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Thread: USS Ben Nevis - Among Titans

  1. #1

    USS Ben Nevis - Among Titans

    The USS Ben Nevis is a Titan (Ares) class starship assigned to TF72 of Bravofleet. As any in her class this ship has been fitted to fight the toughest battles but can be stealthy when needed. Our simulation is forum based and takes place on our boards. Feel free to drop by and have a look at our work!

    We have been in space for 4 years now and we have accomplished numerous interesting and diverse missions. From curing viruses to foiling terrorist attacks. From battling against Gorn to avoiding assimilation by the Borg. The experienced crew of the USS Ben Nevis has been there.

    We are looking for dedicated simmers who like to have a home for their characters. A place where new friendships arise and where family is the 'every day business'. Simmers who prefer to work on their characters by writing complex character building material can find a good home aboard this ship. From Joined Trill to Orion males, there is a place for anyone aboard the Ben Nevis.

    We have two senior positions open for you to apply for:

    - Chief Intelligence Officer
    - Combat Assault and Tactics Team (CATT) Field Commander (Hazard team)

    If you are looking for a position which requires a smaller sense of obligation and responsibility? If you prefer to do intense character building? Please consider one of our many Assistant Chief positions:

    - Assistant Chief Engineer
    - Assistant Chief Operations Officer
    - Assistant Chief Science Officer
    - Assistant Chief Security/Tactical Officer

    If you are looking for a minor positions. Please consider our NCO positions or a position as Engineer!

    We hope to welcome you to our family soon!

    Also consider other positions aboard various simms in TF72:

    - USS Essex - Sovereign Class -

    - USS Hades - Prometheus Class -

    - Area 51 - Planetary Facility -

  2. #2

    End of Line

    January 2379: The Titan (Ares) Class USS Ben Nevis launches from spacedock, captained by Captain Merryc Russell.

    October 2380: CO resigns, former XO Lt. Commander Daniel West assumes command

    January 2383: The Ben Nevis is destroyed in a fierce battle against the Borg!!!

    For years the name USS Ben Nevis has been a stable member of the vast community which is Bravofleet. That time is about to end! Within weeks of time, the Ben Nevis' name will enter the history books as her existence shall cease.

    During the Finale of Season 4 the Ben Nevis and her crew will face one of the fiercest enemies of the Federation: The Borg! Trying to prevent an entire starbase from being assimilated, the crew will lose their precious ship.

    Join the crew now to be part of this spectacular season finale. It will be a blast, literally!!!

    However the legacy continues!!! The Ben Nevis may find eternal rest, the adventures keep on coming. Aboard a new ship, the crew continues to explore space and secure the galaxy from all kinds of threats.

    The successor of the Ben Nevis is awaiting launch in space dock. The USS Callisto (Insignia Class) is awaiting a new crew!

    The Ben Nevis/Callisto crew is looking for a couple of well-willing and motivated simmers who are willing to spend time building a character and friendships. Time has proven that the Ben Nevis has offered fertile soil to simmers looking for a good place to build a character. The resignation of a couple have players have opened up several interesting positions.

    We are looking for:

    - Chief Intelligence Officer
    - Chief Flight Control Officer

    Junior crew:
    - Assistant Chief Flight Control Officer
    - Assistant Chief Operations Officer
    - Assistant Chief Security/Tactical Officer
    - Assistant Chief Medical Officer
    - Assistant Counselor
    - Assistant Chief Science Officer
    - Assistant Chief Intelligence Officer

    Enlisted Crew:
    - Chief of the Boat
    - Master-At-Arms
    - Quartermaster

    Due to the Class switch in progress, the site is currently taken down for a revamp. The forums however still are online so if you are interested in having a look at our IC mission posting, please surf to

    If you are interested in one of these or other positions aboard the Ben Nevis/Callisto, please contact me at for more information!

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