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Thread: Minimum Reqs for Rank

  1. #1

    Minimum Reqs for Rank

    In the TNG Core Book, pg. 183, it gives specific skill levels for each rank.

    When it says:
    2 Skill Levels in the primary skill for their department

    Do the Mean:

    Security (Security Systems) 2 (3)

    or do they mean:

    Security (Security Systems) 1 (2)

    Is the 2 Skill Levels the Main Skill or can it be the Specialty?
    If Matt Damon is going to be Captain Kirk, does that mean Ben Affleck is gonna be Mr. Spock?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Mar 2001
    Bremen, Germany
    No the main skill is meant. To take up that example the security officer would need to have a general idea of security to gain the rank of Lt., etc.
    However if I remember correctly the departmental skills one gets with the template are sufficient to get as high as Full Lieutenant.
    Additionally not all Security Officers have "Security" as their primary departmental skill. A character wo is responsible for Computer Security could have "Computer" as primary departmental skill instead...
    We came in peace, for all mankind - Apollo 11

  3. #3
    I agree exactly with what Evan said.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Aug 1999
    Worcester, MA USA
    I belive there was a note somehwere (Starfleet Academy) that some of the requirements are a little flexible and not set in stone. If someone has most of the requirements one or two skill might be accepted at below par. For instance a character who has Shipboard Systems (Tactical) at 3 (5) could probably by accepted despite being a little low on security.

    THe key would be some sort of justifcation for waiving the requirment.
    Realsitically, if the character is going after a partcular assigment (like a tactical offcicer, or communications officer) then the skill in the appropriate specialty might be more important than a general skill. For instance, I'd rather that the Navigator to have Space Sciences (Astrogation) at 1 (6) rather than 2 (3).

    ALso if someone has a low skill, but several specialites at the required level, they should probably be allowed to slide. For instance, a character with Systems Enginnering (Warp Propulsion) (Impulse) (Transporter) (Sensors) 1 (4) (4) (3) (2) should probably be accepteped as if he has a 2 or even a 3 skill. I used to see characters end up like that a lot with the way ICON separated specilties from the main skill.

    For a rule of thumb, I'd say if a character has more specilaties at a level higher than the main skill than the skill score with the main skill, treat the main skill as 1 higher. If he has more skills at 2 higher than the main skill than his skill+1 treat it as 2 higher for most requrements, etc.

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