Quote Originally Posted by The Tatterdemalion King
At the risk of melodrama, the lack of the Klingon sourcebook–containing material which we've been waiting for since LUGtrek–kind of makes closure difficult.

I don't know what costs are associated with publishing this material as a PDF; whether it passed licensing approval or not, what their freelancer costs are, or what further editing it needs. The fact that there's plenty of people here willing to do whatever needs to be done, for free (*cough*), just to see it released–that's the frustrating part.
BINGO! Or, to quote Rok, "THat is the equation!"

Basically people already wrote the stuff;
Others have and still are devoting their time to get it out;

I'm wondering just what the bottleneck is. Is it a licinging issue? An approal issue?

I just have the sinking feeling that just about the time when we hear that stuff is ready to come out, the liscence will be up.