seven dimensions -- if only we lived in one.

    Academician Prokhor Zakharov, "Now We Are Alone"

  13. #13
    Join Date
    Mar 2003
    Somewhere behind a sand dune

    The Fall of Mexico City to a multi-stage thermonuclear warhead sounded the death knell for Mexico as a politically viable entity. Bitterness about ‘Anglo’ rulership and ‘exploitation’ from Mexico City by many metezos (an ethnic mixture of Spanish and local Indian populations) had been a major reason for movement of a significant portion the population to it’s northern neighbor, as well as economic reasons. With the destruction of Mexico City and the highly centralized government Mexico had been used to since the early part of the twentieth century and no clear line of succession, the country fragmented into local baronies as military units and drug lords (who had been making considerable inroads for decades) attempted to assert authority.

    The U.S., having grown considerably annoyed with the Mexican governments antics in previous decades, including open support for illegal immigrants with brochures on how to bypass U.S. security, as well as security concerns over terrorists attempting to use the ‘immigrant pipeline’ to sneak into the U.S., tightened security with a combination of more manned security stations, far heavier border walls, and deeply dug trenches to prevent conventional tunneling along the border. Outcries by various protest groups fell upon deaf ears as the majority of the American people had grown fed up with what they had perceived as abuse of the U.S.’s generosity, particularly in Border states where illegal immigrants had put an immense strain on local medical and social support structures without giving back to the local community.

    While harsh by traditional standards, the various safeguards had proven wiser as a flood of new refugees came up from the shattered interior of Mexico and allowed the U.S. to assimilate refugees at it’s own pace. Returning military units were assigned to the Border to ensure breaches in security were crushed and that various refugee camps were properly administered. General Domitzioli’s Eugenics soldiers were assigned to USSOUCOM (United States Southern Command) in El Paso, Texas as specialists due to familiarity with running refugee camps in the Middle East and the ability to eliminate troublemakers with minimal effort.

    Domitzioli observed the flood of Humanity with a certain amount of irritation. Many from Mexico he thought of as weak, corrupt, and spoiled, dependant on their government for everything from handouts to employment and seemed to think that they were entitled to handouts from the Americans when they showed up on it’s doorstep. While many had shown up and were escaping the chaos to the south and were willing to work hard for their supplies, their were enough of what the Security Forces and locals (particularly assimilated, naturalized former Mexicans) along the American borders called ‘vampires’ to reinforce this negative stereotype.

    To make matters worse, a small portion of the refugees were cross-border members of M.E.Ch.A., a ethnic Mexican supremacist group that advocated the return of the American Southwest to Mexico, claiming it had been ‘stolen’ during the Mexican-American War of the nineteenth century (The fact of Mexico’s aggression in the first war, with payment for said territory in the peace treaty, as well as a further purchase of land later on escaped them). Agitating for return of the land, with supporters coming from Texas and California, M.E.Ch.A made patrolling the various camps difficult at best, hazardous at worst.

    The Eugenics soldiers, along with the regular garrisons, were hard pressed to keep control of the camps as Washington drug it’s feet on the issue, and inevitable skirmishes broke out. Lacking a sense of humor and with backing of local residents, Domitzioli initiated Martial Law in the camps, which was enforced with little mercy after it was found that M.E.Ch.A representatives had been attempting to smuggle weapons into the camps. Domitzioli made issue of this in the local media as well as reports to Washington, hoping to embarrass Washington into rendering a decision on the deteriorating situation.

    The Washington establishment, never one to like being embarrassed, recalled Domitzioli to Washington for a Congressional hearing on the situation. Domitzioli, knowing a political hatchet job inbound when he saw one, arranged for one of the worst acts of deception and treason in the history of the republic through several of his loyal subordinates, already having grown disenchanted with ‘Congressional sloth’. As he responded in a missive to Congress, he arranged to allow a M.E.Ch.A backed terrorist group, The Sons of Aztlan, to sneak a cargo transport laden with explosives into D.C.’s airspace. The attack was caught on several networks as the anti-aircraft systems in D.C. failed to lock onto the incoming transport and it collided with Congress. The shockwave leveled most of the Mall and the surrounding building complexes.

    The response with swift, measured, and decidedly ruthless upon the part of the President, the surviving Supreme Court Justices (some of which had been present in the Capitol building), and seven members of congress who had not been at the crash sight. Initiating martial law along the entire border, standing shoot-to-kill orders were given to all border soldiers and law enforcement officers, as well as sweeps though major cities for any and all supporters of M.E.Ch.A, whether they were ethnic Mexican or not. The hammer fell particularly hard on several universities in the southwest U.S. when it was found that M.E.Ch.A had ties to radical Islamist groups as well as violent criminal gangs. For reasons of security, the members of M.E.Ch.A and various supporters were rounded up and put in a large prison camp near Alamogordo, New Mexico under the watchful eyes of U.S. military.

    As investigation into M.E.Ch.A’s activities spread, many Americans began looking towards those who verbally supported the enemies of the nation. When they began seeing virulent anti-Americanism, many due to imprisonment of MECHA advocates, coming from their universities, they saw it as giving aid and comfort to the enemy. The President was very reluctant to reign in free speech on principle. But when professor’s from the University of Michigan in the Middle Eastern studies section began calling for death to himself, and the downfall of the U.S. for it’s ‘imperialism’, he’d had enough. Looking over historical precedent, he suspended Habius Corpus and resurrected the Sedition Act of 1798, giving him limited power on incarcerating enemies of the state. Which he implimented in short order as more troops returned home from Europe and elsewhere.

    While many more socially liberal looked on in horror, they couldn’t help but notice that the mood of the country had shifted sharply towards a hawkish stance, and succor for ones enemies was viewed very dimly by the majority of Americans and the newly assimilated provinces of Canada. While debate continued freely, the line had been drawn and many professors suddenly found themselves being censored by university administrations fearful of having their funding yanked, not to mention federal criminal prosecution for Sedition. People who openly advocated violence found themselves rounded up and imprisoned, or shot as traitors if they resisted.

    It was in this environment the Eugenics soldiers, satisfied that their deception had gone through unnoticed, turned an unfriendly eye towards Mexico.
    A brave little theory, and actually quite coherent for a system of five or seven dimensions -- if only we lived in one.

    Academician Prokhor Zakharov, "Now We Are Alone"

  14. #14
    Join Date
    Feb 2001
    11S MS 9888 1055
    Intersting read.

  15. #15
    Join Date
    Mar 2003
    Somewhere behind a sand dune

    I'm trying to make this interesting, but make it live up to the horror that the Eugenics wars and the "post atomic" horror that was advertised in TOS and TNG. In short, not a nice time to be alive
    A brave little theory, and actually quite coherent for a system of five or seven dimensions -- if only we lived in one.

    Academician Prokhor Zakharov, "Now We Are Alone"

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