A great many moons ago, I wandered away from this site.
I really did not intend to leave. I just wanted to go away for a short while, but when I was thinking about coming back, the volume of messages I had not read (and would have to) seemed daunting, so I put it off. So, of course, the backlog of messages grew and grew, and eventually I gave up entirely on the idea of returning.
Then I got an email warning me that the site was closing soon.
I was saddened to hear it, but such things are inevitable. After all, I wasn't the only person who had "drifted away", and I wasn't even paying for it.
So, I came over and made copies of what I felt were my very best posts (as well as some truly good posts by others) and said my goodbyes. I even found out where most folks were moving to, and went there for a while, but ... my heart wasn't really in it, and I drifted away again.
About a month ago, I began to really crave somebody to talk to about Trek again. Most of my personal aquaintences have either heard everything I have to say or really don't care. So, I would have to find a board.
I checked out TrekBBS, but found it wasn't exactly what I was looking for. I guess maybe I got turned off when I found all my old posts were gone (although my name and password still worked).
So I was just poking about the internet, looking for things to help me organize my ideas, when Google led me to SirSig's page for mapping stuff, which had a link to these boards. I clicked the link, just for old times' sake, and ....
Hokey Smokes! The board's still here!
Now, I realize that the vast majority of you have never heard of me, having joined after my disappearance in February of 2004. But I will be poking in a few times a week, or at least several times a month, and I promise to have some new things to say (as well as some new polish on old ideas).
I can't tell you how happy I am to find this board up and running.