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Thread: CODA-GRUPS convertion Alien races

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Aug 2002
    Denederwindeke in Belgium

    CODA-GRUPS convertion Alien races

    Here is my first post on my convertion of the Coda.
    I started with the Trill's because one of my PC's is a Trill scientist.
    Tell me what you think of it.

    JOINED TRILL: (66 points + point cost of Racial Skills Bonuses)

    A unique "joined race" whose humanoid members have provided host bodies for small soft-bodied entities in a symbiotic relationship; Among the humanoid Trill joined species, apparently at least two races of hosts are used to house a symbiont: those of the ridged forehead, like Odan, and those like Jadzia, Curzon and Selin, with a narrow speckled band running along the hairline to the sides of the neck, then down along the body.

    The symbiont body is a foot-long purplish lump of cranial and exoskeletal tissue, some are susceptible to damage by transporter beam. At Peliar Zel, the Trill can have a replacement body on hand for Odan in 40 hours; he will last only 1-2 hours in stasis, and a human body makes a temporary but limited host.

    Since the symbiont integrates each new host's personality with its own after joining, Trill relationships are often hard for single-unit species to deal with and sometimes don't survive the change. Aside from the exceptions like Curzon, Trills are usually very responsible and moderate or reserved in personality; the symbionts don't seek romance and try to adhere to a "higher plane," feeling it a nuisance and a weakness of the young — although the host body occasionally indulges, as Curzon and Odan did.

    The symbiont does carry memories of time shared with each of its hosts, and each new combination — aside from gender, height and weight — carries a different blood type, metabolism, nervous system, and brain wave pattern. The complex brain carries two cerebral nuclei — one in each being, linked together — whose brain wave patterns can each be scanned separately as well as together. The two are biologically interdependent but at 93 hours after their joining, neither can survive without the other.

    Legally, the joined race is a tangle for Science Officer Dax's extradition arbiter Renora, since records of any legal and medical decisions regarding antecedent host culpability are almost nonexistent. A Trill host's hands feel cold-blooded to the touch; their more overtly developed senses include identifying a known individual only by the audible rhythm of footsteps.

    Trill physiology may be the reason why Science Officer Dax is the first of the Deep Space Nine senior staff to show symptoms of the alien telepathic archival matrix. The humanoid host species' unruly children are not above throwing rocks at windows, just like their Human and Bajoran counterparts, at least. To others, Trill may seem on the arrogant side. Only one Trill in 10 is chosen to be joined to the "thousands" of symbionts, but those not joined still lead normal, productive lives. The brains of hosts produce endorphins as in the human brain.

    Thousands of symbionts live on Trill. Joined Trills are allergic to insect bites, since the biochemical connections of the symbiont and host can't tolerate the toxins. As seen with Jadzia, they are more resistant to a noxious paralyzing volcanic gas found on planet LS VI than other humanoids such as Bajorans. Among outworlders, they have been in contact with Klingons at least since 2289.

    Judging by the Belar brothers, a Trill's lineal or family name follows the given name, as is done on Earth, but a host drops his lineal name in favor of the symbiont's. Renhol and others at the Symbiosis Commission worry that the symbionts would be bartered as commodities if the truth were known that half the population could be hosts, rather than the 1-in-1,000 ratio officially quoted and the reason behind the rigorous selection and training program. Social role equality seems apparent among the population, at least in medicine, with doctors and nurses of both genders.

    Attribute Modifiers: IQ+1 [20]
    Advantage: Eidic Memory [5], Racial Memory (Countermeasures -10%) [36], Reawakened [10], Resistant “Noxious Paralyzing Gases” (Occasional, +3 To HT rolls x1/3) [3], Racial Skills Bonuses* (Countermeasures -10%).
    *You get a +1 bonus for each past host (Use the Rules on pg 452 of the Basic Set Campaigns book).
    Multiple bonuses may be applied to the same skill if you have more than 2 past hosts.
    Disadvantage: Susceptible "Insect Bites" (Common, -3 to HT rolls) [-6].
    Taboo Trait: No host will ever start with all attributes of under 10 [-1], No Re-association – Fraternization-with the spouse and relatives of a previous host [-1].
    Homeworld: Class-M, Gravity 1.1, Atmospheric Pressure 1.00, Zorski Group Special (1-b for Host, IV-d for the Symbiont)

    Rite of Emergence:

    This rite allows the Trill host to contact one of the previous hosts by means of meditation. After the meditation the previous host appears, and he can ask to help him. The previous host is only visible to the current Host. For others it looks like the Character is talking to himself while he is talking to the invisible host. Ezri Dax used it to summon a previous host called Joran to help her in a murder investigation.
    "Rite of Emergence": Patrons* (Frequency of Appearance: Almost all the time x3, Countermeasures -10%, Nuisance Penalty -2 Reaction penalty -10%, Highly Accessible +50%, Preparation Required 10 min of meditation -30%, Minimal Intervention -50%)
    * The host does not need to buy this power for all its previous hosts, he can choose to do it host per host.
    Ardet Nec Consumitur' / Burns but doesn't decay / Brandt maar vergaat niet.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Aug 2002
    Denederwindeke in Belgium
    The next alien race I will do is the Ferengi.
    Ardet Nec Consumitur' / Burns but doesn't decay / Brandt maar vergaat niet.

  3. #3
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    Denederwindeke in Belgium
    I also finished the Ferengi, tell me what you think of it.

    FERENGI: (-3 points)
    The homeworld of the Ferengi species is Ferenginar. The Ferengi have a culture which is based entirely upon commerce. They follow a code of conduct known as "The Ferengi Rules of Acquisition." These rules ordain conduct such as "Never place family before business." Reportedly these rules are subject to interpretation depending upon the situation. Plea bargaining is a legal tradition, as is the purchasing of an apprenticeship following the Attainment Ceremony. There is no distinction between business and pleasure in Ferengi culture.

    Money is expected to accompany every interchange of life, even private visits to family and friends' homes and government business. Quark pays to have his FCA charges announced and to get admission into his own mother's home, as well as sign off on legal waivers there. Domes, rounded archways, low ceilings, food cellars and a lack of windows mark typical home architecture. Towels are provided at entrances to dry off from the constant rain. A typical home-welcoming greeting exchange between host and visitor is: "My house is my house/as are its contents." Tooth-sharpening is a personal hygiene habit. Pressing noses is a loving familial greeting. A woman talking to a stranger is considered an insult; a clothed one is cause to shield or avert one's eyes.

    Ferengi typically emit a high-pitched shriek when attacked; they are likewise pained by ultrasonics too high for human ears — such as those aimed at eradicating Cardassian Voles. Due to their use of insects as edibles, Nog presumes Entomology is the study of becoming a chef.

    Naming Day is an important landmark in a child's life.

    The Ferengi brain is composed of four distinct nodes, possibly what prevents them from being read empathically by Betazeds. Ferengi blood is yellow, turning dark blue-green when oxidized. Bodies are not autopsied or even touched until after death rituals — which have been seen to be the desiccation and sale of the remains. The Ferengi culture does not embrace science, except where it will provide profit. Large earlobes are a sign of virility in Ferengi culture, and also an erogenous zone, sexually stimulated when stroked as in the performance of Oo-Mox.

    Ferengi females have smaller lobes then males and are not permitted to go out in public, hold jobs, wear clothing or particpate in trade or commerce. Quark says spouses never argue and that divorce and broken homes are unknown. Women are even asked to cut up food and chew it softly for their mates and children. They are also forbidden to travel.

    Quark threatens a diplomatic incident to guilt Ensign Harry Kim of the U.S.S. Voyager into buying an overpriced trinket at space station Deep Space Nine when the ensign says he was "warned about Ferengis" at the Academy. They are known to have deceived other passing ships by pretending to be damaged, according to the one-time Maquis Crewman Chell.

    Attribute Modifiers: STR-1 [-10]
    Advantage: Acute Hearing 2 [4], Resistant “Immunity to Psionics” [30], Talent “Business Acumen” 2 [20], Talent “Mathematical Ability” 2 [20], Ultra-Hearing [5].
    Disadvantage: Code of Honor: (Rules of Acquisition) [-10] (Always be cunning in business/ Steal if it is easiest/ Never give anything back once obtained), Cowardice [-10], Greed [-15], Lecherousness [-15], Miserliness [-10], Odious Racial Habits “Male Chauvinism” [-10].
    Quirks: Have Elaborate Funeral Procedures (-1), Hate Autopsies (-1).
    Homeworld: Class-M, Gravity 1.0, Atmospheric Pressure 1.00, Zorski Group II.
    Last edited by IKI; 11-05-2006 at 08:21 AM.
    Ardet Nec Consumitur' / Burns but doesn't decay / Brandt maar vergaat niet.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Aug 2002
    Denederwindeke in Belgium
    I also finished the Bajorans.

    BAJORANS: (-3 points)
    Humanoid race, distinguished outwardly only by extra wrinkles at the bridge of the nose, have wandered the galaxy and settled on various worlds ever since their homeland was occupied by Cardassians 40 years previously (circa 2328).

    By custom, their familial name is used before the individual name. The ancient Bajorans had a tremendously rich and developed civilization complete with architecture, art, philosophy and even some technology before human beings on Earth became bipedal. Many Bajorans have joined Starfleet despite their home planet of Bajor still being in recovery from the Cardassian occupation, while others prefer to work with the Federation from within the Bajoran system. Among their complex death rituals, Bajorans hold that a deceased soul should make peace with its former life and bid goodbye to those left behind before proceeding on tothe afterlife. Their heart's internal arrangement is mirrored along a horizontal, not vertical axis; puncturing the lower ventricle of the heart brings immediate death, as discussed on stardate 46982.1.

    The depth and complexity of Bajoran spiritual beliefs has been at the core of their ability to survive 40 years of suffering at the hands of the Cardassians. To the Bajorans, the land and the people who live on it are one and the same. Bajorans are led by both a spiritual leader (Kai) and by a provisional government.

    Since the discovery of the wormhole near the Bajoran homeworld on stardate 46379.1, the Bajorans have enjoyed an increase in political power in their sector, but only after decades of victimization during the Cardassian occupation of their planet. Some Bajorans have a unique and personal insignia designed for themselves. Major Kira knew the famed Linalis' on sight. School years are organized by age "levels," and perhaps even in the refugee camps they offered art to youngsters as young as age 4 — when Major Kira felt she was the worst fingerpainter. Bajor's tradition of art and architecture was strewn around countless planets before the occupation. Its science and space programs were back on track soon after the occupation: at least one probe was sent to scan planets and life signs in the Gamma Quadrant. Relations between Bajorans and their former oppressors can still be testy, as Professor Lang notes

    Secondary Characteristics Modifiers: Will +2 [10]
    Advantage: Racial Skills Bonuses “Theology Prophets” 2 [4].
    Disadvantage: Intolerance: Cardassians [-5], Sense of Duty “Bajor” [-10]
    Quirks: Wears earrings in right ear (-1), Have Elaborate Funeral Procedures [-1].
    Homeworld: Class-M, Gravity 1.0, Atmospheric Pressure 1.00, Zorski Group 1-b.
    Ardet Nec Consumitur' / Burns but doesn't decay / Brandt maar vergaat niet.

  5. #5
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    Denederwindeke in Belgium
    I'm playing in the Delta Quadrant so here are the Vidiians:

    VIDIIANS: (25 points)
    Planet: name unspecified. A space-faring Delta Quadrant species known as educators, explorers, and above all artists — until the phage hit them two millennia ago. Thousands die each day, and organ harvesting is the only way to survive; corpses are preferred, but in an emergency they may be taken from a living body. As a consequence, their medical technology is much higher advanced than the United Federation of Planets norm, including immunogenicity. They are not familiar with holographic imaging, and their power systems may use a dilithium matrix. A honatta helps a patron find the appropriate organs. Despite the disease and lack of conscience in this area, the culture somehow goes on: Motura is a sculptor. The disease leaves them weakened, requiring slave labor to do such tasks as mining

    Attribute Modifiers: IQ+1 [20]
    Secondary Characteristics Modifiers: Will +2 [+10], -2 HP [-4], -2 FP [-6]
    Advantage: High Pain Threshold [10], Talent “Healer” 4 [40], Racial Skill Bonuses “Xeno-Biology 4 [8]
    Disadvantage: Appearance Level “Hideous” [-16], Maintenance “Medical Care” [-7] (Number of People 1, Time 2 hours”, Maintenance Interval “Every Other Day” x3/4), Obsession “Find A cure For the Phage” [-10], Reputation Bad “Organ Hunters” [-5] (Reaction Modifier -4, People Affected “Almost Everyone”, frequency of Recognition “All the Time”), Slow Healing 3 [-15].
    Homeworld: Unknow.
    Ardet Nec Consumitur' / Burns but doesn't decay / Brandt maar vergaat niet.

  6. #6
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    Denederwindeke in Belgium
    Here are the Brikar, I consructed them using info I found on the internet and the material of "Beyond The Final frontier" PDF's. So what do you think.

    BRIKAR: (72)

    The Brikarians are a technologically sophisticated, roughly humanoid civilization from the low-gravity world of Brikar. They are a proud warrior race, of few words but concrete action, and are members of the Federation. Though not unemotional actually, the Brikar have a renowned stoicism and a chauvinism that is equally famous. Brikar have been likened to mountain ranges, walking avalanches, and other geologic similes due to their large, solid countenances and unique physiology. The temperament of the Brikar is similar to a Vulcan's detachment, to a Klingons in battle and once "annoyed". The Brikar have traditionally harbored a dislike for Klingons stemming from intense border disputes that occurred before the Klingon Federation Alliance.

    Brikars home planet is a low gravity planet. Temperature of the environment is similar has the Vulcan homeworld.

    Brikar have an unusual physiology, they managed to become large bipedal creatures with a thick hide they resemble rock. Their tough hides and dense physiques make them look like living rock statues. Their skin is impervious to most projectile weapons. Because of this unique physiology, most Star Fleet issue (and indeed, most non-Fleet issue) medical treatments are of little use for Brikar. This is offset to a degree by the limited regenerative ability of the Brikar physiology. Minor wounds are covered with a patch of molten epidermis and heal within 48 hours. It is a common belief that the Brikar have genetically altered their Physical make-up over the centuries, and have in effect bred themselves for Physical strength. In the relatively higher Earth gravity, Brikarians appear more flattened vertically than on their homeworld, and they experience difficulty in moving. However, they retain their incredible strength. So the Brikar require a specially constructed gravimetric compensator to function normally off the Brikar homeworld (or worlds with similar gravity). The average Brikarian is capable of lifting several tons, even in Earth gravity. Although fairly rigid in physique Brikarians can be capable of unexpected quickness. They have large lung capacities, slow metabolisms and airtight mouths, allowing them to both resist toxins, and hold their breath for 20 minutes at a stretch. They have the well-deserved reputation for being hard to scare, owing to their size, strength, and tough hides which can withstand phaser blasts that would kill humans. They have small all-black eyes, two vertical slits for a nose, a simple slit for a mouth, and have two small circular ear holes on either side of their proportionally small and compact heads. They have three-fingered hands featuring two fingers in a V-shape and an opposable thumb.

    Attribute Modifiers: STR +10 [90] (SM+1 -10 %), DX-1 [-20], IQ-1 [-40], HT+2 [20]
    Secondary Characteristics Modifiers: SM+1, Basic Move -2 [-10], HP +5 [10]
    Advantage: Damage Resistance 5 [14] (Flexible -20%, Semi-Ablative -20%), High Pain Threshold [10], Hold-Breathe 4 [8], Regeneration “Slow” [10], Resistance “Poisons” [5] (Common, +3 to all HT rolls x1/3).
    Disadvantage: Bad Temper [-10], G-Intolerance [-8] (Mitigator "Gravimetic Compensator" -60%, +/-0.05), Intolerance “Klingons” [-5]
    Quirks: Chauvinistic [-1], Proud [-1]
    Homeworld: Class ?, Gravity 0.8, Atmospheric Pressure 0.83, Zorski Group VI.
    Last edited by IKI; 11-07-2006 at 06:24 PM.
    Ardet Nec Consumitur' / Burns but doesn't decay / Brandt maar vergaat niet.

  7. #7
    Join Date
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    Denederwindeke in Belgium
    Here is my latest creation.

    ANGOSIANS: (54)

    The Angosians are civilized humanoids of Angosia III. They are typically thoughtful, intelligent, and correct, adhering rigidly to the rules of their society. Some people may consider them to be a little "stuffy".

    Emerging from a devastating period of war, the Angosian people have focussed on rebuilding their culture into a scientific utopia that values academic excellence above all else. This is a democratic society, governed by an elected body under an elected Prime Minister. Major decisions affecting the entirety of Angosian society are put to a referendum, allowing the Angosian people to have their say.

    Due to their pacifism in matters of fighting, they used mind control and biochemicals to create the ultimate fighting soldiers to win their Tarsian War, which has subsequently past. Peace, however, found the Angosians unable (or unwilling to take the time) to reverse the effects of these alterations. After several incidents involving these violent soldiers, the fearful Angosians voted to banish the soldiers to a penal colony on Lunar V.

    Shortly before stardate 43489.2, however, escapees broke free to take over the capital city, demanding they receive help to be able to return to their homes. The veterans don't attack unless provoked, but they are programmed to survive. For the moment Angosia was denied Federation membership due to their poor handling of the reintegration of bio-engineered war veterans into their society, so no Angosian currently serves in Starfleet.

    Attribute Modifiers: IQ+1 [+40]
    Secondary Characteristics Modifiers: Perception +2 [10].
    Advantage: Eidic Memory [5], Talent 2 Choose 1 Talent from this list “Healer, Mathematical Ability, or Physical Science” [20].
    Disadvantage: Pacifism “Self Defense Only” [-15], Intolerance “Bio-Engineered Soldiers” [-5]
    Quirk: Stuffy [-1]
    Homeworld: Class-M, Gravity 1.0, Atmospheric Pressure 1.00, Zorski Group 1-b.

    During the “Tharsian War” the Angosians created Super Soldiers to help win the war. These soldiers went through a series of Bio-chemical modifications and psychological manipulations, to increase there Memory, Strength, Intelligence, and Reflexes. The Bio-chemical modification also has the effect that the Bio-Engineered soldier emits no bio-signs, so he becomes invisible for sensors.
    He is the ultimate Combat machine conditioned to survive at any cost. The Racial Template below represents the Bio-Engineered soldier during the Tharsian War.
    Attribute Modifiers: STR +2 [10], DX+1 [20], IQ+1 [40].
    Secondary Characteristics Modifiers: Basic Speed +1 [20], Perception +2 [10].
    Advantage: Absolute Direction [5], Danger Sense [15], Combat Reflexes [15], Eidic Memory “Photographic” [10], Fearlessness 2 [4], Fit [5], Hard To Subdue 2 [4], High Pain Threshold [10], Invisible “Sensor Only” [20], Versatile [5], Talent 2 Choose 1 Talent from this list “Healer, Mathematical Ability, or Physical Science” [20]
    Disadvantage: Bad Temper [-10], Callous [-5], Duty “Angosia” [-15], Nightmares [-5].
    Quirk: Stuffy [-1], Careful [-1]
    Special: Change the Duty “Angosia” with another appropriate Disadvantage if you choose to play an Angosian Bio-Engineered Soldier in another Time period. Examples: Change Duty “Angosia” with Duty “Federation Special Forces” if the Angosians joined the Federation (After intergrading their Bio-Engineered soldiers), and the Soldier Fight during the Dominion War. Or; change Duty “Angosia” with Fanaticism”Integration or undoing of the Modification” if you play an Angosian Bio-Engineered Soldier during their escape of the penal colony on Lunar V.
    Ardet Nec Consumitur' / Burns but doesn't decay / Brandt maar vergaat niet.

  8. #8
    Quite liking the look of this
    Tractor beams are not designed for sling shotting Asteroids!! "What other use is there then?" T'Pak klingon/ vulcan hybrids response to fighting in an asteriod field.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Oct 2009
    Miss Peregrine's Home for Peculiar Children
    This does look good. Our Narrator is a big fan of GURPS. So, these are very interesting for me to see since we have so many GURPS books, and mine them for all kinds of info.

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