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Thread: What Systems are Necessary?

  1. #1

    What Systems are Necessary?

    I have been playing CODA for a bit, and I have just discovered LUG. I like the Starship Combat system alot. I have a question about it.

    What systems are necessary to have power allocated to them when you go into battle?

    Are there any you don't really need?
    If Matt Damon is going to be Captain Kirk, does that mean Ben Affleck is gonna be Mr. Spock?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Aug 2001
    Paris, France, Earth
    I don't remember quite well the ICON starship combat (will have to dig my old books) but I guess the answer, based on what we see on screen, depends on how desperate your crew is
    I would say that the most important systems are the shields, weapons, life support and computer. Anything else could be sacrified if the ship is in really big trouble. Maybe in desperate cases, even life support could be temporarily shutted down (the crew certainly prefers to float around not breathing much for a while instead of being vaporized).
    "The main difference between Trekkies and Manchester United fans is that Trekkies never trashed a train carriage. So why are the Trekkies the social outcasts?"
    Terry Pratchett

  3. #3
    Compared to CODA that's kinda cool.

    If Matt Damon is going to be Captain Kirk, does that mean Ben Affleck is gonna be Mr. Spock?

  4. #4
    Depends on how complicated / gritty you want it.

    Basic LUG you need:
    Life Support (mandatory)
    Computers (mandatory)
    Impulse Engines (since warp is not used a lot in LUG combat), otherwise use Warp.
    Weapons (Unless you don't want to fire)
    Shields (unless you want to lose the ship really fast, after being hit.)
    Sensors (to boost the gain to more accurately lock on. not as necessary if your crew is good, and you are not fighting romulans.)
    Tractors optional
    Transporters optional

    If you play LUG with Spacedock you ALSO need
    Structural Integrity Field (prevents ship from crumpling during maneuvers)
    Inertial Dampening Field (prevents crew from becoming jell-o, if you do ANY movement, because of the G forrces involved.)

  5. #5
    Just to toss in my .02 creds. If you are already down to sucking power from life support, you might as well abandon ship already, or flee, if you still have warp.

    If you have even a few spare power units [5 per launcher, for all eras] for torpedoes, they're not usually QUITE as accurate, but in general, they are the most effective weapon you will have on board as the federation.

    Most TOS / Movie Era ships will carry 100, with a salvo of from 4 (TOS Enterprise) to around 5 or 6 (Movie Era).

    Maybe about 200-250 "fish" aboard, with a spread of 6-8 (Next Gen Era) , and the Ent-D carrying 250 with an enemy keel-breaking spread of 10.

    That's just scary as hell. Even a World War II-era submarine only had an effective forward spread of 6, and if they were firing that, it was a desperate battle against a battleship, or a carrier.

    If your crew is in battle to where they have shot anywhere near, or more than half of their torpedoes, it's already been a hell of a scrap, certainly, because their damage is horrendous.

    Phasers are good for close, accurate work, and can target specific areas, but they draw as much power as shields.

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