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Thread: [Stupid Question] What ships are in Starships? Also - CODA compatibility w/ Spacedock

  1. #1

    [Stupid Question] What ships are in Starships? Also - CODA compatibility w/ Spacedock

    Hello, I picked up the CODA Star Trek RPG rules not too long ago (well, to be more accurate, a friend let me borrow them while he's on vacation, so I'm getting to take my time to peruse them).

    First, I was wondering, what ships are in the Starships sourcebook (He only had the Players Guide, Gamemaster's Guide, and the Starfleet Operations Manual)? I'd like to know before-hand what ships I'd end up writing up myself, and which ones I wouldn't.

    Also, how well does the Spacedock System mesh with the CODA rules?

    A final question - what races are in the Aliens book?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    May 2002
    Canyon, TX, USA, Sol III
    Quote Originally Posted by CountZero
    First, I was wondering, what ships are in the Starships sourcebook (He only had the Players Guide, Gamemaster's Guide, and the Starfleet Operations Manual)? I'd like to know before-hand what ships I'd end up writing up myself, and which ones I wouldn't.
    A list of the contents of Starships can be found here.
    Also, how well does the Spacedock System mesh with the CODA rules?
    Not so well, really, since they're for two entirely different systems that handle starship construction and combat very differently. YMMV, though.
    A final question - what races are in the Aliens book?
    A list of the contents of Aliens can be found here.
    Patrick Goodman -- Tilting at Windmills

    "I dare you to do better." -- Captain Christopher Pike

    Beyond the Final Frontier: CODA Star Trek RPG Support

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Aug 1999
    Worcester, MA USA
    It is also worth mentioing that the ship design rules in STARSHIPS are not exactly the same as the ones in the Narrator's Guide. THere is a bit more detail and a few changes to the system. IMO generally improvements.

    Check out some of the ship writeups in the Utopia Planitia thread to see the differences. Neither system is a detailed or comprehensive as SPACEDOCK, though.

  4. #4
    Quote Originally Posted by CountZero
    Also, how well does the Spacedock System mesh with the CODA rules?
    Not at all.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Aug 1999
    Worcester, MA USA
    Quote Originally Posted by C. Huth
    Not at all.
    Wait a sec. I think it uses the same size table.

    Okay, more seriously, STARSHIPS doesn't mesh with SPACEDOCK, but you can tell that the folks who wrote it had read SPACEDOCK. THere are some similar concepts, but essentially STARSHIPS is a much more simplified system. While you don't get the degree of detail that you get in the SPACEDOCK write-up, you do get the ability to throw a ship togher in a few minutes rather than a few hours.

    Imagine comining the rules in the NG with the old FASA construction manual and you'll have an idea of what STARSHIPS is like.

  6. #6
    Quote Originally Posted by tonyg
    While you don't get the degree of detail that you get in the SPACEDOCK write-up, you do get the ability to throw a ship togher in a few minutes rather than a few hours.
    Or, if you're like me, half an hour instead of three days.

    Imagine comining the rules in the NG with the old FASA construction manual and you'll have an idea of what STARSHIPS is like.
    In that everything is actually given weird serial numbers...

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