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Thread: Crew Breakdown

  1. #1

    Crew Breakdown

    Hello everyone!

    Firstly I wanted to say that this has been a great place to find information and other extras when it comes to Star Trek rpgs.

    My friends and I used to play Prime Directive and then LUG back when we were in the Army and are going to start playing again soon or at least when we get the coding done for the online gaming system we are going to use.

    Anyway, I have a question about crew break down. By that I mean how many people are in each branch aboard a starship and how many of each rank. The ship we are using has a total of 350 people aboard and we wanted to get into a bit of detail about each npc on the ship by listing them by their branch, rank, name, species, and gender.

    Any help would be great, thanks all.

  2. #2
    First counter questions:
    What catagory of ship? (Cruiser, Scout, Explorer, etc...)
    What Era? (TOS, TNG, VOY, Other)
    What Species? (Federation, Klingon, Romulan, etc...)

    "I'm not saying there should be capital punishment for stupidity,
    but maybe we should just remove all the safety lables and let nature take it's course"

    "A Place For Everything & Nothing In It's Place"

  3. #3
    The ship is a cruiser.

    We’ll be starting play in the year 2380.

    We are going to be Federation.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Aug 2003
    Bodenheim, Germany
    You might consider to take a look at the old main page
    The computer core has some very nice gems tugged away...
    a Crew Rooster is one of them, at least it inspired my to do my own (personalised version)

  5. #5
    Cool, this might be what I was looking for or it'll at least point me in the right direction.

    Thanks guys.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    May 2000
    Ottawa, Ontario Canada
    I to this day use the crew roster percentages that steve did up in space dock.
    Duct tape is like The Force. It has a light side, a dark side, and it holds the universe together.

    - Carl Zwanzig

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Aug 2003
    Bodenheim, Germany
    I used both the crew rooster and the SD percentages to create a crew rooster for a Saber Class. It eventually expanded to Names, Positions; Securtiy Clearances.
    It goes a long way to add flavour to the game, but is (IMHO) really not feasible for the ship you have in mind (350 Names) argh...
    But then

    Do it like Franz Josef (Phonebook anyone?)

  8. #8
    Join Date
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    Ottawa, Ontario Canada
    Captain Otto,
    Any chance you'd be willing to post your saber break down?
    Duct tape is like The Force. It has a light side, a dark side, and it holds the universe together.

    - Carl Zwanzig

  9. #9
    I really don't have a problem working out some of the details for 350 npcs for the ship and in the end it'll be worth having I think since it'll add more depth to the game we'll be playing. Better to have a name and such rather then referring to him/her as Random Crewman #4.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Aug 2003
    Bodenheim, Germany
    I really don't have a problem working out some of the details for 350 npcs for the ship and in the end it'll be worth having I think since it'll add more depth to the game we'll be playing. Better to have a name and such rather then referring to him/her as Random Crewman #4.
    It worked well for us, but with 350 people you'll probably tap your fellow players for contributions as well.

    At IceGiants request i place a copy of it here as well.
    Almost everything is written in English but some notes are written in German
    (just for the record)
    Currently my players want to expand the rooster to something more "tangible" with fleshing out at least some of the NPCs.
    Attached Files Attached Files

  11. #11
    Join Date
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    Virginia Beach, VA
    A few years back, I worked out a rough breakdown for the Galaxy Class crew. It was crude, and based more on "feel" than anything scientific, but it worked pretty well, and matched fairly will to the figures given in Spacedock when it came out.

    When I scaled the numbers down for an Intrepid Class (Voyager), again it worked pretty well (1 doctor, stuff like that).

    Here's what it works out to scaled to 350 people:
    Command: 1 Lt, 1 LtJG, 10 Ensigns (Lt is XO)
    OPS: 1 LtJG, 6 Ensigns, 30 Enlisted
    Security/Tactical: 1 LtJG, 6 Ensigns, 30 Enlisted
    Engineering: 1 Lt, 3 LtJG, 15 Ensigns, 120 Enlisted
    Medical: 1 Lt, 5 LtJG, 20 Enlisted (3 Doctors, 3 Nurses)
    Councelor: 1 LtJG
    Science: 1 Lt, 1 LtJG, 10 Ensigns, 60 Enlisted
    Which comes to 324 plus a Commander as Captain.

    Note that many Enlisted are cross-trained, and move from one department to another as needed. (Under Red Alert, Science Enlisted personnel stop work on science projects and serve either as paramedics or security, for instance.)
    Note also that, IMO, Janeway should have been a Commander: if a Captain can command more than a thousand, 140 is just too small for a Captain. For 350, I might go to Captain and make the XO a Cmdr and certain department heads Lt.Cmdr.

    And, of course, that's all just speculation and opinion.

    Here's how I envision those numbers breaking down further:
    Command: As said, the full Lt is the XO. The 10 Ensigns include 3 shifts of Helmsman and backup Helmsman.
    Both OPS and Security are big enough that the Department Head doen't have to stand a watch: 3 shifts of 1 Ensign in charge and 1 as his aide, each shift has 10 Enlisted men.
    In Engineering, again the Chief doesn't have a set duty watch, letting the 3 ltJGs each run a shift, each with 5 Ensigns and 40 Enlisted.
    As there are only 3 doctors, the CMO probably would have a standard duty shift. A Shift for sickbay would be 1 doctor, 1 nurse, and 6-8 orderlies/paramedics.
    The Councelor is on call 24/7, but normally keeps normal business hours.
    Science either has to work long shifts or close down for part of the day. Either have 2 shifts, each with 30 Enlisted working under 5 Ensigns who answer to one of the Lts, or have a "night shift" where 3 ensigns and 10 or 20 Enlisted keep an eye on the experiments while the Lts get some sleep.
    Last edited by spyone; 12-06-2006 at 10:26 AM.
    You're a Starfleet Officer. "Weird" is part of the job.
    When the going gets weird, the weird turn Pro
    We're hip-deep in alien cod footsoldiers. Define 'weird'.
    (I had this cool borg smiley here, but it was on my site and my isp seems to have eaten my site. )

  12. #12
    Join Date
    May 2000
    Ottawa, Ontario Canada
    Thanks Cpt. Otto
    Duct tape is like The Force. It has a light side, a dark side, and it holds the universe together.

    - Carl Zwanzig

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