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Thread: Project Update and Suggestions

  1. #1

    Project Update and Suggestions

    Okay, last Sunday my group got together again and worked on character construction. We lost one member, but that is okay. Below are the characters

    Humans: Medical, Science, and Captain (NPC--Narrator)
    Vulcan: Security/Tactical
    Andorian: Engineer

    I am working on the first episode, which I have entitled: "Inception, Part I"
    I went simple with the title, meaning--"The act or process of bringing or being brought into existence."

    I am working on the episodes Background to give the players who are unfamiliar with the Enterprise setting some info. Here is what I have thus far. Please feel free to point out things that should be included.

    "Star Trek: Endeavor is set in early 2155 during Enterprise's last season. Earth is still recovering from the Xindi Attack from one year earlier. Xenophobic groups have sprung up across Earth and across the solar system. Starfleet is finally free from the watchful eye of the Vulcan High Command, and operating as an independent organization. On the diplomatic front, relations between Vulcan and Andoria have improved, but tensions between the two races still remain high. Starfleet ship construction techniques and ship yards around Earth and in the Solar System have increased, with star ships scheduled to come off the yards at a much faster rate. The NX-O3 Challenger is a byproduct of this new construction method."

    In a few more days, I hope to post the first few segments of my first episode for your critique. Thank you for your assistance.

  2. #2
    Maybe put in how many planets the Federation now has, and how far the borders are, how long it takes to get to the frontier.

    Otherwsie that all seems good, even though I am no fan of Enterprise. Good luck with your game.

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