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Thread: CODA sale on Stiggybaby's

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Apr 2001
    Fort Dodge, IA, USA

    CODA sale on Stiggybaby's

    Just in case none of you keep an eye on Stiggybaby's (like I do) they have a sale on all the CODA:ST stuff. You can get all the books for about $120 plus shipping. If you purchased them at regular price. . .that would be close to getting two of the books for free (saving about $70).

    This part is off topic. . .

    My only problem with Stiggybaby's is the lack of product description. Can anyone tell me what Jeremiah: The Role Playing Game is? Thanks!
    Steven "redwood973" Wood

    "Man does not fail. He gives up trying."

  2. #2
    Join Date
    May 2000
    Ottawa, Ontario Canada
    Jerimiah is a D20 game being put out by Mongoose based of the series done by JM. Strazinski(sp) who did B5. The basic premise being that kids wake up one morning and all the adults are gone. It center around the 2 lead characters trying to discover what happened to the adults and finding other "survivor". So it's sort of post apocalyptic feeling. It starred the bad boy guy from 90210, and the cosby son as his sidekick. Didn't care for it personally. No big surprise Mongoose is doing it, as the have the liscence for the B5 game as well.
    Last edited by IceGiant; 02-14-2005 at 11:44 AM.
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  3. #3
    Join Date
    Oct 1999
    Peterborough, Ontario, Canada.
    Just placed an order for Starships and the old LUG Way of Kohlinar book.

    Does anyone up here in the Great White North have any experience with Stiggybaby's orders, good or bad? I know Don and several other US folks have recommended them.

    Drunken DM and the Speak with Dead spell: "No, I'm not the limed-over skeleton of the abbot, and no this special key in my boney fingers does not open the door to the secret treasury! ... Oh crap."

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Apr 2001
    Fort Dodge, IA, USA
    Thanks IceGiant. Have to admit I had never heard of it before, but the cover art looked rather nice. . .peeked my curiosity.

    Liquidator Queeg Stiggybaby's rocks! They have the best customer service of any company (gaming or non-gaming) period. Since Don introduced me to them they are all I use. Keep an eye on your e-mail as they keep you updated on your order. I usually receive three to four e-mails from them.

    Your gonna like LUG Way of Kohlinar. I don't know about anyone else, but I found it very interesting. You know, I hadn't even noticed that the LUG stuff on Stiggybaby's has a decent sale going too.
    Last edited by redwood973; 02-14-2005 at 01:30 PM.
    Steven "redwood973" Wood

    "Man does not fail. He gives up trying."

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Mar 2003
    Wichita, Kansas, USA
    Quote Originally Posted by redwood973
    Thanks IceGiant. Have to admit I had never heard of it before, but the cover art looked rather nice. . . .peeked my curiosity.
    . . . you mean it piqued your curiosity ? Sorry. I just couldn't let it go.
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  6. #6
    Join Date
    Aug 1999
    Salt Lake City
    Quote Originally Posted by Liquidator Queeg
    I know Don and several other US folks have recommended them.
    Yea, I love Stiggybaby! They're the only online store I get my RPGs from anymore (aside from Overstock).
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  7. #7
    Join Date
    Oct 1999
    Peterborough, Ontario, Canada.

    Thumbs up

    I received my package from Stiggybaby's yesterday. These guys rock. Only a one week wait from the date of shipping. Sweet. And cheap. Queeg like.

    Drunken DM and the Speak with Dead spell: "No, I'm not the limed-over skeleton of the abbot, and no this special key in my boney fingers does not open the door to the secret treasury! ... Oh crap."

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