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Thread: Not your average Trek vs. Wars...

  1. #46
    Join Date
    Aug 1999
    Worcester, MA USA
    Quote Originally Posted by Tricky
    I've noticed some "Borg vs. Force" comments, but what if the Borg were one of those "Force Resistant" (like the Hutts) or even "Force Blind" (like the Yuvush Vong in the expanded universe)? Their biomechanical bodies, focused hive mind and vast knowledge of the universe could give them an edge over your typical force user.....

    or not.
    Yeah, but also a significant disadvantage too. Most of the Force powers we see in SW aren't directed against an enemy (those are the ones that ususaly earn "Dark Side Points") but work on the Jedi. So in some ways that would give the Borg a weakness since they would notice the effects of an ability without being able to determine it's source. It would also tened to lead to the Borg not being able to properly anticipate Jedi tactics and fighting strength. For example they won't expect a Jedi to be able to run down a 50m corridor in a couple of secords or to make a 60 foot jump.

    Personally, considering things like Unimatrix Zero, I would expect that the Borg would be tied to the Force, just not able to tap into it (like most life forms).

  2. #47
    Join Date
    Aug 1999
    Worcester, MA USA
    Quote Originally Posted by Tobian

    I tend to disregard the Neutronium 'canon' as bunk, as it's not classed as canon, and is nonsensical Neutroium is not something yo can just alloy - it is not conventional matter, let alone a metal The Same 'canon' which implies it, said it was lying around on some planet, just beneath the surface... so the reason why these people didn't compress instantly into an infinitelly thin splat of red good I don't know
    I disregrd neutrnium hulls are being a rather poor choice for use on a spaceship. I mean sure, it's tough. In fact so tough that most the weapons in most Sci-Fi setting can't hurt it. Not to mention the fact that any attack that is actually capable of damaging the stuff is going to wipe out the crew as a side effect. Oh, and then breaking the nuclear bonds of the stuff would probably cause the whole mass to go supercritical and detonate into a massive nuclear explosion that would make the Death Star look like a sparkgun.
    But neutrnium is also very, very dense (a spoonful weights tons)- so much so that the energy requirments to move the dammed ships would be outrageous. Not very cost effetive either. Sort of the equvalent of making a star go nova just to light a cigarette-it works but there are better alternatives.

    There is also the inpracticality of neutonium in regards to landing a ship on a planet. Being so dense, the ship would sink into the planet's crust. Luke would really lost his X-Wing on Dagobah.

  3. #48
    Join Date
    Jul 2003
    Newcastle, England
    I tend to regard Neutronium (In Trek) as something which is used in conjunction with subspace fields, to lower it's effective mass.. The hull is nigh on impregnible, bit if you damage the field - kablewie - one ready made pancake crew!

    It's also amusing that the AT-ST also has (according to the Technical manuals) Neutronium based armour, yet we saw one get crushed by 2 logs on Endor... One wonders what those trees were made of, and how those vines managed to hold them up
    Ta Muchly

  4. #49
    Join Date
    Aug 1999
    Worcester, MA USA
    Quote Originally Posted by Tobian
    It's also amusing that the AT-ST also has (according to the Technical manuals) Neutronium based armour, yet we saw one get crushed by 2 logs on Endor... One wonders what those trees were made of, and how those vines managed to hold them up
    Goverment contractors! That's what happens when you use slave labor.

    Come to think of it, it the Empire's technology is so superior how come they got thier butts kicked by a bunch of furry Prime Directive protectees?

    At least the Klingons were able to fend off their arch-enemies the Tribbles. The Borg, Ha! What if Cyano Jones landed on Coruscant.

    "Your tribble mind trick won't work on me!"
    "It's soooo cute!"

    Two weeks later and the planet turns into a black hole under the weight of enough tribbles to collaspe a neutronuim planet. [Neutronium: It'
    s not just for starship anymore]

    Maybe (a lot lore more reasonably) the stuff is just neutronium laced? Supposedly they use the stuff to make a durasteel alloy. A very small percentage of neutronium would enhance be a nice way to improve strutual integrity, but not result in indesctrubable ships. That would probably make durasteel similar to duranium in Trek.

    Also, neutrnium might not be a superense strong substance. One scientific theory postulates that it could be a very light substance (atomic number 0). Do we know if SW is using ST's defintion of the stuff.

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