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Thread: Star Trek RPG

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Feb 2007
    Charleston, SC

    Arrow Star Trek RPG


    This is for

    I'm new to the Coda Rules, but I've been a player of and gamemaster of Dungeons and Dragons games for some time now. I most recently was a member of the 14th Fleet, a PBeM sim, as Captain of the USS Eclipse (a Nova class vessel).

    At any rate, I've gone and started what I hope can become an affiliation of simulations using the coda rules and my website as the 'base of operations'. Here is what I have so far:

    =/\= Welcome to the Star Trek RPG!
    Task Force 70

    The Star Trek RPG is an affiliation of Star Trek Role Playing Groups which together form Task Force 70 — TF 70 (7th Fleet, Task Force Zero). The Task Force is currently centered on Starbase Deep Space 11 (Gamma Station) on the Federation Frontier in the year 2397.

    One of the more unique features of Task Force Zero Simulations is that anything that happens on one Simulation Vessel affects this Star Trek RPG universe entirely, for every player in each Simulation Group. As such, we use Decipher's Star Trek Roleplaying Game's rules and regulations, along with and to keep our games as canon as possible in order to provide a just playing arena for all of our vessels.

    Star Trek RPG seeks to join the Players of the Star Trek Role Playing Game into a Unified Gaming Group. Whether you're a Captain who wishes to bring his ship and crew into the Group, or you're an Ensign looking to join a simulation, we have the game to take you into the final frontier. Join now to become part of the legend that is Star Trek.

    If this intrigues anyone (and I hope it does), visit the website at

    So far, I've created the base of operations, Gamma Station, and one ship, the USS Pulsar.

    I'm looking forward to hearing everyone's questions and comments on this.


    Last edited by Antilles; 02-26-2007 at 09:15 PM.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Feb 2007
    Charleston, SC
    I'm sure someone has some ideas on this. Let me know what you think.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Feb 2002
    Salinas, Calif., USA (a Chiefs fan in an unholy land)
    Antilles --

    I am a long-time veteran of free-form Star Trek RPGing, having played for nine years in various sims before "retiring" to get some real writing done. I wrote in TNG-era, near-future and next-next gen sims.

    I must say that I've found a few significant problems with sims I've played in:

    1) Fanboi interference. Too many sims have had at least one fanboi gearhead who starts fiddling with Treknology to make it super powerful. Superships that could take on a fleet of Borg ships at once, armed with uber dimensional torpedoes and gravitic weapons, and defended by impenetrable shielding.

    2) Infiltration of other sci-fi genres. You can make an argument for the Kzin (since they appeared in an episode of TAS), but every other non-Trek race, ship and occupation needs to stay out of Trek. I like my Trek to just be Trek.

    3) Death of the Federation, Federation on the Brink, etc. Trek, to me, has always been about hope, about a better future. Call me a TOS purist, but I prefer a Federation that, even while it still must engage in war on occasion, has a strong foundation of species working together, even if they don't always get along.

    4) Too far forward. This is just a personal preference, but I think there's plenty of space, even in the 2260s, for a group to sim in. There's no need to jump 25-50 years in the future of TNG/DS9/VOY to have a good Star Trek sim.

    Aside from that, I like the fact that you are using an actual RPG system to help guide the gameplay within the sim. I wish you luck.
    Davy Jones

    "Frightened? My dear, you are looking at a man who has laughed in the face of death, sneered at doom, and chuckled at catastrophe! I was petrified."
    -- The Wizard of Oz

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Feb 2007
    Charleston, SC
    Sea Tyger,

    I like the points you make. One of the major building blocks of the collaboration I'm trying to assemble is sticking to canon sources for our simulations. Not only does that guarantee a level playing field for everyone, but it also forces those who would try to make a 'Montey Haul' campaign out of the Trek setting to rethink their strategy.

    While I would have to start this off as a game master, the ideal situation would be for people to bring in existing vessels to Star Trek RPG, in order for them to be able to interact with any other vessels in place. Or for people to join ongoing simulations there in order to continually build the fleet.

    It's going to be a process of building that will take time, but if I can get a few people to help me put this thing together, it will be something to be proud of.

    I too am a TOS fan. The ideals of a better humanity make some of the best stories. While I also don't think we should delve into the 'death' of the Federation, peril does make for good story telling.

    The reason why I set Star Trek RPG in 2397 was simply a matter of convienience. Since it's 2007, I wanted to reflect our current global climate (read: current events) into our stories, in the same manner that TOS did. Stardates will read as, for today's date, 970228.11 (2397, February 28th, at 11 am in the morning).

    I first started buying Decipher's Star Trek RPG books in order to help me to better define elements of my free form stories. I've always been an avid D&D player, so the books took an immediate hold on me. The Coda system is very similar to the d20 system, and I happen to like it. So far I have the Narrator's Guide, the Player's Handbook, the Operations manual, Aliens, and Starships books.

    Sea Tyger, if you or anyone else would like to contribute to getting Star Trek RPG started off, you are most welcome to lend your talents.



  5. #5
    Join Date
    Feb 2002
    Salinas, Calif., USA (a Chiefs fan in an unholy land)
    I would, but I have other writing that is occupying my time at the moment; considering that I'm hoping to get paid for said writing, I must focus my creative energies there.
    Davy Jones

    "Frightened? My dear, you are looking at a man who has laughed in the face of death, sneered at doom, and chuckled at catastrophe! I was petrified."
    -- The Wizard of Oz

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