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Thread: Not your average Trek vs. Wars...

  1. #1
    Join Date
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    Parked within 10 feet of 29 degrees, 57' N, 90 degrees, 8' W. Did I mention my new phone has GPS?

    Cool Not your average Trek vs. Wars...

    "If it ain't the Devil's music, you ain't doin' it right" -- Chris Thomas King

    "C makes for an awfully long lever." - H. Beam Piper

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jul 2003
    Newcastle, England
    Absolutelly awsome! (despite the shonky editing )
    Ta Muchly

  3. #3
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    The Ent-D can so go toe to toe with a SW Star Destroyer. Size is not everything.

    And the Future Ent-D I bet you can go toe to toe with the Death Star!

    DeviantArt Slacker MAL Support US Servicemembers
    "The Federation needs men like you, doctor. Men of conscience. Men of principle. Men who can sleep at night... You're also the reason Section Thirty-one exists -- someone has to protect men like you from a universe that doesn't share your sense of right and wrong." Sloan, Section Thirty-One

  4. #4
    Join Date
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    Newcastle, England
    Well it all depends on who's side you take.. Starwars or Startrek. The Starwars technical manuals tell us that their ships do 8000 bajilion times the damage of Startrek ships, but the films themselves show a different story. I recall one particularly damning piece of evidence where Han Solo says "they are at maximum range now" and it wasn't more than a few hundred meters... Trek ships could sit at 40,000 kilomiters, at medium range, and pummel them To be honest both genres rarelly specify how much power, exactly, their ships and technology have, so it all comes down to who wants to prove theirs is better

    I actually found it refreshing that they stayed pretty neutral in that piece
    Ta Muchly

  5. #5
    Join Date
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    Virginia Beach, VA
    Here's why Trek wins:
    Faster than light sensors, faster than light weapons, faster than light drive:
    I can tell where you are shooting and move, but you can't dodge my fire = I win.

    Gimme a shuttle and a (insert weapon*) and I'll beat anything offered in any setting that does not have any of those 3.

    * Weapon of choice: In TNG, the photorp was the FTL weapon while phasers were STL, in TOS it often appeared to be the other way around. So call it a hand phaser or a microtorpedo launcher depending on which era you are in.
    Last edited by spyone; 06-14-2006 at 08:05 AM.
    You're a Starfleet Officer. "Weird" is part of the job.
    When the going gets weird, the weird turn Pro
    We're hip-deep in alien cod footsoldiers. Define 'weird'.
    (I had this cool borg smiley here, but it was on my site and my isp seems to have eaten my site. )

  6. #6
    Join Date
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    Newcastle, England
    *someone misses the point*

    There are serious technological tricks that trek has over other genres, such as transporters, but there are a number of points you are missing... 1) we have no real idea how the weapons and shield strengths compare. A 'Turbolaser' is fairly obviously not an actual 'laser', so we can't know what it's capable of, or for that matter if the Federation can beam through Wars shields, they can't beam through anybody elses in Trek !

    Of course if we're playing battle of the daddy pants, I'd just fire a trilithium torpedo at the local star, and warp away.. a planet is one thing, a solar system is another!
    Ta Muchly

  7. #7
    Join Date
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    Parked within 10 feet of 29 degrees, 57' N, 90 degrees, 8' W. Did I mention my new phone has GPS?
    **GEEK ALERT**

    Well, they did manage to beam through their own "Movie-Era" shields in the episode "Relics"... (Of course, with Scotty working the controls, all treknology bets are off... )
    "If it ain't the Devil's music, you ain't doin' it right" -- Chris Thomas King

    "C makes for an awfully long lever." - H. Beam Piper

  8. #8
    Join Date
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    without knowing the speccifics of an episode a) it was TNG tech Vs Movie era - it's 80 years old! b) transporters in the TNG era can beam through known (aka friendly) shields through shield 'windows' (narow EM transparencies in the shields), so if the shield frequency is known, they can beam through it (so probably in that episode they knew the shield window).

    As I said we don't known technobabble specifics of Wars shields, so we can't know how they work comparativelly, we just know they have em

    And Cyberludite, look where you are!

    One of the funiest conjectures of the laughable 'Wars technical manuals, are the hulls are made up of Neutronium. So aparently that isn't anomorphic distortion caused by translation between TV and film... it's all the people being condensed by superdense supercondensed matter hulls
    Ta Muchly

  9. #9
    Join Date
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    Worcester, MA USA
    Very entertaining. Unlike most of the STAR TREK vs. STAR WARS stuff I've seen this one isn't entirely one sided (a bit TREK biased, but not like some sites).

    THe whole "our fictional spaceships are beter than your fiction spaceships" agrument has become pretty pathetic. I've read lots of posts from people who all claim to be doing things "failr and relaistic" (with an unreal subject), yet TREK winson TREK websites, and WARS wins on WARS sites. In most cases the presenters pick "facts" that support thier theories and ingore those that would contradict their preconcieved conculsions. THere are so many inconsistiencies and technical screwups in both settings that the technical manuals are useless.

  10. #10
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    Newcastle, England
    Yeah agreed, most are incredibly biassed for one side or another!

    The technical journals and expanded universe in both camps also doesn't help either, as they, unlike the shows, can be very specific about a fact which bears no relation to the show, but fanboys take that as the whole basis of their arguments!

    I don't think that was sided towards trek.. a single hit from one of their weapons was downing the enterprise shields.. thats more than most trek enemies can do and we've seen a photon torpedo spread take out half a Borg cube before (before they adapted!) but yes, of all of them, Wars, is the most internally inconsistent, because all of the hero's have shields which are 1000 times better than everyone else (I.e. turbolaser fire which blew up a ship, directly hit R2D2 but he was just a little toasty ) making sensical breakdowns impossible As I already said, figures are meaningless too.. a Technical manual turbolaser might do 200000 jules of power, and a phaser 20000, but the phaser has properties which make it more efective, or allow it to pass through a shield etc... Because their technologies do things we can't concieve of, or explain with physics, exactly what they do is down to the writers and the visual effects departments.. and the VFX guys don't sit down and work out how many joules are in a laser blast before they make the special effect
    Ta Muchly

  11. #11
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    The only and most obvious answer to this has not been given yet: Here it comes:

    *engage mechanical voice*

    "Impressive. Most impressive!"

    *disengage mechanical voice*

  12. #12
    Join Date
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    (Fights Urge to Scream "They're just fictional characters!!!!!")

    Basicly, since all the stats are 'extrapolated' from the movies or books written by people connected to but not part of the groups that make the movies/shows, we have no basis to compare.
    I think the point is the same as I make about Comic Book Crossovers: in the end, the winner is the one that the creator wants to win. So Spidey will beat Wolverine, to show that a 'white hat' hero can beat an anti-hero.

    It's all a matter of perspective....and dramatic licence!
    "Yes, it's the Apocalypse alright. I always thought I'd have a hand in it"
    Professor Farnsworth

  13. #13
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    It is hard to get meanninful numbers from sources that have been known to "retcon" their own information. You can't even trust cannon stuff.

    I mean, for years I was certain that Solo shot first, and that phasers worked at warp speeds.

  14. #14
    Join Date
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    I actually did a Star Wars crossover in an old Trek game, and I tried to be as even-handed as possible. Might try doing it again in CODA with the more abstract starship combat system....
    Former Decipher RPG Net Rep

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  15. #15
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    Let them eat planetkiller!
    "It's hard being an evil genius when everybody else is so stupid" -- Quantum Crook

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