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Thread: Is there any more news?

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Aug 2002
    Denederwindeke in Belgium

    Is there any more news?

    Is there any more news regarding the RPG status?

    For me the Star Trek Coda RPG line is dead.
    I know that there is enough material to continue to play, but there are several problems regarding the Coda system and with no more books comming out there is no hope that this will ever be fixed.

    The Problems are:
    -The combat system is not bad but it is missing a great number of actions that are not covered (Disarm, Trip, Feint, ....).
    -They have no system to create martial Arts what so ever, they 've just given us some martial arts in the StarFleet operations manual, and thats it. But where are the Klingon MA, Romulan MA, or other racial MA?
    -The Coda classes are missing the nessesary support and expantions. I know they have given us the StarFleet operations manual (wich was not bad), but that's it. What about the class guides for all the other classes (Soldier, Scientists, merchants....)?
    -The Aliens book was a great book, but the rules for creating your own alien races is not that great. I was also hoping to get some info on other Races from the Delta quadrant (because my campaign is located in the Delta quadrant), so I was waiting for the Voyager book (wich will never see the day light).
    -I was hoping on some sort of expantions on the rules for medical and scientific problems, but it didn't come.

    So there for I have abandoned the Coda line totally, and I'm going to start converting my campaign into the GURPS system.
    I already visited some good sites where they already did the convertions for Star Trek, and going to base my work on these sites.
    And I bought the following GURPS books: Prime Directive, Basic set characters, basic set campaigns, and Space handbook. I'm also waiting for the Vehicle construction guide, Biotech, Ultra Tech, and the Martial Arts books.

    If there are other people out there that have done a similar thing, or that are intrested in this project please let me know.
    Ardet Nec Consumitur' / Burns but doesn't decay / Brandt maar vergaat niet.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Nov 1999
    Austin TX, USA
    Serious questionhere; not being sarcastic...

    So if you can go to the trouble of converting everything over to GURPS, what would be so difficult about making up those things you think are lacking from CODA? Especially since you can simply ask for those things, and probably get most of the information from board members here or over on Decipher?
    - Daniel "A revolution without dancing is a revolution not worth having."

  3. #3
    Join Date
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    Denederwindeke in Belgium
    Sho-Sa kurita Wrote:

    Serious questionhere; not being sarcastic...

    So if you can go to the trouble of converting everything over to GURPS, what would be so difficult about making up those things you think are lacking from CODA?
    Thanks for the responce. I will try to defend why I'm going to do this.

    It is very dificult to create new rules without endangering game balance.
    I tried to start a thread on the boards concerning Martial arts and extra combat maneuvers and some medical stuff, but there was not much interest. And if you look at the posts on the boards, there is not much the last couple of months.

    Even if I do create al these new rules, they will not update any more books, nor will they bring out any more new books. Meaning that everytime you have to start creating everything from scratch, and if you use a system that is alive (one that updates and brings out new books) you can atleast base your new material on the books comming out.

    So instead of creating new rules, I use the material of the GURPS Star Trek Prime Directive Game and material I found on the internet together with the GURPS 4e rules to convert or update everything.

    I just have to convert the races, and equipment. Most of the other rules are present in the books I mentioned above (the only thing I have done is to convert it to the SI system, because I'm europian).

    The only thing missing in the books above is starship construction, Starship combat, and the use of Starship systems (sensors, deflector,...).
    But the rules for expanded starship combat will eventually come out (I think the end of this year), and I'm going to use the material in the Spacedock for starship construction and starship system use (with the convertion for GURPS of course).

    I hope this explains why I'm going to do it.

    So if there are other that are intrested in doing this, please let me know (together we can do this faster and better).
    Ardet Nec Consumitur' / Burns but doesn't decay / Brandt maar vergaat niet.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Dec 2001
    Hoboken, NJ
    Although I have no problem w/ GURPS or converting Star Trek over to another system that one finds more suitable to his/her tastes, I fail to understand the concept that because a company no longer produces supplements, the game is declared "dead."

    An RPG or an RPG system is only dead if one stops playing it. If the basic books are sufficient enough to run a campaign & one decides to use those rules, then the game is very much alive.

    I think the Decipher Star Trek books that have been published so far are more than sufficient to run a Star Trek RPG campaign for many years.

    I want to see new Trek supplements as much as the next person, but even if Decipher produced no more supplements, I still think Coda is a good system & suitable for Star Trek. I see no reason to abandon Coda just because no supplements have come out in recent months.

    Personally, I think it would be far more work to convert everything over to another system than using a few house rules whenever a situation arises that the core rulebooks don't address.

    I'm not suggesting that Coda is superior to GURPS or one can't run a Stark Trek GURPS campaign. I just don't buy the idea that b/c supplements are not coming out constantly, or may never come out, that a system is therefore dead.

  5. #5
    Join Date
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    King of Prussia, PA USA
    Quote Originally Posted by Jem'hadar
    I just don't buy the idea that b/c supplements are not coming out constantly, or may never come out, that a system is therefore dead.
    What are you... some kind of COMMUNIST!?

    Don't you know that unless we constantly buy NEW stuff, then the terrorists WIN!?!

    *grin* Kidding, of course... I agree 100%.
    Hugh Casey
    My Online Journal

    "Oh, bother," said the Borg, "We've assimilated Pooh."

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Nov 2000
    Geelong, Vic; Australia
    What I find curious is the idea that Decipher aren't producing any more supplements, so the game is dead...sooooo...port the game over to a different game system produced by a different company that is also not producing any supplements...

    Don't get me wrong - I am a "game hacker" from a long way back (my pride and joy was switching 2300AD over to the GDW Traveller House Rules system and recreating all the weapons and gear and ships and vehicles...took me months, but boy was it worth it...but back to the topic), so people switching to different game systems I both understand and encourage.

    But it seems to me like an awful amount of time being spent for relatively little reward - GURPS isn't going to start putting out Star Trek supplements, and anything that comes out here, or on Memory Icon or anywhere else you'll have to convert over as well.

    That said, hey, whatever floats your boat - but I'm far from a huge CODA gusher, and I don't think I could be bothered with all that time and effort. I'd prefer to spend it fixing the problems with some house rules and spending the rest of it coming up with adventures for my players!
    When you are dead, you don't know that you are dead. It is difficult only for others.

    It's the same when you are stupid...

  7. #7
    Join Date
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    Edina, MN, USA
    While the the CODA system may still be used, I understand IKI's pain. I too have undertaken a conversion project to GURPS, disdaining the BS of GURPS Prime Directive. The conversion is actually all based on Decipher product.

    In any event, to each their own. People can PM me if they desire consideration of the conversion. I would provide a download link for private/noncommercial use.
    "Everything happens for a reason..."

  8. #8
    Quote Originally Posted by Aldaron
    What I find curious is the idea that Decipher aren't producing any more supplements, so the game is dead...sooooo...port the game over to a different game system produced by a different company that is also not producing any supplements...
    I don't quite get HIS complaint, to be sure. But, well, if Decipher isn't producing more material, despite owning the license, than they've killed their product line. IE, it's Dead.

    Why he can't just add new material to ICON, CODA, FASA, etc, is beyond me.

    GURPS is doing one thing, though, they have Prime Directive, which is a Trek derivative, so it does make sense to add to it, but citing Decipher's lack of interest in an RPG doesn't logically flow.
    "Thank god I'm only watching the game... controlling it!"

  9. #9
    Join Date
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    Swartz Creek, MI
    Quote Originally Posted by ImperialOne
    While the the CODA system may still be used, I understand IKI's pain. I too have undertaken a conversion project to GURPS, disdaining the BS of GURPS Prime Directive. The conversion is actually all based on Decipher product.

    In any event, to each their own. People can PM me if they desire consideration of the conversion. I would provide a download link for private/noncommercial use.
    Feel free to discuss GURPS conversion at TrekRPGnet Prime Directive forum as it is the designated area for GURPS. Would sure like to have what you got when the new site goes live.
    Member, TrekRPGnet Development Team | OD&D Guild - The Guild for Original (Classic) D&D | FlintGamers |Free Web Hosting

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Aug 2004
    Swartz Creek, MI
    Just a though have you checked out the Coda BSR (and at Coda Lives!)? I have not taken a look at it yet but it might have other rules of interest. And what about the Beyond the Final Frontier webzine?
    Member, TrekRPGnet Development Team | OD&D Guild - The Guild for Original (Classic) D&D | FlintGamers |Free Web Hosting

  11. #11
    Join Date
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    Cedar Rapids, IA
    Yes, the BSR has quite a bit of info on new rules, distilling the rules down between the two CODA games, suggestions (based on what we have available) on how to create new items (traits, abilities, etc.), and more. I highly suggest looking at it as the framework for a toolkit to create your own CODA-esque game.

    On news side, maybe this is why we haven't heard anything... and DriveThru just overhauled their site just recently, too.
    Former Editor, The Hall of Fire, Beyond the Final Frontier

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Nov 1999
    Austin TX, USA
    Quote Originally Posted by GandalfOfBorg
    Yes, the BSR has quite a bit of info on new rules, distilling the rules down between the two CODA games, suggestions (based on what we have available) on how to create new items (traits, abilities, etc.), and more. I highly suggest looking at it as the framework for a toolkit to create your own CODA-esque game.

    On news side, maybe this is why we haven't heard anything... and DriveThru just overhauled their site just recently, too.
    Whoa! Big news!
    - Daniel "A revolution without dancing is a revolution not worth having."

  13. #13
    Join Date
    May 2002
    Canyon, TX, USA, Sol III
    Quote Originally Posted by GandalfOfBorg
    On news side, maybe this is why we haven't heard anything... and DriveThru just overhauled their site just recently, too.
    It's possible, but I wouldn't hold my breath.
    Patrick Goodman -- Tilting at Windmills

    "I dare you to do better." -- Captain Christopher Pike

    Beyond the Final Frontier: CODA Star Trek RPG Support

  14. #14
    Join Date
    Aug 2002
    Denederwindeke in Belgium
    I posted my first convertion for the GURPS system.

    I started with the Trill's because one of my PC's is a Trill scientist.
    Tell me what you think of it.
    Ardet Nec Consumitur' / Burns but doesn't decay / Brandt maar vergaat niet.

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