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Thread: Looking for gamers

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Nov 2004

    Looking for gamers

    I am looking for gamers near Dayton, Ohio for a weekly Coda Trek campaign. I have run every version of Trek (Fasa, LUG, Gurps, Decipher), I have a Friday group with 2 PC's and would really like to expand the group.

    Dammit Jim, I'm a Tuba Player, Not a .....!!!!!!

  2. #2
    I live S of Dayton, and have a small group of myself and 2 other players [Near Springfield, and Centerville] that are currently involved in something else, but in a few months we are moving to something like Decipher space combat plus LUG Rules. Or, it might be all Decipher as I learn to run Decipher. The vote is still out.

    I have run FASA Trek in the past at WSU for a number of years in the 90's, and LUG Trek online via open RPG, for a few years, off and on, a series of campaigns.

    Also, I am setting up an online LUG Game, see the thread in the Gaming Hub forums:

    I missed your post, when I recently joined these forums, otherwise, I would have replied earlier.

    If you still have an opening, I'd like to get more information about your setting, etc.
    - LUGTrekGM

  3. #3
    I'm in south Dayton. I don't own any D Trek RPG, but I got some of the LUG Trek stuff. I'd been wanting to try it out for some time, and would also like to try out Coda Trek RPG sometime.

  4. #4
    Well, when the current "Conspiracy X via the Buffy the Vampire Slayer RPG" GM Steps down, and my own LUG Trek begins anew in a few months, perhaps we can get a full crew going, in my campaign.

    Chief problem our group has right now is that the GM works weekends, on call, no notice. So, more often than not, player # 3 and I end up doing a card game, or talking about games and gaming for a few hours, and then he goes home.

    Once I get it rolling, we won't be lacking a full time GM, and I will give you both a heads up and get some characters together. When that will be, I can't say, specifically. Could be June, could be July. Definitely before say 1 September.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Nov 2004

    Looking for gamers

    Taurik and LUGTrekGM,
    I am looking to form a Coda Trek group. My group has dissovled (one PC is moving and doesn't have time and the other has decided to spend his time with online games.) If you are interested, maybe we can get a group going.

    Dammit Jim, I'm a Tuba Player, Not a .....!!!!!!

  6. #6
    Sure, maybe we can meet up at Wexford Hill, or something, on a day conveneint to both of you. That is close to you, right?

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Nov 2004
    Sounds good to me.

    Dammit Jim, I'm a Tuba Player, Not a .....!!!!!!

  8. #8
    Quote Originally Posted by LUGTrekGM
    Well, when the current "Conspiracy X via the Buffy the Vampire Slayer RPG" GM Steps down, and my own LUG Trek begins anew in a few months, perhaps we can get a full crew going, in my campaign.
    I've been wanting to try out the Buffy RPG too, seems like it would be fun.
    Chief problem our group has right now is that the GM works weekends, on call, no notice. So, more often than not, player # 3 and I end up doing a card game, or talking about games and gaming for a few hours, and then he goes home.
    What kind of card games do you guys do?
    Once I get it rolling, we won't be lacking a full time GM, and I will give you both a heads up and get some characters together. When that will be, I can't say, specifically. Could be June, could be July. Definitely before say 1 September.
    My big problem is lack of time for regular gaming.

  9. #9
    Quote Originally Posted by LUGTrekGM
    Sure, maybe we can meet up at Wexford Hill, or something, on a day conveneint to both of you. That is close to you, right?
    It's close to me, although I don't get over there too often.

  10. #10
    we do card games like

    Grave Robbers From Outer Space

    There is a pirates card game, I forget the name of it. Where you have 4 clases of ships and can buy hull, crew and sails and hit the opponent with rats (stealing food) or plague (killing crew.)

    We also do a pirate game where the cards fold up into ships, and you move 'em around like minis, with a few inches of gun range, sailing to islands to get treasure.

    Sorry, forgot the name of that, too.

    I have a star trek original series card game that I haven't played in a while, and also the (Decipher?) next gen card game, I'd have to look for cards for that one, to see what I have.

    I also have some boardgames, mostly wargames, like Avalon Hill's Victory in the Pacific and such. A Bridge Too Far, Dune, and a few others, all designed in the 70's and 80's.

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