USS Independence is an online roleplaying game based on collaborative storytelling. Players are encouraged to write mission posts to advance the free-form story, whether by developing their character or adding to the plot. We are always on the lookout for experienced roleplayers, especially players who enjoy writing and take pride in telling their character stories.

Our basic requirement is four posts per month, but many of our players usually exceed this minimum. We have an experienced team leading the game, which ensures that missions are always interesting and challenging.


There may be a million and one Star Trek roleplaying simulations out there, but there's only one of us. Aboard USS Independence, we have introduced new elements into our game that extend on what we have seen in the shows:

- USS INDEPENDENCE ( is a Sovereign-class starship. You must visit the famous "Miss Ceci's", the crew's lounge that has the most amazing views you'll ever have on any starship.

- USS INVICTUS ( is an adjunct starship assigned to USS Independence. With a second vessel, our scope of storytelling is greatly expanded.

- MIDSHIPMAN CRUISE is a group of Starfleet cadets assigned aboard USS Independence on their final "Cadet Cruise" prior to graduation from the Academy. This is life aboard a Federation starship, viewed from the other end.

- STARFIGHTER WING is an experimental group of starfighters, based on the successes of the Dominion War, embarked aboard USS Independence. This has been one of our most popular concepts, with more applicants than we thought.

If any of the above inspires you, sign upwith us today and get right into the action!


Our mission ideas are interesting and even challenging. We have had previous missions where:

* we've had two storylines running in parallel (because part of the crew were trapped in another time-space)

* a musical episode (the crew spontaneously bursting into song and dance, with rewritten lyrics to popular tunes)

* the "Kobayashi Maru", where members of the crew take turns to relate their Academy experiences with the infamous training scenario

We have other mission concepts in store (which we won't give away here) - so, you want to be part of it, you have to sign up!


Number of posts per month - varies from 40 to 150 per month

Present crew - 6 players; 25 characters (including secondary, cadet and non-player characters)

Website -
Gaming Forum -


There is no "training academy" for you to go through. Just fill in our application form at, create your character and off you go!

Experienced players may apply to start with a senior rank and/or position; otherwise, advancement through the ranks is usually quite rapid, depending on participation. We also have an age limit of players 17 or older.