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Thread: Star Trek Crossovers: You make the call!

  1. #61
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    OK . . . someone mentioned Aliens in Star Trek . . . well why not? Mix them with those Anti-Trill from the DS9 relaunch and you have a pretty good combo going.

    I mean . . . I think an equal numbered group of aliens v klingons or Jem'Hedar . .. would, if able to get in range . . . kick far more ass then either humoid.

    DeviantArt Slacker MAL Support US Servicemembers
    "The Federation needs men like you, doctor. Men of conscience. Men of principle. Men who can sleep at night... You're also the reason Section Thirty-one exists -- someone has to protect men like you from a universe that doesn't share your sense of right and wrong." Sloan, Section Thirty-One

  2. #62
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    Kaunakakai, Molokai, Hawaii, USA


    AvP onboard VOY.

    Just for kicks, throw in Brannon Braga and Rick Berman as extras.
    Anyhoo, just some random thoughts...

    "My philosophy is 'you don't need me to tell you how to play -- I'll just provide some rules and ideas to use and get out of your way.'"
    -- Monte Cook

    "Min/Maxing and munchkinism aren't problems with the game: they're problems with the players."
    -- excerpt from Guardians of Order's Role-Playing Game Manifesto


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  3. #63
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    Canton, IL USA
    Quote Originally Posted by REG
    AvP onboard VOY.

    Just for kicks, throw in Brannon Braga and Rick Berman as extras.
    Now that would be fun to watch.

  4. #64
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    Kaunakakai, Molokai, Hawaii, USA


    Quote Originally Posted by Troy_Of_Borg
    Now that would be fun to watch.
    Well, I figured since Snakes on a Plane is based on and promoted by internet bloggers, we should offer this idea to Paramount to make a blockbuster film, too.
    Anyhoo, just some random thoughts...

    "My philosophy is 'you don't need me to tell you how to play -- I'll just provide some rules and ideas to use and get out of your way.'"
    -- Monte Cook

    "Min/Maxing and munchkinism aren't problems with the game: they're problems with the players."
    -- excerpt from Guardians of Order's Role-Playing Game Manifesto


    DISCLAIMER: I Am Not A Lawyer

  5. #65
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    Give B&B Red Shirts from the TOS series . . . have them like two crewmen who walk out of the holodeck, then get pounced on . . . and their bodies incenerated in the "attempted rescue."

    DeviantArt Slacker MAL Support US Servicemembers
    "The Federation needs men like you, doctor. Men of conscience. Men of principle. Men who can sleep at night... You're also the reason Section Thirty-one exists -- someone has to protect men like you from a universe that doesn't share your sense of right and wrong." Sloan, Section Thirty-One

  6. #66
    Join Date
    Nov 2002
    fringes of civillization
    Strange that someone would say 'aliens and Trek'---

    According to something I read about episodes of various (mostly NG) that never got made, one was a breakout of 'Regulan Bloodworms', which was orginally pitched as being inspired by the Alien movies.

    I think it was shot down because it was very 'un-Trek'

    mostly true story.
    "Yes, it's the Apocalypse alright. I always thought I'd have a hand in it"
    Professor Farnsworth

  7. #67
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    Quote Originally Posted by Tricky
    And, even if you HATE SW, you have to admit, the Han Solo character is a great piece of anti-hero goodness.
    Only when he shoots first.

    Although, strictly speaking, I don't know if I'd class Solo as an "Anti-hero." He's more of a "Rogue."
    "It's hard being an evil genius when everybody else is so stupid" -- Quantum Crook

  8. #68
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    Quote Originally Posted by Tricky
    Strange that someone would say 'aliens and Trek'---

    According to something I read about episodes of various (mostly NG) that never got made, one was a breakout of 'Regulan Bloodworms', which was orginally pitched as being inspired by the Alien movies.

    I think it was shot down because it was very 'un-Trek'

    mostly true story.
    What . . . because it involves alot of subtrefuge and alot of needless ranged combat . . . guts and glory.

    I think we've shown that Star Trek is more then capable of that . . . and it can be done in a thoughtful intellegent way if written correctly.

    DeviantArt Slacker MAL Support US Servicemembers
    "The Federation needs men like you, doctor. Men of conscience. Men of principle. Men who can sleep at night... You're also the reason Section Thirty-one exists -- someone has to protect men like you from a universe that doesn't share your sense of right and wrong." Sloan, Section Thirty-One

  9. #69
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    Quote Originally Posted by JALU3
    I think we've shown that Star Trek is more then capable of that . . . and it can be done in a thoughtful intellegent way if written correctly.
    Nope. Don't see it at all.

    Anyhoo, just some random thoughts...

    "My philosophy is 'you don't need me to tell you how to play -- I'll just provide some rules and ideas to use and get out of your way.'"
    -- Monte Cook

    "Min/Maxing and munchkinism aren't problems with the game: they're problems with the players."
    -- excerpt from Guardians of Order's Role-Playing Game Manifesto


    DISCLAIMER: I Am Not A Lawyer

  10. #70
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    What would a phaser or disruptor do against an alien . . . how energy absorbant are their exoscelatons? Would you still get splash damage? What about a borg afied aliens . . . or would the borgs nanites even be able to pierce the exoscelaton?

    DeviantArt Slacker MAL Support US Servicemembers
    "The Federation needs men like you, doctor. Men of conscience. Men of principle. Men who can sleep at night... You're also the reason Section Thirty-one exists -- someone has to protect men like you from a universe that doesn't share your sense of right and wrong." Sloan, Section Thirty-One

  11. #71
    Quote Originally Posted by JALU3
    What would a phaser or disruptor do against an alien . . . how energy absorbant are their exoscelatons? Would you still get splash damage? What about a borg afied aliens . . . or would the borgs nanites even be able to pierce the exoscelaton?
    Stun settings - Shouldn't cause any true damage, I have no idea if it would stun a Xinomorph however.
    Heat settings - Have been shown to cause minor explosions in the past. I'd hate to see an Xinomorph go off like a piece of 'pop-corn'...
    Low Disrupt - Normal results, I would think, are to be expected. "Xinomorph dies, falls to floor."
    High Disrupt/Disintegrate - POOF, no more bug.

    Disruptors - being that disruptors function off the principles Shock, Thermal Dynamics, and Concussive Impact I'm not so sure you would want to use on on a Xinomorph. However at the lowest and highest settings results should be about the same as for a phaser.

    Borgified Xinomorphs - Ewwww!
    You asked if the Nano-tubes would be capable of piercing the exoskeleton Xinomorph. The answer: Most definitely. End result, Borgified puddle of acid. The problem with this is in the physiologic make up of the Xinomorph Drones. First, body fluids are under a decent amount of pressure. Second, the 'blood' of the Xinomorph reacts violently in the presence of oxygen resulting in a molecular level acid. (Yes I have researched the fictional Xinomorph species, as portrayed by Hollywood and Dark Horse Comics) Third, the primary method of nanite delivery is through forced insertion. This would result in the all too familiar acid bath. If the Borg adapted their assimilation to the species in question, i.e. transporter technology, I would say 'Yes, Xinomorph Borg Drones are possible'.
    Dear Lord ...I am a geek...

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  12. #72
    Join Date
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    Paris, France, Earth
    Hehe... Xinomorphs could be worth the effort for the Borg... a Xinomorph drone would be a very interesting combat unit, especially with nanites resisting acid : each time a Xinomorph drone spreads "blood", it sends lots of nanites around...

    Maybe a good way for Borg to assimilate Xinomorphs would simply be to let some humanoid drones be infected... the 'morph would then emerge from the drone's chest fully assimilated. Now all they'd have to do would be to assimilate a Queen in such a manner, and voilą, lots of nifty ready-to-assimilate Borg eggs.
    "The main difference between Trekkies and Manchester United fans is that Trekkies never trashed a train carriage. So why are the Trekkies the social outcasts?"
    Terry Pratchett

  13. #73
    Join Date
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    fringes of civillization
    C5, you are evil (and a scene like that would be WAYYYY better than the one at the end of AVP).

    And the 'regulan blood worm' ep wasn't about subtrefuge; it was basicly something more like John Carpenter's "The Thing': parasites infecting a crew of a ship, and how the boarding party gets out without being infected. Lots of phasers and running and trying to get a decent medical scan while the ship's auto destruct was counting down. No thought, just lots of terror.

    It might have worked, but I can't see Picard doing the blood test thing like McReedy did.
    "Yes, it's the Apocalypse alright. I always thought I'd have a hand in it"
    Professor Farnsworth

  14. #74
    Join Date
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    Ottawa, Ontario, Canada
    It might have worked, but I can't see Picard doing the blood test thing like McReedy did.

    Why not? It's a standard Starfleret Security test for Founder infiltration. Why not use it for other entities?

  15. #75
    Join Date
    Jun 2000
    Canonsburg, Pennsylvania
    Okay, just to be silly:

    Star Trek: Transformers.

    Finally, a starship can be a member of the cast, too!

    "Is that a Borg Sphere?"
    "No, it's... UNICRON!!!"
    "It's hard being an evil genius when everybody else is so stupid" -- Quantum Crook

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