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Thread: Akira (Shuttle Carrier) or What do I throw out?

  1. #1

    Akira (Shuttle Carrier) or What do I throw out?


    I have read the posts and I know the heated debate about fighters on the Akira. So I am going to just bypass that. I know alot of us think a carrier in Star Trek is a little silly (B5, BSG maybe not). Never seen them illustrate one in the movies and against a Starship, what is a wee little fighter really gonna do.

    With that said, I have decided to make 2 different Akira's in my game. One is a missile boat (this is the standard Akira in the game) and the other is a shuttle carrier (for planetary evacuations, moving alot of troops to a planet, etc.). I want to take some systems away from the Akira and give it more Shuttlespace for standard shuttles (and no I am not gonna make fighters for this, I want this to be a shuttlecraft ship only.). I was thinking at least 30 space (maybe 40) for the shuttles. But to do that, I need to lose some systems on the Akira.

    So what systems do you guys think I should lessen?



    What could we cut away from the Akira so I could make more room for shuttles?
    If Matt Damon is going to be Captain Kirk, does that mean Ben Affleck is gonna be Mr. Spock?

  2. #2
    Join Date
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    This would be better suited for the Utopia Planitia forum. (Moving there, now...)
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  3. #3
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    Quote Originally Posted by stule

    and against a Starship, what is a wee little fighter really gonna do.

    Funny, alot of admirals in the 20's and 30's said the same thing about aircraft versus ships and you see where that led.

    Maybe not one, but forty of the little suckers and at least one will get lucky
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  4. #4
    Join Date
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    Newcastle, England
    Bah, I see Startrek fighters as gadflies, it's trek not Wars :P

    Hmm Not sure on the numbers of the thing though, have you checked how close it runs to the wire with regards points, as you don't really need a lot of space (In Coda) to house more shuttles, if your ship is big enough. A few extra bits of space might be enough. Failing that, what about cargo space too?
    Ta Muchly

  5. #5
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    OK . . . do we need to run another simulation to show the quality of a Vanguard Variant Akira?

    Is that the next thing we shall be simulating in Spacedock?

    Let us not underestimate the Peregrince Class Starfleet Attack Fighter.

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