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Thread: Star Trek RPG Announcement 08/09/2006

  1. #16
    Join Date
    Dec 2000
    King of Prussia, PA USA
    I just want the Player's Guide (and maybe the Narrator's Guide)as a pdf file. After that, I don't really care anymore.

    Of course, if anyone on the boards HAS a pdf copy of the PG, feel free to email me...

    (No, I am not seriously requesting the illegal distribution of copyrighted material. Don't sic the lawyers on me. Thank you. )
    Hugh Casey
    My Online Journal

    "Oh, bother," said the Borg, "We've assimilated Pooh."

  2. #17
    Join Date
    Aug 1999
    Worcester, MA USA
    Just because I really haven't said it enought, I'd like to once again thank Don, Doug Patrick, and anyone else I've missed, for all the effort, work, dedication, pain, and suffering they have gone through trying (and occasionally succeding) to get Trek stuff out for our benefit.

    Thanks. If Decipher had one tenth the decication or determination of any of you, the CODA system would have gotten more support and been far more successful.I hope someday you are all rewarded in some way for all the efforts you havew made for pour behalf.

    Hopeful it will cover the costs of the therapy sessions!


  3. #18
    Join Date
    Apr 2002
    Canton, IL USA
    I gave up long time ago on Decipher.

    I just wish someone would get the rights and to do the game justice.

  4. #19
    Join Date
    Dec 2004
    Albuquerque, NM
    Quote Originally Posted by PGoodman13
    But I could use some Excedrin or something for the headache.
    Try some Drambuie.

  5. #20
    Join Date
    Aug 1999
    Worcester, MA USA
    Quote Originally Posted by Troy_Of_Borg
    I gave up long time ago on Decipher.

    I just wish someone would get the rights and to do the game justice.

    Considering the length on most liscenses these days, I'm not so sure that it would help. IMO one of the reasons why FASA Trek was so successful was that FASA held the Star Trek RPG rights for nearly a decade.

    I don't see that happening anymore. The studios don't realize or care what the effect of changing compnaies every few years has on RPGs. If they did , they would probably get thier own core RPG rules and then take those rules with them from prublisher to publisher.

  6. #21
    Join Date
    May 2002
    Canyon, TX, USA, Sol III
    Quote Originally Posted by black campbellq
    Try some Drambuie.
    It's a thought, but I've been on the wagon for years. It's tempting sometimes, though.
    Patrick Goodman -- Tilting at Windmills

    "I dare you to do better." -- Captain Christopher Pike

    Beyond the Final Frontier: CODA Star Trek RPG Support

  7. #22
    Join Date
    May 2003
    Toronto, Ontario, Canada
    Just wondering, Patrick - and not meaning to be a major pain about this - but has there been any word from Decipher/DriveThru as to whether the revised Player's Guide is on tap for public release as yet? I'm asking because this would be, for me, a serious indicator that they're prepared to continue dealing with the RPG-playing public as if we actually do exist.

  8. #23
    Join Date
    May 2002
    Canyon, TX, USA, Sol III
    It's okay, David; you're not a pain. Dealing with Decipher is, though, and I'm just about to take Ineti up on his offer of bandages and medicinal liquids (if Dr Pepper can be considered medicinal, anyway). I haven't quite given up, but it's probably going to happen fairly soon.

    (Oh, and to answer your question, no, not a word.)
    Patrick Goodman -- Tilting at Windmills

    "I dare you to do better." -- Captain Christopher Pike

    Beyond the Final Frontier: CODA Star Trek RPG Support

  9. #24
    Join Date
    May 2003
    Toronto, Ontario, Canada
    Originally posted by PGoodman13
    ...I'm just about to take Ineti up on his offer of bandages and medicinal liquids (if Dr Pepper can be considered medicinal, anyway).
    The post-Classical Mayans and Czarist Russia both considered Dr. Pepper to be a holy substance and good for what ails ya. Sacrificial victims were given a chance to shotgun a can just prior to the disembowelment; the winner of the following belching contest were given a loud round of "You the man!" before slow, agonizing death arrived. I'm not going to tell you what the High Priest (also a noted party animal) did with what he found inside the stomach and entrails afterward...

    Patrick, you've more than gone the distance with these people. If Decipher is determined to not show up to at least play the damned game, to Hell with them; for the Icon aficionados, we'll live with what we've got as far as translatable material goes - fan-published work will have to be organized to fill in the gap. For the Coda fans...well, pretty much the same applies. The big loser in this equation is Decipher: they pissed away a golden opportunity to expand their player/fan base with their blinkardly - and willfully - asinine decisions and lack of business sense. Your and Don's efforts on our behalves have proven you to be what Warren Holland, et al, could never aspire to. Again, our greatest thanks.

  10. #25
    Join Date
    Aug 1999
    Salt Lake City, UT, USA
    Quote Originally Posted by PGoodman13
    I haven't quite given up, but it's probably going to happen fairly soon.
    Somehow, I knew this would eventually happen. Luckily, you seem to be getting the hint a bit quicker than I did... At least Worlds and Mirror Universe got released, though...
    Former Decipher RPG Net Rep

    "Doug, at the keyboard, his fingers bleeding" (with thanks to Moriarti)

    In D&D3E, Abyssal is not the language of evil vacuum cleaners.

  11. #26
    Join Date
    May 2003
    Toronto, Ontario, Canada
    Doug, I owe you a raft of apologies - I meant to include your name alongside Don and Patrick's as being responsible for keeping the DecipherTrek dream alive as long as it has been (or was), and ignorantly left it out. I will never leave out the name of a member of the Big Three again.

  12. #27
    Join Date
    Aug 1999
    Salt Lake City, UT, USA
    Quote Originally Posted by D.S.McBride
    Doug, I owe you a raft of apologies - I meant to include your name alongside Don and Patrick's as being responsible for keeping the DecipherTrek dream alive as long as it has been (or was), and ignorantly left it out. I will never leave out the name of a member of the Big Three again.
    No worries, D.S. I'm not offended in the least...
    Former Decipher RPG Net Rep

    "Doug, at the keyboard, his fingers bleeding" (with thanks to Moriarti)

    In D&D3E, Abyssal is not the language of evil vacuum cleaners.

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